Anne-Wil Harzing

Anne-Wil Harzing is Professor of International Management at Middlesex University, London and visiting professor of International Management at Tilburg University. She is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business, a select group of distinguished AIB members who are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the scholarly development of the field of international business. In addition to her academic duties, she also maintains the Journal Quality List and is the driving force behind the popular Publish or Perish software program.

Contact details

Anne-Wil Harzing may be contacted through the following channels:

Home page Google Citations ORCID ResearchGate LinkedIn SlideShare YouTube

607 pages and blog posts

Proactive academia (3): My advice for senior academics
18 Dec 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Seventh of eight posts on my Irish Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar Interview

06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Anne-Wil's six research programs

Publications by year
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
All of Anne-Wil's publications organised by year

Publications by type
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
All of Anne-Wil's publications organised by type (journal articles, books, chapters, conferences, white papers, etc.)

Quality and Impact of Academic Research
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Research program 6: Editors & editorial board diversity, comparing research output across countries, Google Scholar and bibliometrics for the Social Sciences

Frontline IB interviews
19 Sep 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
List of all Frontline IB Conversations with female academics on one page

Middlesex University Business School top-ranked in REF 2021 for research impact
30 May 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Quick summary of our exceptional performance in the 2021 Research Excellence Framework Exercise in the UK

My career write-up
07 Mar 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Presents a wite up of my career contributions to date

Middlesex University 2021 virtual writing boot-camp
11 Sep 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Summer 2021 virtual writing boot-camp and links to the slides and videos used

Middlesex 2022 ECR event: back to Cumberland Lodge
05 Sep 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the July 2022 ECR event organised for Middlesex University. Links to the slides and other resources are included.

Middlesex University Summer 2019 writing boot-camp
14 Sep 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Summer 2019 writing boot-camp I organised at Cumberland Lodge near Windsor and links to the slides used

Middlesex University Winter 2018 writing boot-camp
24 Jan 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Winter 2018 writing boot-camp I organised at Cumberland Lodge near Windsor and links to the slides used

Using LinkedIn recommendations to support others
06 Jun 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Use the LinkedIn recommendation feature to write testimonials for people in your network

31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Information about forthcoming CYGNA meetings

History of
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Complete list of significant changes to

Video resources: International HRM
17 Oct 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Regularly updated list of interesting video resources in the field of International HRM

What is CYGNA and how did it start?
03 Jun 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Fourth of nine posts based on my webinar for Georgia State University's CIBER - Interview by Tamer Cavusgil

Why did you create the JQL and the PoP software?
06 May 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Third of nine posts based on my webinar for Georgia State University's CIBER - Interview by Tamer Cavusgil

When and why did you create your website?
08 Apr 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Second of nine posts based on my webinar for Georgia State University's CIBER - Interview by Tamer Cavusgil

Why I offered resources from early on in my career
18 Mar 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
First of nine posts based on my webinar for Georgia State University's CIBER - Interview by Tamer Cavusgil

10-year Anniversary event programme
28 Feb 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Programme page for our 10-year anniversary event

Quick overview
31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of the presenations in our CYGNA network with linked slidedecks

CYGNA: Women academics in Australia and France
21 May 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on various CYGNA meetings with the theme of working in foreign countries

Cygna videos: expanding the team
23 Sep 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Repository of introduction videos of our CYGNA organising team

31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Home page for the CYGNA network

Meetings 2023-2024
14 Oct 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2023-2024

Middlesex university staff development: Boot-camp #8
11 Sep 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the July 2023 retreat that I organised for Middlesex University. Includes links to a large variety of public resources on academic careers

CYG: Teaching & Scholarship Research
30 Apr 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introductory page for our first CYG (CYGNA special interest group) uniting members interested in pedagogical research

International Women's Day
10 Mar 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Collection of posts from the CYGNA Lead Team in honour of International Women's Day

Conference meet-ups
24 Nov 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Report and pictures by members of the CYGNA network on conference meet-ups

Frequently asked questions
14 Oct 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provided an answer to frequently asked questions by (prospective) CYGNA members

Cygna history
14 Oct 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Evolving page documenting CYGNA's past, present, and future

The Cygna charter
21 Sep 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Documents our CYGNA charter

Readings and inspirations
31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Inspirational reading and other resources for female academics

31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Information for and about the Cygna network membership

About Cygna
31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Information about the Cygna network

06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Short resumé of Anne-Wil Harzing: academic experience, research interests, publications, reviewing/editorial experience, and service to the academic community

Did a job applicant publish with(out) their supervisor?
24 Jun 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows you how to use the Publish or Perish software to find out what a job applicant published with their supervisor and what they published independently

CYGNA: Passion and Purpose: Navigating the Meaning of Academic Careers
17 Jun 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 59th CYGNA meeting where we were treated to a highly engaging meeting asking us some very fundamental questions

Publish or Perish in the news
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Summarizes new coverage and user feedback for PoP, lists training resources and papers written using PoP

The individual annualised h-index: a 10-year study
27 May 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Short summary of my white paper: The individual annualised h-index: an ecologically rational heuristic?

The individual annualised h-index: an ecologically rational heuristic?
01 Jan 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Studies a matched sample of University of Melbourne (Associate) Professors to test the hIa as an ecologically rational metric that is unbiased across disciplines, career stage, and gender, as well as predictive for promotion, mobility and awards. blog posts by theme
19 Sep 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Thematic overview of blog posts and resources

Reflections on staff development
20 Mar 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides an overview of my work in the area of researcher development

Academics and artists
02 Oct 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introduces a new white paper - co-authored with Christa Sathish - that compares academic writing to various art forms

Babel in Business: The Role of Language in International Business
14 Apr 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
My inaugural lecture at Middlesex University, Wednesday 13 April 2016

Publish or Perish training resources
01 Oct 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Lists training resources for Publish or Perish

How to create a sustainable academic career
21 Nov 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on Martyna Sliwa's presentation on career progression in the UK higher education environment

CYGNA: Kind and inclusive networking
26 Apr 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 52nd meeting of the CYGNA network dealing with the why, where and how of networking in CYGNA

Would you ask a male academic the same question?
07 Sep 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Discusses the expectations of service-oriented behaviour by female academics

REF, rankings & reputation
07 Mar 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides an overview of my work in preparation for REF 2021, research rankings, and reputation management

04 Sep 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Outlines the rationale for and the practice of the #PositiveAcademia movement that I launched in January 2022

This little girl: message to my younger self
11 Oct 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Part of the Inspiring Girls International campaign in which women share their childhood ambitions

Return to Meaning: A Social Science with Something to Say
01 Sep 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Gives my reflections on my Summer reading "Return to Meaning" and pleads for individual initiative in creating Positive Academia

The changing usage of Publish or Perish over the years: where, why, when, what & who?
26 Jan 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Celebrating 15 years of Publish or Perish with an analysis of its usage over the years

Supporting Early Career Researchers
10 Oct 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Presentation in the EFMD course for Faculty Deans on "Rethinking faculty models for impactful schools and resilient careers"

How to do impactful research?
29 Mar 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides advice on impactful research focusing on research passion, societal impact, and the four Cs of citation

What made my early work impactful?
20 Feb 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Talks about the breadth of the audience and the importance of novelty and good titles in getting your work cited

Five lessons from my first publications
02 Jan 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Talks about courage, journal rankings, 2nd chances, co-authors & persistance as the lessons I learned from my early publications

What are your current passions and interests?
05 Dec 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introduces two recent papers and my current passions: Equality Diversity and Inclusion and the Positive Academia movement

Publishing with a student: Expatriate Failure revisited
21 Nov 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Write with anyone who has great ideas and is motivated by academic exchange, whether they are students, juniors, peers, or seniors

How to publish an unusual paper? Referencing errors, scholarship & credibility
17 Oct 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Tells the story of a paper that was desk-rejected by more than a dozen journals

What's the story behind your first paper?
15 Sep 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains the background to my first ever academic publication, which was chosen as the top paper for research in global careers

Awards received
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
List of awards and honors received by Anne-Wil

Tips on doing a literature review
29 Apr 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of my white paper on "Doing a literature review: an 8-step process"

Managing Expatriates in China: A Language and Identity Perspective
02 Jun 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Full information about our research monograph in the Palgrave Studies in Chinese Management series

Fairly or very? A tiny word that makes the world of difference
01 Apr 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Discusses a common source of confusion for native Chinese speakers

Using the Publish or Perish software
12 Aug 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
How to use the Publish or Perish software effectively for a wide variety of purposes

