Cross-cultural and language resources

Anne-Wil's choice of resources relating to cross-cultural management and language

Note - If you wish to link to any of these pages, please feel free do so without checking with me in advance, though an email to would be nice! However, please do not copy any pages; this collection of links is ©Anne-Wil Harzing 1997-2022. In addition, I'll be updating the pages on a regular basis; a link will ensure your own users get the most up to date version. Legal notices...

Hofstede and Globe cultural dimensions
You want to use the Hofstede or Globe cultural dimensions in your study? You don't want to spend ages finding them and typing them up? We have done that for you and included them in an Excel spreadsheet. You can Spreadsheet download it here.
Delta Intercultural Academy
This is the website of The Delta Intercultural Academy: a knowledge and learning community for all those professionally interested or involved in intercultural business and management communication. It contains links to articles on these topics, news on conferences, reviews and information about research projects.
Geert Hofstede
Geert Hofstede's own home page. Topics include a summary of his ideas about national and organization cultures, publications, biographical information, training and consulting services, and more.
Culture and management consultants who offer cross-cultural training rooted in Hofstede's cultural dimensions.
The Thiagi Group
This website provides information about a range of workshops by Thiagi, has a large collection of training games and lots of freebies, including tips for facilitators, email games, interactive lectures, articles and hand-outs. Highly recommended!
Trompenaars Hampden-Turner
Trompenaars Hampden-Turner provide consulting, training, coaching and (un)learning services to help leaders and professionals manage and solve their business and culture dilemmas, based on Fons Trompenaars' seven-dimensional model of culture.
World Factbook
A great website if you want to quickly verify some basic country facts.
World Values Survey
World Values
The World Values Survey project is a worldwide investigation of sociocultural and political change. It has carried out representative national surveys of the basic values and beliefs of publics in more than 65 societies.
EthnologueEthnologue: Languages of the World
A collection of many resources to help you with research of the world's languages Contains language maps, a language family index, language names & codes, a catalogue of language software products, and online bookstore and a bibliography with more than 12,000 references.
I love languagesI love languages
Claims to be the biggest and best guide to language-related web sites. It contains more than 2000 links, including information about online language lessons, dictionaries, translation services, and language schools. Also contains some links that are useful to language researches such as links to research groups and organizations related to language research.
BlaguesLanguage Jokes & translation humour
BLAGUES-L is a BILINGUAL (English / French) joke mailing list. It has now ceased sending new jokes, but fully searchable archives are kept. Among other things, it contains a great joke about language standardization in the European union.

cross-cultural management living and working abroad language