Measuring and improving research impact
09 Sep 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
How to measure, evidence, and improve your impact and create impactful research processes

Creating social media profiles
09 Sep 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
How to build effective social media profiles that publicise your research

Publishing in academic journals
09 Sep 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
How to ensure your paper has the best possible chance of publication

Writing effective promotion applications
12 Jul 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
How to ensure your promotion application has the best possible chance of success

Book series: Crafting your career in academia
12 Jul 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
A new book series including thematic books on various aspects of academic careers, based on my blog on the topic blog 8 years old!
11 Mar 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Celebrating my blog's eight anniversary with a recap of the most read posts

International HRM & Staffing Policies
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Research program 1: International HRM, expatriation, inpatriation, knowledge sharing and identity confirmation

Global Mobility and Knowledge Transfer - an AIB webinar
03 Oct 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on a JIBS/JIBP webinar in which Heejin Kim presented our co-authored paper on the role of inpatriation in subsidiary capability building and evolution

Longitudinal analysis of an author's citation metrics
26 Feb 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows you how to use the Publish or Perish software to track your citation metrics over time

Top-50 academics in Business & Management worldwide: new 2023 ranking
19 Feb 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Analysis of the top-50 most highly cited academics in Business & Management and its increasing level of diversity over the years

How to address other academics by email?
18 May 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides suggestions on the best way to address academics by email

Working in academia
08 Apr 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Container page of resources related to working in academia

06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Collection of resources related to international management, citation analysis, publishing and working in academia more generally

06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of books and links to other publications

06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Home page of Anne-Wil's website

Have two academics ever published together?
22 Apr 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows you how to use the Publish or Perish software to find out whether two academics have published together

Transcending the (non)sense of academic rankings
02 Nov 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
When Knowledge Wins article features in AMLE virtual collection on Principles for Responsible Management Education

Nancy Adler: Daring to Care
04 Oct 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Nancy Adler's inspirational papers on doing research that matters

Writing promotion applications (6): What if you are rejected?
12 Feb 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Last of six posts on writing effective promotion applications

Proactive academia (4): #PositiveAcademia: Towards a kinder academic world
29 Jan 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Last of eight posts on my Irish Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar Interview

The Academic Woman Interview (4): Research mentorship
10 May 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Fourth of a series of four posts reporting on my interview with Anatu Mahama of the Academic Woman magazine

The Academic Woman Interview (2): My research passions
05 Apr 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Second of a series of four posts reporting on my interview with Anatu Mahama of the Academic Woman magazine

The Academic Woman interview (1): My career history
22 Mar 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
First of a series of four posts reporting on my interview with Anatu Mahama of the Academic Woman magazine

The Academic Woman Interview (3): Research culture
19 Apr 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Third of a series of four posts reporting on my interview with Anatu Mahama of the Academic Woman magazine

Top-50 academics in Business & Management worldwide: new 2022 ranking
02 Nov 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Discusses the new October 2022 individual ranking based on Scopus citations, listing the top 2% most cited academics in each field

IB Frontline interview: mentoring section
03 Jan 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introduces the third section of my IB Frontline interview talking about my role as a mentor and my top tips for early career researchers

IB Frontline interview: personal section
19 Nov 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introduces the first section of my IB Frontline interview talking about my career journey, regrets and passions

IB Frontline interview: research section
10 Dec 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introduces the second section of my IB Frontline interview talking about my research, creativity and the future of IB research

Proactive academia (2): Tips for junior academics
20 Nov 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Sixth of eight posts on my Irish Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar Interview

Supportive, inclusive & collaborative research cultures
07 Nov 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Presentation in a course for Research Deans organised by the Chartered Association of Business Schools and the British Academy of Management

Testing key IB typologies: Bartlett & Ghoshal and Gupta & Govindarajan
07 Feb 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introduces my research on testing two of the most well-known typologies in International Business

Writing laudations or obituaries?
08 Jun 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Illustrates how to ensure you get comprehensive coverage of an academic's work when writing laudations or obituaries

Who creates Google Scholar Profiles?
22 Jan 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on a small curiosity project conducted with the Publish or Perish software

How to promote your research achievements without being obnoxious?
01 Dec 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides some quick and easy to implement tips on how to promote your academic work

Please don't respond to the entire mailing list
21 Oct 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The impact of sending a personal response to hundreds or even thousands of addressees

CYGNA: The Power of neurodiversity
11 Dec 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Our 55th CYGNA meeting was our first transdisciplinary, open-to-all event and featured the SWAN project celebrating the unique strengths of neurodiversity in academia

Transforming academia
07 Mar 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Outlines my current passions and plans for the next decade

Research supervision
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Research supervision philosophy and list of current and past research students with publications resulting from their PhD

Citation analysis for the Social Sciences: metrics and data-sources
20 Sep 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Argues that a fair and inclusive cross-disciplinary comparison of research performance is possible using Google Scholar and the hIa metric

From h-index to hIa: The ins and outs of research metrics
20 Jul 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains two key research metrics and compares three sources of citation data: the Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar.

Journal Quality List
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Presents a collation of 11 journal rankings in the broad area of Economics, Finance, Accounting, Management, and Marketing

Social media to support your career
01 Nov 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Collates links to all eight blogposts in the social media in academia series

Avoid a desk-reject for your article
01 Nov 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Collates links to all eight blogposts in the how to avoid a desk-reject series

Effective promotion applications
01 Nov 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Collates links to all sixteen blogposts in the academic promotion series

Proactive academia (1): On proactiveness in academia
23 Oct 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Fifth of eight posts on my Irish Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar Interview

Inclusive academia (4): How to support Early Career Researchers
18 Sep 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Fourth of eight posts on my Irish Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar Interview

Inclusive academia (3): Supporting female academics
30 Jul 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Third of eight posts on my Irish Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar Interview

Inclusive academia (2): Inclusive research evaluation
28 Jun 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Second of eight posts on my Irish Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar Interview

Inclusive academia (1): How my career trajectory led to a focus on a inclusion
26 May 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
First of eight posts on my Irish Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar Interview

Writing promotion applications (4): Focus on impact
04 Dec 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Fourth of six posts on writing effective promotion applications

Writing promotion applications (3): Focus on the why & how, not the what
13 Nov 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Third of six posts on writing effective promotion applications

Writing promotion applications (2): Start early
09 Oct 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Second of six posts on writing effective promotion applications

Writing promotion applications (1): Why is promotion so important for academics?
04 Sep 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
First of six posts on writing effective promotion applications

Improve your Research Profile (8): Tips for time poor academics
12 Apr 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The eight in an 8-part series on improving your research profile, reputation & impact. Evidences the positive effect of social media use, with tips for social media newbies.

Improve your Research Profile (7): Follow the 7 steps for impact
15 Mar 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The seventh in an 8-part series on improving your research profile, reputation, and impact. Provides a simple 7-step process to improve your research reputation and impact.

Improve your Research Profile (6): The why and how of Social Media
13 Feb 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The sixth in an 8-part series on improving your research profile, reputation and impact. Discusses the various social media platorms and the pros and cons of social media use.

Improve your Research Profile (5): The 4Cs of getting cited
09 Jan 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The fifth in an 8-part series on improving your research profile, reputation and impact. Explains what to do - ethically! - to improve the chances of your work being cited.

Improve your Research Profile (4): Citation analysis in the PoP software
19 Dec 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The fourth in an 8-part series on improving your research profile, reputation and impact. Explains how to use the Publish or Perish software to demonstrate your research impact.

Improve your Research Profile (3): Getting savvy about data sources & metrics
28 Nov 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The third in an 8-part series on improving your research profile, reputation and impact. Gives you a "crash course" on data sources and metrics for citation impact.

Improve your Research Profile (2): What is impact and why should you care?
24 Oct 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The second in an 8-part series on improving your research profile, reputation and impact. Discusses the various forms of impact and explains why citation impact is important.

Improve your Research Profile (1): Why is it so important?
26 Sep 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The first in an 8-part series on improving your research profile, reputation and impact. Explains the rationale behind this series.

Improve your Research Profile
14 Jun 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Collates links to all eight blogposts in the series: Improve your Research Profile, Reputation, and Impact

The International Research Process
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Research program 3: Loosely coupled projects or articles that focus on research process issues in international research: discarding the myths of expatriate failure rates, European homogeneity, the cultural distance concept. International mail surveys: timing, response rates, response styles

Online papers
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
This page contains pre-publication versions of all of my accepted papers

HQ-Subsidiary Relationships in MNCs
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Research program 2: MNC typologies, entry modes, country-of-origin, subsidiary typologies, MNC knowledge flows, and language in HQ-subsidiary relationships

Doing a literature review: an 8-step process
01 Jan 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of my presentation in the Middlesex University PhD coursework - with embedded videos of the 8 steps

Legal notices for
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The legal stuff

Historical development of a discipline
16 Oct 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows you how to use the Publish or Perish software for historical research on the discipline of Management

The history of Science
27 Nov 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows you how to use the Publish or Perish software for historical research on a specific journal

What about the Christmas turkey?
22 Dec 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows you how to use the Publish or Perish software for curiosity searches

CYGNA: Our 4th Christmas meeting - failure & fun
08 Jan 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 56th CYGNA meeting - two hours filled with stories about rejections in journal publishing, secret santa, and new year resolutions

Writing promotion applications (5): Write for the reader
02 Jan 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Fifth of six posts on writing effective promotion applications

Highly cited academics in Business & Management over the years
14 Nov 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Analysis of the top-50 most highly cited academics in Business & Management and its increasing level of diversity over the years paper series
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introduces the paper series

Free articles in international business
04 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides a list of my articles in the area of international business that are freely accessible from the publisher

Ten career-best publications
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Choice of ten career-best articles in 2011

White papers
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
A list of Anne-Wil's white papers with linked access

Challenges in International survey research: illustrations and solutions
03 Apr 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reviews my work on international mail surveys and response rates across countries

CYGNA: One size doesn't fit all - Diversity of academic career paths
28 Feb 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 45th CYGNA meeting in which we discussed four alternative career paths in academia

Running the REF on a rainy Sunday afternoon: Do metrics match peer review?
14 Aug 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Short summary of white paper that proposes replacing the REF with a metrics-based exercise

Hello from the other side: Reflections on a decade at the editor’s desk
26 Jun 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on David Collings' look behind the scenes of an editor's job in the Middlesex MLO seminar series

Using Publish or Perish to do a literature review
07 Feb 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows you how to do a comprehensive literature review with publish or perish

CYGNA: Past, present, and future
06 Nov 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 54th CYGNA meeting where we discussed the network's history, its expanded organising team, and our exciting plans for the future

EDI in MNCs: the case of linguistic diversity
26 Oct 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introducing my paper with Sylwia and Martyna on how to implement the EDI agenda in multinational companies

Language in International Business
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Research program 5: Language barrier and its solutions, language in HQ-subsidiary relationships, language and cooperative vs. competitive behaviour

Why does my paper get a desk-reject time and again?
18 Mar 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
About the importance of joining the journal’s “conversation”

Academic publishing resources
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Presents resources related to research impact, journal quality, journal rankings and citation analysis

CYGNA's 5 year anniversary: MDX writing boot-camp
11 Oct 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Middlesex writing bootcamp for CYGNA members - a full day even to celebrate our 5th anniversary

The four P's of getting published
08 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Short summary of white paper explaining how performance, practice, participation and persistance are needed to publish academic papers

Living and working in Melbourne
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides background information useful for those contemplating to work in Melbourne

Bibliographic analysis of the scholarly writings of José de la Torre
28 Sep 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides an historical overview of José de la Torre's research interests and publications, created by using the Publish or Perish software

Bibliographic analysis of the scholarly writings of John Daniels
28 Sep 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides an historical overview of John Daniels' research interests and publications, created by using the Publish or Perish software

Bibliographic analysis of the scholarly writings of Stephen Kobrin
21 Oct 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides an historical overview of Stephen Kobrin's research interests and publications, created by using the Publish or Perish software

Bibliographic analysis of the scholarly writings of Jean J. Boddewyn
18 Jun 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides an historical overview of Jean Boddewyn's research interests and publications, created by using the Publish or Perish software

REF Impact case studies: 8 top tips
25 Sep 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows how Stephen Kemp's top-8 tips for impact case studies are applicable to other areas of academia, such as funding, publishing, promotion

The Dean's disease: the Darker Side of Power
22 Jun 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Art Bedeian's hilarious and sobering paper about how power corrupts even Academic Deans

When to say no?
25 Mar 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Criteria for saying no: Just because you can do something doesn't mean you always should do something

Meetings 2020-2021
25 Sep 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2020-2021

Meetings 2017-2018
24 Sep 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2017-2018

CYGNA: Thriving in Research and Coping with Uncertainties
14 Jun 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 53rd CYGNA meeting: combining career development with relaxing and invigorating conversations

Meetings 2022-2023
29 Sep 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2022-2023

Meetings 2021-2022
25 Sep 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2021-2022

Meetings 2018-2019
29 Sep 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2018-2019

EIBA Leeds: IB in a Confused World Order
19 Dec 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
A report on the EIBA conference at Leeds University in December 2019

Academic promotion tips (6) - Craft your career narrative
21 Mar 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Last of a six-part blogpost series on how to write an effective application for promotion in academia

Top-50 academics in Business & Management worldwide: new 2021 ranking
26 Nov 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Discusses a new individual ranking based on Scopus citations as well as some concrete suggestions for changing performance appraisal

The art of academic writing
04 Sep 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Compares academic writing to various art forms: sculpting, drawing, painting, making music, and acting

Changing academic culture: one email at a time...
06 Jun 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows how we can all contribute to making academia a nicer and kinder place to be

Jos Harzing: Vader, Opa, Kunstenaar
10 Mar 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Retrospective of my father's work as an artist and sculptor

STI conference Leiden: metrics vs peer review
01 Oct 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
An extensive report on the conference, my presentation on the REF and gender initiatives

Publish or Perish
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains the use of Publish or Perish and its metrics

70th edition of the Journal Quality List online
12 Jul 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New version of the Journal Quality List with updates for the ABDC list and a new META ranking

Research Impact 101
18 Jun 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides an overview of six key issues in the assessment of research impact.

Just out: New guide to the Publish or Perish software!
21 Aug 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
My brandnew 375-page guide to the PoP software appears as the fifth book in my "Crafting your career in academia" series

How to evidence & improve research impact?
21 Jun 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The fourth book in my "Crafting your career in academia" series

How to get your research noticed online?
07 Jun 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The third book in my "Crafting your career in academia" series

How to get published in top journals?
17 May 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The second book in my "Crafting your career in academia" series

How to get promoted in academia?
03 May 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The first book in my "Crafting your career in academia" series

How to write successful funding applications?
02 Nov 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides ten tips for successful funding applications

Author search
20 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
How to perform author searches with Publish or Perish

General/keyword search
20 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
How to perform general citation or literature searches with Publish or Perish

Affiliation search
19 Oct 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
How to perform author searches with Publish or Perish

Publication/Journal search
20 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
How to perform journal searches with Publish or Perish

Quick introduction
20 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Quick introduction to the most common uses of Publish or Perish

Exporting references and opening articles/citations
19 Oct 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Description of reference details exported from different data sources

CYGNA: Writing a literature review paper: whether, what, and when?
19 Sep 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 41st CYGNA meeting on the challenge of publishing literature review papers

Middlesex University 2020 virtual writing boot-camp
04 Sep 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Summer 2020 virtual writing boot-camp and links to the slides used

06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
List of Anne-Wil's grants

69th edition of the Journal Quality List online
11 Jul 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New version of the Journal Quality List with updates for the Danish list, HCRES list, and FNEGE list

Celebrating CYGNA: Supporting women in academia
08 Mar 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
A history of CYGNA's development to celebrate its 5th year and international women's day

Forever young? University age in the Times Higher Education Young Universities ranking
04 Apr 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Queries whether the THE Young ranking is taking the definition of "young" a little too far

CYGNA: Secret Santa at the 2nd pandemic Christmas
17 Jan 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 44th CYGNA meeting with a Secret Santa Christmas celebration

CYGNA: Positionality, team roles, and academic activism
27 Jun 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
47th CYGNA meeting, celebrating our 8-year anniversary with our first face-to-face meeting in 2.5 years

Publishing in Management Education Journals
28 Mar 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Report on a seminar by Jon Billsberry at Middlesex University on the 5th of March 2018

Rocket Science? Networking and External Engagement for Academic Success
20 May 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Seminar by Axele Giroud at Middlesex presenting the reasons why networking and external engagement constitute complementary skills

Strategies for Publishing Pedagogical Research
29 Sep 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on a seminar by David Boud at Middlesex University on the 2nd of July 2019

Experimental research and Nvivo
07 Apr 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on Luisa Pinto's Erasmus visit to Middlesex University with seminars on experimental research and Nvivo

You can’t be known if you don’t interact!
03 Feb 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Seminar by Axele Giroud at Middlesex on networking and external engagement for academic success

Writing coursework assignments
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Summarizes some key issues relating to coursework assignments: grammar, spelling, and references

Citation analysis across disciplines: The impact of different data sources and citation metrics
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Documents how different data ources and different citations metrics might lead to very different conclusions in cross-disciplinary comparisons

Gender and geographical diversity in the editorial board of the Journal of International Business Studies
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reviews the gender and geographical diversity of the premier IB journal over time and discusses the impact of editors

How to become an author of ESI Highly Cited Papers?
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Documents how unscrupulous predatory open access journals can distort citation counts

How to address your teacher?
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Documents large differences between countries in the way students normally expect to address their teachers.

Google Scholar as a new data source for citation analysis
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Documents the advantages and disadvantages of using Google Scholar as a source for citation analysis

Presenting your case for tenure or promotion?
23 Nov 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows how to make your case for tenure or promotion by comparing your record to a relevant peer group

Reflections on the h-index
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introduces the h-index, m-quotient, g-index, contemporary h-index and individual h-index

Academic promotion tips (2) - Treat your application as a journal submission
24 Jan 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Second of a six-part blogpost series on how to write an effective application for promotion in academia

Running the REF on a rainy Sunday afternoon: Do metrics match peer review?
02 Aug 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
White paper that proposes replacing the REF with a metrics-based exercise

Your introduction: first impressions count! [5/8]
11 Sep 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
What are the elements of an effective introduction: context, importance and interest

Want to impress at an academic job interview?
24 Jan 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows you how to use PoP do some intelligence gathering to make a good impression at a job interview

CYGNA @50 and Christmas celebration 2022
16 Jan 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 50th (!!!) CYGNA meeting. Strikes thwarted our big plans, but we still had fun.

The mystery of the phantom reference
26 Oct 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows how sloppy writing and sloppy quality control lead to a non-existing article being cited nearly 400 times

Do Google Scholar, Scopus and the Web of Science speak your language?
12 Jun 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Discusses the coverage of non-English language publications in three major databases for citation analysis

Google Scholar: CAPTCHAS
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

From h-index to hIa: The ins and outs of research metrics
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introduces the hI,annual as a new research metric that allows comparison across disciplines and career stages

Positive Leadership Award
06 Feb 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Presents my submission materials for the Positive Leadership Award, summarising my work in this field

Academic promotion tips (5) - Evidence your impact in Leadership & Service
07 Mar 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Fifth of a six-part blogpost series on how to write an effective application for promotion in academia

Impact is impact is impact? Well, no...
20 Jun 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Invited blogpost on SAGE Social Science Space: disambiguating the concept of impact

Metrics: h and g-index
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

CYGNA: How do I keep my job (in academia) in uncertain times?
13 Nov 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 34th CYGNA meeting discussing jobs losses in higher education in COVID-19 times

Reflections on norms for the h-index and related indices
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides norm scores for the h-index and related measures for Management and International Business

Social Media in Academia (8): Putting it all together
27 Apr 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Final posting in the social media series explains how different social media can reinforce each other

The four C's of getting cited
22 Aug 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains how competence, collaboration, care and communication help to ensure your work is getting the citation impact it deserves

Why do I need to write a letter to the editor? [8/8]
16 Oct 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The last step in the submission process is an important means to "sell" your paper to the journal

Working with ISI data: Beware of categorisation problems
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
ISI appears to regularly misclassify journal articles containing original research into the "review" or "proceedings paper" category, rather than assigning them to the appropriate "article" category.

Writing your abstract: not a last-minute activity [4/8]
28 Jun 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains what needs to be included in an effective abstract

Social media in Academia (5): ResearchGate
09 Mar 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides recommendations on how to get the most out of ResearchGate

Academic promotion tips (3) - Evidence your impact in Research & Engagement
07 Feb 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Third of a six-part blogpost series on how to write an effective application for promotion in academia

Internal versus external promotion [1/4]
01 Sep 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Part 1 of a 4-part post which explains why internal promotion in academia might be harder to achieve than external promotion and gives tips for successful applications

Academic promotion tips (4) - Evidence your impact in Teaching & Learning
21 Feb 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Fourth of a six-part blogpost series on how to write an effective application for promotion in academia

How to make your case for impact
13 Jul 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows you how to make your case for impact by comparing your papers to the journal average

Social Media in Academia (4): LinkedIn
27 Feb 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides recommendations on how to get the best out of LinkedIn

How to avoid a desk-reject in seven steps [1/8]
10 May 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introduces a 7-step process to increase your chances of getting your paper into the review process

Social media in Academia (7): Blogging
13 Apr 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides recommendations on how to start with blogging

How to keep your Google Scholar Profile clean?
25 Sep 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains how to keep your Google Scholar profile up-to-date and prevent it from getting polluted

Social Media in Academia (2): Comparing the options
28 Jan 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
General recommendations on how to use social media professionally

How many references is enough?
30 May 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Some reflections on why more references isn't always better, but how strategic referencing might help

Conclusions: last impressions count too! [6/8]
18 Sep 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Last but not least: conclusions are a crucial part of your paper's key message blog 7 years old!
08 Mar 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Celebrating my blog's seventh anniversary with a recap of the most read posts

Your title: the public face of your paper [3/8]
14 Jun 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Illustrates how to create a good title through an iterative process

Publish or Perish tutorial
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Who do you want to talk to? Targeting journals [2/8]
24 May 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains why choosing your target journal is the most important step in the publication process

Academic promotion tips (1) - Understand the process
10 Jan 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
First of a six-part blogpost series on how to write an effective application for promotion in academia

Submit to only one journal at a time
03 Jan 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
About good practices in journal submission

What is that conference networking thing all about?
01 Nov 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reflections on the importance of networking in academia and tips on how to do it

Social Media in Academia (1): Introduction
16 Jan 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
An introduction into my 8-part blogpost series on social media

CYGNA: How to manage individual research performance
12 Dec 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 49th meeting with a discussion of research-based evidence on how to manage research performance

British culture
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Anne-Wil's take on British culture: humour, indirectness, informality, patience, friendliness, and politeness

Social Media in Academia (3): Google Scholar Profiles
10 Feb 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides recommendations on how to get the best out of Google Scholar Profiles

What do you cite? Using references strategically [7/8]
03 Oct 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows you how references can save you hundreds of words and position your paper

Frequently Asked Questions about the JQL
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Answers the three mostly asked questions about the Journal Quality List

Is Google Scholar flawless? Of course not!
01 Oct 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reviews the major limitations of Google Scholar

Google Scholar: Truncation
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

CYGNA: Female leadership in Higher Education
29 Oct 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 33rd CYGNA meeting - our first in a full academic year of online meetings

CYGNA: Internal versus External promotion
11 Oct 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 22nd CYGNA meeting with a presentation giving tips for internal and external promotion applications

Be proactive, resilient & realistic!
07 Jan 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Argues that as an academic you are an independent professional shaping your own career

How to create a successful academic career: AIB - Ask, Invest & Believe
22 Jun 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Write-up of my contribution to a conference panel on career strategies at the 2017 AIB-UKI meeting in Birmingham

CYGNA: climbing up the academic career ladder
03 May 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 39th CYGNA meeting with a focus on career progression

Musings of recent graduate
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Epilogue of my PhD thesis including my reflections on international management research

Key Issues in International Survey Research
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explores the key challenges in international survey research at different stages of the research process

Comparing the Google Scholar h-index with the ISI Journal Impact Factor
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Proposes an alternative metric – Hirsch’s h-index – and data source – Google Scholar – to assess journal impact.

Sacrifice a little accuracy for a lot more comprehensive coverage
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Invited prologue for a book on Google Scholar

Gender bias and meritocracy: How to make career advancement in Economics more inclusive
03 Nov 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Part of a Dossier on Women in Economics published in Economisch Statistische Berichten

The four P's of publishing
03 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains how performance, practice, participation and persistance are needed to publish academic papers

CV of failures
15 Jun 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains why rejection and failure are a normal part of an academic career and not something to hide or be embarrassed about

The four C's of getting cited
18 Sep 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Short summary of white paper explaining why competence, collaboration, care and communication help to realise the citation impact of your work

Research impact 101
29 Aug 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Short introduction to my new white paper providing an overview of six key issues in the assessment of research impact

British educational system
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Anne-Wil's take on the British educational system: grading system, how to get high marks, coursework, groupwork, presentations, interaction with your tutor

Working in the UK
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Anne-Wil's reflections on working in the United Kingdom

Social Media in Academia (6): Twitter
27 Mar 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides recommendations on how to get the best out of Twitter

Tips for promotion applications [4/4]
22 Sep 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Part 4 of a 4-part post which explains why internal promotion in academia might be harder to achieve than external promotion and gives tips for successful applications

Seven advantages of internal promotion [3/4]
15 Sep 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Part 3 of a 4-part post which explains why internal promotion in academia might be harder to achieve than external promotion and gives tips for successful applications

Seven reasons why external promotion is easier [2/4]
08 Sep 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Part 2 of a 4-part post which explains why internal promotion in academia might be harder to achieve than external promotion and gives tips for successful applications

The Publish or Perish Book
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
All versions of the Publish or Perish Book and reviews

Ambidexterity in MNC knowledge sourcing in emerging economies: a microfoundational perspective
30 Apr 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Announcing my new paper with Middlesex colleagues Mariana Dodourova and Shasha Zhao

Gender and geographical diversity in the JIBS editorial board: an update
06 Jun 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Announces an update of white paper on editorial board diversity

Trailblazers of diversity: editors and editorial board diversity
25 Oct 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Documents my research with Isabel Metz on gender and international diversity in editorial boards

Language & HRD: Keynote at Taipei AHRD conference
28 Nov 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on my week-long visit to Taiwan in 2013, the closest I ever came to being a VIP

Leading with Kindness: one of 50 Leading Lights in UK
22 Nov 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on my 2019 election of one of the 50 Leading Lights in the UK for leading with kindness

WAIB Woman of the Year award
31 Jul 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Anne-Wil awarded "Woman of the Year award" by the Women in the Academy of International Business

On academic life: collaborations and active engagement
19 Jun 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Martyna Sliwa's articles on the rationalities underlying research collaborations and getting involved in managing and shaping the university organizations we work for blog 6 years old!
14 Mar 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Celebrating my blog's sixth anniversary with a recap of the most read blogs

Free articles on (journal) rankings
04 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides a list of my articles in the area of journal rankings that are freely accessible from the publisher

Free articles on citation analysis
04 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides a list of my articles in the area of Bibliometrics that are freely accessible from the publisher

Reviewing and editorial experience
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Lists Anne-Wil's editorial activities and editorial board memberships

20 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Background information about the accuracy of the results presented by Publish or Perish

CYGNA: Resistance to gender equality in academia
15 Mar 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 38th CYGNA meeting dealing with one of the ultimate gender topics

The Publish or Perish Book (Paperback)
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Full information about the paperback version of the Publish or Perish Book

Administrative experience
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Summary of Anne-Wil's formal administrative roles and experience since 1997

International Human Resource Management, 6/E
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Full information about the 6th edition of my IHRM textbook

CYGNA: Co-creating academic well-being
17 Dec 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 43th CYGNA meeting on the challenges and champions of academic well-being

CYGNA: Gender & Migration
31 Oct 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 48th meeting with two book launches and a discusion on advancing migration research in Business & Management

The Publish or Perish Tutorial: 80 easy tips to get the best out of the Publish or Perish software
27 Aug 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The Publish or Perish Tutorial in book format

The Publish or Perish Book (PDF edition)
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Full information about the PDF version of the Publish or Perish Book

Publish or Perish tutorial now in book format
05 Sep 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introduces the Publish or Perish tutorial: 80 easy tips to get the best out of the software

Doing IHRM research? Get inspired by these videos
28 Feb 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Collection of conference videos in the area of international HRM, expatriate management, and global mobility

Relevant & Impactful Research: From words to action - From outcome to process
19 Jan 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
My contribution to the CABS annual conference in November 2020

Top-50 most highly-cited academics in Business & Management worldwide
17 Dec 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Discusses a new individual ranking based on Scopus citations as well as some concrete suggestions for changing performance appraisal

PoP 8 new features (14): Transparency & replicability
07 Apr 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Week 14 of a weekly announcement of new features of Publish or Perish version 8

PoP 8 new features (15): Training resources
18 Apr 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Week 15 of a weekly announcement of new features of Publish or Perish version 8

PoP 8 new features (13): Command line tools
31 Mar 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Week 13 of a weekly announcement of new features of Publish or Perish version 8

PoP 8 new features (12): Facilitate repeated searching
24 Mar 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Week 12 of a weekly announcement of new features of Publish or Perish version 8

PoP 8 new features (10): Google Scholar - limitation of the number of search results
10 Mar 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Week 10 of a weekly announcement of new features of Publish or Perish version 8

PoP 8 new features (9): Google Scholar - retrieval of citing works
03 Mar 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Week 9 of a weekly announcement of new features of Publish or Perish version 8

PoP 8 new features (8): Google Scholar - DOI extraction
24 Feb 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Week 8 of a weekly announcement of new features of Publish or Perish version 8

PoP 8 new features (7): Google Scholar - related works
17 Feb 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Week 7 of a weekly announcement of new features of Publish or Perish version 8

PoP 8 new features (6): Improved search reports - basic or extended
10 Feb 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Week 6 of a weekly announcement of new features of Publish or Perish version 8

PoP 8 new features (5): Download and export of abstracts
03 Feb 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Week 5 of a weekly announcement of new features of Publish or Perish version 8

PoP 8 new features (4): Search for free full text version
27 Jan 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Week 4 of a weekly announcement of new features of Publish or Perish version 8

PoP 8 new features (3): New metric hA index
20 Jan 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Week 3 of a weekly announcement of new features of Publish or Perish version 8

PoP 8 new features (2): New data-source PubMed
13 Jan 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Week 2 of a weekly announcement of new features of Publish or Perish version 8

PoP 8 new features (1): New interface
06 Jan 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Start of a weekly announcement of new features of Publish or Perish version 8

PoP 8 new features (11): Google Scholar - include/exclude stray citations and patents
17 Mar 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Week 11 of a weekly announcement of new features of Publish or Perish version 8

New research monograph: Managing expatriates in China
02 Jan 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introducing my new research monograph with Ling Zhang and Shea Fan

Please be polite and considerate
28 Jul 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
About the importance of appreciating academic volunteers

Six Essential Science Indicators highly-cited papers
21 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Lists six of my papers that are Web of Science highly-cited papers, i.e. top 1% most cited in their fields

EURAM 2017: Famous scholars in expatriate studies
07 Jul 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on my presentations at the EURAM 2017 conference and a symposium on famous scholars in expatriate studies

Middlesex University Summer 2018 writing boot-camp
26 Jul 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Summer 2018 writing boot-camp I organised at Cumberland Lodge near Windsor and links to the slides used

Intercultural Survey Research: Challenges & Solutions
28 Feb 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
A new online paper on the challenges of international and cross-cultural survey research

Action Intent: Getting closer to leadership behavior in 22 countries
15 Oct 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New book chapter on how "close-to-action" leadership scenarios can be used to study leadership across cultures

Open Syllabus Explorer: evidencing research-based teaching?
15 Nov 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reviews how the Open Syllabus Project can help academics to understand their impact on teaching and find the best textbook for their course

How inpatriation supports subsidiary growth and performance
17 Nov 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introducing my paper with Heejin and Sebastian on how inpatriation contributes ot subsidiary capability building and evolution

How to improve your research impact: YouTube series
06 Nov 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Collates eighteen mini-videos on how to improve your research impact, based on a presentation at Middlesex University

How to measure research impact: YouTube series
09 Oct 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Collates twelve mini-videos on measuring research impact based on an interview with Vas Taras

Where to submit your paper? Compare journals by impact
20 Mar 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows how to use Publish or Perish to compare journals by impact

Creating a supportive, collaborative and inclusive research culture at Middlesex University
15 Jan 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
How supportive, collaborative, and inclusive research cultures can improve international research rankings

Google Scholar Profiles: the good, the bad, and the better
24 Nov 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides a detailed discussion of how to use Google Scholar Profiles most effectively

International Human Resource Management, 5/E
12 Jul 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Full information about the 5th edition of my IHRM textbook

CYGNA: Supervising and being supervised
02 May 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Our 46th CYGNA meeting discussing our experiences of PhD supervision, both from a student and from a supervisor perspective

International Human Resource Management, 4/E
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Full information about the 4th edition of my IHRM textbook

International Human Resource Management, 3/E
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Full information about the 3rd edition of my IHRM textbook

International Human Resource Management, 2/E
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Full information about the 2nd edition of my IHRM textbook

International Human Resource Management
06 Sep 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Full information about the 1st edition of my IHRM textbook

68th edition of the Journal Quality List online
04 Jul 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New version of the Journal Quality List with updates for the Danish list, EJL, ABS and addition of Scopus CiteScore

How to ensure your paper achieves the impact it deserves?
15 Jan 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Discusses the workflow I use to communicate about a new paper

Why are there so few female Economics professors?
11 Nov 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Short summary of my article in Economisch Statistische Berichten on gender bias and meritocracy in academia

CYGNA: Negotiation workshop
15 Feb 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 30th CYGNA meeting dealing with negotiation styles

Journals and magazines
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Anne-Wil's choice of journals and magazines

Don't write mass emails (2): how (not) to ask for help
30 Jun 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows some typical student emails asking for help out of the blue

Making your case for impact if you have few citations
27 Nov 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides advice on strategies to demonstrate impact with a very low citation level

New: Publish or Perish now also exports abstracts
12 Jan 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introduces a new Publish or Perish feature: exporting of publication abstracts

Of bears, bumble-bees and spiders & who's in charge?
26 May 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Summarizes my research in the field of MNC staffing policies

Measuring the impact of academic research: Best practices and open questions
09 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on a workshop at Birkbeck University in December 2016

The bridging role of expatriates and inpatriates
01 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Illustrates how expatriates and inpatriates differ in terms of their roles in knowledge transfer to and from MNC headquarters

Can we use Google Scholar to identify highly-cited documents?
30 Nov 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introducing my new article on Google Scholar with the Granada EC3 group

Health warning: Might contain multiple personalities
25 May 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows how a lack of name disambiguation leads to serious distortion of the Essential Science Indicators

How to prevent burn-out? About staying sane in academia
12 May 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides twelve suggestions on how to prevent burn-out and keep your sanity

Welcome to my blog!
18 Mar 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introduction to Anne-Wil's blog

Looking for John Smith? About author disambiguation
24 Mar 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Details how users of Publish or Perish can disambiguate authors

Strange journal invitations popping up in my inbox every day
07 Apr 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Discusses the phenomenon of predatory open access journals

57th edition of the Journal Quality List on-line
18 Apr 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New version of the Journal Quality List with the 2016 Erasmus Journal List

Not a Post About Gender and Academia
20 Apr 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Heather Jeffrey interviews me for the Huffington post

Thank You: The most underused words in academia?
21 Apr 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
About the importance of courtesy in email communications

How to assess journal impact?
06 May 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Illustrates how Publish or Perish can be used to assess journal impact

What makes an article highly cited?
08 May 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows topic and author have a stronger influence on citations than journal outlet

Complex author questions: very easy!
01 Jun 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Details how to run author searches for multiple authors

Journal of Global Mobility Best EURAM paper
04 Jun 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shea Fan's paper "The Benefits of Being Understood" won the best paper award of the standing track on Expatriation

My first European Academy of Management conference
04 Jun 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on my presentations at the EURAM 2016 conference on Language in Academia and the Future of Management Education & Research

EURAM Meet the editors panel
04 Jun 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on a meet the editors panel at the 2016 EURAM conference

Microsoft Academic (Search): a Phoenix arisen from the ashes?
09 Jun 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Assesses Microsoft Academic coverage through a detailed comparison with Google Scholar, the Web of Science, and Scopus

Do Google Scholar, Scopus and the Web of Science speak your language?
12 Jun 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Short summary of white paper on the coverage of non-English language publications in three major databases for citation analysis

How to find your next research project?
16 Jun 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides suggestions on how to find new and interesting research projects

Proof over promise: a more inclusive ranking of academics
07 Jul 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows how using a different data source and different metrics completely changes the Dutch Economics top-40

Replication studies: learning from failure and success
09 Jul 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Short commentary illustrating the importance of replication through two examples

Sacrifice a little accuracy for a lot more comprehensive coverage
17 Aug 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
A prologue for a book on Google Scholar

Reflections on norms for the h-index and related indices
23 Aug 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Uses Academy of Management and Academy of International Business Presidents to present aspirational norm scores

Hablas vielleicht un peu la mia language?
31 Aug 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Systematically reviews the impact of language differences on the HQ-subsidiary relationship

How to get listed on the ESI ranking of highly cited authors
08 Sep 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Illustrates how tongue-in-cheek papers might be taken seriously by naive (or desparate) academics

Replication study gives thumbs up for the individual annual h-index
15 Sep 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Applies the hIa index for a large sample of academics in the United Emirates blog 3 years old!
15 Mar 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Celebrating my blog's third anniversary with the top-15 most read blogs blog 5 years old!
22 Mar 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Celebrating my blog's fifth anniversary with a recap of the most read blogs

Meeting an official guest or your academic hero?
15 Sep 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows you how to prepare for any academic meeting in 5-10 minutes

How to address your lecturer?
29 Sep 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows how countries differ in their expected way of address for teachers

Publish or Perish increases transparency in academic appointments
14 Oct 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Illustrates how PoP has been used to expose nepotism and incompetence

Microsoft Academic: Is the Phoenix getting wings?
09 Nov 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Compares citation coverage in the new Microsoft Academic with Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science

The benefits of being understood
13 Nov 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introducing Shea Fan's work on the role of ethnic identity confirmation in the relationship between expatriates and host country employees in China

Twenty-three articles with free publisher access
04 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Alerts reader to free access of official publisher versions of my articles

Benchmarking research performance
09 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on my presentation at the EFMD Research Leadership Programme

Where to submit your paper? Which journals publish on your topic
14 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows how to use Publish or Perish to find out which journals publish on your topic blog 2 years old!
12 Mar 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Celebrating my blog's second anniversary with the top-15 most read blogs

Microsoft Academic is one year old: the Phoenix is ready to leave the nest
26 Jun 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The third of my trilogy of papers on Microsoft Academic reporting on its coverage one year after its re-launch

The many benefits of a shared language in multinationals
19 Jun 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on a study outlining the relationship between shared language and knowledge flows

Australian research output in Economics & Business: quantity over quality?
01 May 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows the discrepancy between research productivity and research impact for Australian research in Economics & Business

Compete or cooperate: does it depend on the language?
10 Jan 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows how using the English language might prime competitive behaviour

Publish or Perish General Search - a Swiss Army Knife?
17 Jan 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Lists five little known things you can do with the PoP General Citation Search

Web of Science: How to be robbed of 10 years of citations in one week!
15 Feb 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows how I was "robbed" of citations through inaccurate publication matching in the Web of Science

Publish or Perish: Realising Google Scholar's potential to democratise citation analysis
20 Feb 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on a presentation at the Google Scholar Day: Changing current evaluation paradigms

Google Scholar is a serious alternative to Web of Science
28 Feb 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Argues that Google Scholar needs to be treated as a serious alternative data source for citation analysis

Last impressions count too! The importance of conclusions
08 Mar 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Warns against ending your academic article with your study's limitations

58th edition of the Journal Quality List on-line
11 Mar 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New version of the Journal Quality List with the 2016 ABDC update and the new FT50 ranking blog 4 years old!
22 Mar 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Celebrating my blog's fourth anniversary with the top-15 most read blogs blog 1 year old!
20 Mar 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Celebrating my blog's first anniversary with the top-10 most read blogs

How to conduct searches with Microsoft Academic
18 Apr 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains how to use Microsoft Academic as a new data source in Publish or Perish

59th edition of the Journal Quality List on-line
24 Apr 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New version of the Journal Quality List with the 2016 FNEGE update and the 2017 HCRES update

How to conduct a longitudinal literature review?
11 May 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows you how to do a longitudinal literature review with Publish or Perish

CYGNA: Building your academic brand through social media
24 May 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 16th CYGNA meeting with two presentations on social media in academia

Experimental research in IB: Presenting at CERIB Kingston
26 May 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on my presentation at the launch of CERIB (Centre for Experimental Research in International Business)

Why metrics can (and should?) be used in the Social Sciences
26 May 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on my presentation presented at "The Future of Research Assessment Peer Review vs. Metrics"

Even my errata are valued publications! Yes, really...
07 Sep 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Another illustration of the hillarious invitations by predatory journals

How to import ISI and Scopus data in Publish or Perish?
11 Sep 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Illustrates how Web of Science and Scopus data can be imported into Publish or Perish

60th edition of the Journal Quality List on-line
14 Sep 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New version of the Journal Quality List with the 2017 CNRS update and the 2017 Danish ministry update

Bank error in your favour? How to gain 3,000 citations in a week
21 Sep 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows how I gained 3,000 citations in a week through inaccurate publication matching in the Web of Science

Citation analysis: Tips for Deans and other administrators
25 Sep 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides recommendations for Deans and senior administrators for fair and equitable research evaluation

To rank or not to rank
14 Oct 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Gives an overview of my research in the field of journal rankings, university rankings and citation rankings

The mystery of the phantom reference: a detective story
08 Nov 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Short summary of white paper that shows how sloppy writing and sloppy quality control lead to a non-existing article being cited nearly 400 times

Publish or Perish version 6
15 Nov 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introduces Publish or Perish release 6 and its new data sources

When are theories (not) interesting?
13 Dec 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
A spirited account of what distinguishes interesting theories from non-interesting ones

CYGNA: Publishing in Management, Psychology and International Business
09 May 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on various CYGNA meetings with the general theme of publishing

Useful resources when preparing for journal submission
13 Feb 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Presents some key resources to improve your chances of successful publication

Take care of the little ants
29 Jan 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
One of the most funny and sad stories about office politics I have ever read

CYGNA: Secondary data sources and research portfolios
07 Feb 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 19th CYGNA meeting with presentations about working with secondary data sources and balancing your research portfolio

61st edition of the Journal Quality List on-line
23 Feb 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New version of the Journal Quality List with the 2017 CNRS update and the 2018 HCERES update

How you see me, How you don't
26 Feb 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Does ethnic similarity help or hinder in the relationship between expats and locals: a conceptual framework based on self-verification theory

CYGNA: Working effectively with support staff in academia
06 Mar 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 18th CYGNA meeting with a presentation on working with support staff and a discussion of boundaryless careers

CYGNA: Be nice AND get the corner office
02 Apr 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 21st CYGNA meeting with an emphasis on negotiating your employment conditions

62nd edition of the Journal Quality List on-line
03 Apr 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New version of the Journal Quality List with the 2018 ABS update

Elected as AIB Fellow
06 Apr 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Announces the news of my election as AIB Fellow

How to merge “stray citation" records?
10 Apr 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains how to merge different occurrences of a paper in Publish or Perish

Subsidiaries down-under: victims of their geographical isolation?
23 Apr 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Systematically reviews the impact of geographical differences on the HQ-subsidiary relationship

WAIB Panel: Academic career strategies for women in the UK
01 May 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on a WAIB Panel at the AIB-UKI meeting in Birmingham April 2018

English as a Lingua Franca in Academia
07 May 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on my presentation at Manchester Metropolitan University

How to keep up-to-date with the literature, but avoid information overload?
14 May 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides tips on how to keep up-to-date without getting lost in social media overload

Building your academic brand through engagement with social media
18 May 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on my presentation at the Free University of Amsterdam

How to write for US journals with non-US data
28 May 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Summarizes an editorial by Carol Kulik that explains how to position your research for an international reader

CYGNA: Careers, mobility and belonging: foreign women academics in the UK
02 Jun 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 15th CYGNA meeting with a special emphasis on the challenges for female foreign academics in the UK

CYGNA: Resource collection for the summer holidays
25 Jun 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Collates resources for all CYGNA meetings beween mid 2014 and mid 2018

63rd edition of the Journal Quality List on-line
29 Jul 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New version of the Journal Quality List with the June 2018 CNRS update

Four waves of R&D internationalization: the South as a destination of R&D related FDI
29 Aug 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introducing Shasha Zhao's work on the transformation of foreign MNEs’ low-value-adding operations in the South into high-value-adding R&D operations

The Ethical Professor
04 Sep 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides a short introduction to a book on ethical dilemmas in academic careers

How to ensure your research achieves the impact it deserves
17 Nov 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on my presentation at Tilburg University

CYGNA: Understand your co-author(s) & yourself with MBTI
07 Dec 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 23rd CYGNA meeting with a certified MBTI trainer

Fostering research impact through social media
03 Jan 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Full recording of a 1.5-hour presentation on the four C's of getting cited and an 8-step workflow on how to effectively disseminate your research.

The importance of context in International Business
24 Jan 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
A critical analysis of the use of cultural distance in international business

64th edition of the Journal Quality List on-line
02 Feb 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New version of the Journal Quality List with the November 2018 CNRS update

CYGNA: Big Data in the Social Sciences
04 Feb 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 24th CYGNA meeting with expert introductions into big data in the social sciences and the gender aspects of artificial intelligence

A tribute to Thomas Hippler (1972-2018)
21 Feb 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introduces an academic reflections and personal messages book to celebrate Thomas Hippler and his work

CYGNA: Life-long learning in academia
03 Apr 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 25th CYGNA meeting with presentations on an Erasmus visit and participation in the Aurora program

Two new kids on the block: Crossref and Dimensions
11 May 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Compares publication and citation coverage in the Crossref and Dimensions with Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, Scopus and Web of Science

Everything you always wanted to know about impact...
02 Jun 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Book chapter providing a quick overview of the what, why, how and where of research impact

65th edition of the Journal Quality List on-line
22 Jul 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New version of the Journal Quality List with the June 2019 CNRS update and the June 2019 FNEGE update

AIB Copenhagen: JIBS silver medal and AIB Fellowship
08 Sep 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
A belated report on the AIB conference at Copenhagen Business School in June 2019

Of Ostriches, Frogs, Birds and Lizards
21 Sep 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New online paper with Chenchen Li and Ling Zhang on cultural identity negotation strategies

How to use Publish or Perish effectively?
25 Sep 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Presents the slides of a Bibliometrics Summer School session in July 2019

Untwisting tongues: Language research in International Management
07 Oct 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on a panel session at the Academy of International Business in Copenhagen

AIB RM-SIG: Research methods in International Business
21 Oct 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Listing of all recent articles published in Journal of International Business Studies dealing with methodological issues

The phantom reference strikes again
28 Nov 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Update of a 2017 white paper that shows that - with over 500 citations - the phantom reference is alive and kicking

Middlesex University rising in the research rankings
02 Dec 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Quick summary of MDX's strongly improved position in three international research rankings

CYGNA: Work intensification, well-being and career advancement
08 Dec 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 29th CYGNA meeting dealing with workloads and work intensification

66th edition of the Journal Quality List on-line
21 Feb 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New version of the Journal Quality List with 2019 ABDC update

1st CYGNA Global Virtual Meeting: Coping with a Pandemic
06 Jun 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 31st CYGNA meeting - our first virtual meeting dealing with work-life balance during a pandemic

LIS-Bibliometrics 10th anniversary event: The Future of Research Evaluation
21 Jun 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Listing of all video recordings at the LIS-Bibliometrics 10th year anniversary conference

67th edition of the Journal Quality List on-line
04 Jul 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New version of the Journal Quality List with updates for the Danish list, HCRES and CNRS

AIB 2020 Online - my first virtual conference
11 Jul 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Brief report on the AIB virtual conference in July 2020

2nd CYGNA Global Virtual Meeting: MBTI & Stress
16 Jul 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 32nd CYGNA meeting - our second virtual meeting discussing stress trigger factors for different MBTI types

AoM 2020 online - my second virtual conference
14 Aug 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Brief report on the AoM virtual conference in August 2020

Looking for multilingual PoP support resources?
25 Sep 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides a list of videos on using Publish or Perish in a variety of languages

Join us at Middlesex - recruiting 4 new colleagues!
23 Oct 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Announces a major recruitment round for the Department of Managment, Leadership and Organization at Middlesex University

The double-edged sword of ethnic similarity for expatriates
27 Oct 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introducing Shea Fan's work on the double-edged sword of ethnic similarity

CYGNA: The wonderful world of book publishing
12 Dec 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 35th CYGNA meeting with three publishers discussing textbooks, research books and practice books

CYGNA: Working in a Horizon-2020 project
19 Feb 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 37th CYGNA meeting dealing with research funding and working in large funded projects

CYGNA: REF and Christmas during a pandemic
05 Jan 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 36th CYGNA meeting with a presentation on REF and A Christmas celebration

CYGNA: Women management scholars leading REF impact case studies
13 Jun 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 40th CYGNA meeting with a focus on the (limited) role of women academics in REF impact case studies

Intercultural Management in Practice: Expatriate identity
09 Aug 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Announces two new book chapter on expatriate identity with Shea Fan, Chenchen Li, and Ling Zhang

Join us at Middlesex University - recruiting 2 new colleagues
14 Jan 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Announces two vacancies in the Department of Management, Leadership and Organization at Middlesex University

No room at the top?
03 Sep 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows how women’s underrepresentation in international assignments undermines both their own career progression to top management and firms’ competitive advantage

Using PoP: Queries preferences
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Using PoP: General preferences
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Using PoP: Program menu
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Using PoP: Context menu
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Using PoP: The columns
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Using PoP
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Google Scholar: Slow searches
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Google Scholar: Citation years
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Google Scholar: Missing subject areas
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Google Scholar: Book edition cites
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Google Scholar: Stray citations
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Google Scholar: Inconsistent year
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Google Scholar: Wrong author(s)
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Google Scholar: Wrong master record
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Google Scholar
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Bibliometric research: Journals
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Bibliometric research: Authors
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Bibliometric research
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Literature review: Longitudinal
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Literature review: Key authors
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Literature review
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Paper submission: Compare journal impact
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Paper submission
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Author evaluation: Tips for Deans
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Author evaluation: Job interview
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Author evaluation: Publication awards
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Author evaluation: Laudatio or obituary
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Author evaluation: Meeting an academic visitor
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Stating your case: Argue for quality
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Stating your case: Edited volume
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Stating your case: Journal average
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Stating your case: Pick metrics wisely
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Stating your case: Reference group
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Stating your case
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Metrics: More h-indices
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Metrics: hI,norm and hIa
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Accuracy: Selective merge
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Accuracy: Merge duplicates
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Accuracy: Check year
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Accuracy: PoP vs GS for journals
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Multi-query center: Aggregation
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Multi-query center: Longitudinal data
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Multi-query center: Scopus import
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Multi-query center: ISI import
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Multi-query center: Re-importing
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Multi-query center: Exporting
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Multi-query center: List view
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Multi-query center: Tree view
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Multi-query center
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

General search: Institutions
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

General search: Topic in journal
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

General search: Advanced author
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

General search: Find academics
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

General search: Find articles
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

General search
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Journal search: Edited volumes
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Journal search: Year restrictions
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Journal search: Search by ISSN
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Journal search: Exclude by ISSN(2)
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Journal search: Exclude homonyms
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Journal search: Exclude by ISSN(1)
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Journal search
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Author disambiguation: Use affiliation
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Author disambiguation: Use research field
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Author disambiguation: Exclude co-authors
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Author disambiguation: Use multiple names
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Author disambiguation: Use full given name
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Author disambiguation: Exclude homonyms
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Author disambiguation: Include quotes (" ")
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Author disambiguation: Use year restrictions
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Publish or Perish Frequently Asked Questions
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Old landing page for PoP FAQs

Meetings 2015-2016
31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2015-2016

Meetings 2016-2017
31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2016-2017

Why is learning the host country language important for expatriates?
06 Jun 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
A new online paper on the impact of host country language learning on expatriate local relationships in China

CYGNA: Internationalisation of Japanese academia
28 Jun 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 27th CYGNA meeting with presentations on internationalisation of academia and a social media clinic

CYGNA: Gender researchers meeting
22 Feb 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 20th CYGNA meeting with a presentation on work-life balance

Meetings 2019-2020
22 Sep 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2019-2020

Meetings 2014-2015
31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2014-2015

The distinctiveness of European management scholarship
12 Jun 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
About common sense scholarship that prefers artistic rigour over technical rigour

Finding a Unicorn? Research funding in Business & Management research
05 May 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains why university administrators need to be realistic in the amount of research funding they can expect Business School academics to generate

Join us at Middlesex - Recruiting 11 new colleagues!
19 Mar 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Announces a major recruitment round for the Department of Managment, Leadership and Organization at Middlesex University

Paper submission: Pre-submision check
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Multi-query center: Archives
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Author search
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Expatriation and international jobs
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Anne-Wil's choice of resources relating to expatriation and working internationally

Academic, professional and international organisations
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Anne-Wil's choice of academic, professional and international organisations

International business resources
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Anne-Wil's choice of resources relating to international business

Cross-cultural and language resources
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Anne-Wil's choice of resources relating to cross-cultural management and language

Managing the Multinationals: An international study of control mechanisms
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Full information about the published version of my PhD dissertation

The Publish or Perish Book: Citation analysis for academics and administrators
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Full information about the paperback version of the Publish or Perish Book, part 2

The double-edged sword of ethnic similarity
05 May 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introduces Shea Fan's work on ethnic identity confirmation in a Chinese host context

Don't write mass emails (1): distributing your work
18 May 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains ineffective and effective ways to promote your published work

CYGNA: The WHYs and HOWs of coaching
30 Oct 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 42nd CYGNA meeting on how you can incorporate coaching in an academic career as coacher and coachee

Is ISI misunderstanding the Social Sciences?
14 Mar 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Documents how ISI is inappropriately applying Science-based criteria to articles in the Social Sciences

Are referencing errors undermining our scholarship and credibility?
01 Apr 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Discusses how myths are created through careless referencing

An Australian "productivity boom"? ... or maybe just a database expansion?
24 Jul 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Shows how difficult longitudinal bibliometric analyses are when database coverage changes

Language in International Business: A review and agenda for future research
31 May 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
A new online paper reviewing 264 articles on language in IB

Language barriers in multinational companies
20 Oct 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reviews my research on the role of language in MNCs between 2003 and 2013

Transfer of HR practices in multinational companies
18 Dec 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Research by Barbara Myloni - my first PhD student - on local isomorphism versus internal consistency in multinationals

Transfer of HRM Practices in MNCs [2000-2010]
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Research program 4: an insight into the interplay of cultural, institutional and organisational factors that affect the transfer of HRM practices across borders.

Do countries specialise in particular research areas?
13 Oct 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Applies theories of revealed comparative advantage and the competitive advantage of nations to academic disciplines

Should we distance ourselves from the cultural distance concept?
27 Apr 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Argues IB research would do well to reconsider its fascination with distance measures

What if fully agree doesn't mean the same thing across cultures?
02 Feb 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains how response style difference between countries can distort cross-national comparisons

Language effects in international mail surveys
10 Jun 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains how questionnaire language might influence the responses received in cross-cultural research

Experimental research in international management
15 Aug 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New book chapter on how experimental research can advance language research in international management

Country of origin matters for multinationals too
23 Jan 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reviews my research on country-of-origin effects on MNCs over the last 15 years

The golden triangle: standardization, localization or dominance?
02 Mar 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Illustrates the convergence to a world-wide best practice model for human resources

MNC entry mode: it is not just about choice!
28 Apr 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reviews my research on entry mode choice including some unpublished work on management of different entry modes

Not all international assignments are equal
05 Feb 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
A new online paper on how different types of international assignments transfer different types of knowledge

CYGNA: Social network analysis and managing large research teams
16 Apr 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 17th CYGNA meeting with presentations about social network analysis and managing large research teams

Wives of the organization - 30 years on...
08 Mar 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Celebrating International Women's day with a reprint of a post on Anne Huff's classic treatise that has lost none of its potency

Bibliometrics in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
27 Mar 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on my presentation at a workshop in March 2017 organised by the UK LIS-Bibliometrics group

Teaching experience
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Summary of Anne-Wil's teaching experience, courses taught, teaching philosophy, and student feedback

Research fraud: salutary reading for the Summer holidays
29 Jun 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introduces Diederik Stapel's novel Derailment, a salutary tale of a researcher's downfall

Middlesex events
16 Mar 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of seminar events run at Middlesex University Business School

Female academics: Wives of the organization?
14 Apr 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Describes how gendered interactions in the workplace subvert success for female academics

Doing International Research
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Useful websites, papers and presentations for doing international research

Historic screen shots of
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Screenshots of previous incarnations of

Video resources: Intl Business
17 Oct 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing

External resources
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Landing page for a range of external resources

Use cases
20 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Discussion of common use cases for the Publish or Perish software

Introduction to Wives of the Organization
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
An exchange between Alison Konrad and Anne Huff to introduce Wives of the Organization

The Publish or Perish Book: Doing bibliometric research with Google Scholar
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Full information about the paperback version of the Publish or Perish Book, part 3

Living and working abroad
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Landing page for resources related to living and working abroad

Culture shock
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explaining culture shock and how to deal with it

Author disambiguation: Use multiple initials
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Author disambiguation: Selective exclusion
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Author evaluation
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Publish or Perish tutorial

Does Everybody Still Want a Wife?
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Commentary on Wives of the Organization arguing how we need change institutions

Academic software
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
List three useful software products and presents our software manifesto

06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Lists Anne-Wil's membership of academic and professional organisations

The Publish or Perish Book: A guide to the software
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Full information about the paperback version of the Publish or Perish Book, part 1