International Human Resource Management, 5/E

Full information about the 5th edition of my IHRM textbook

International Human Resource Management

© 2019 B. Sebastian Reiche, Anne-Wil Harzing and Helene Tenzer (eds.), SAGE Publications Ltd., London, 632 pp. ISBN 9781526426963 (hardcover), ISBN 9781526426970 (pbk).

Available from SAGE Publications

(This is the fifth edition; the first edition appeared in 1995, the second edition appeared in 2004, the third edition in 2011, and the fourth edition in 2014.)

Used by over 25,000 students across 130 countries, this bestselling text, written by leading international experts in each topic, retains its critical edge, academic rigour and breadth of coverage in the new fifth edition. The new edition reflects the contemporary debates and emerging issues in the field of IHRM, supplementing classic theories and models with recent research and international developments.

This text comes with access to a companion website containing web links, SAGE journal articles and more.


As a textbook this book will appeal to advanced undergraduate students and Masters students wanting a comprehensive and integrated treatment of International HRM that includes the most recent theoretical developments.

As a research book, it provides PhD students and other researchers with a very good introduction into the field and an extensive list of references that will allow them to get an up-to-date overview of the area.

Finally, practitioners looking for solutions to their international HR problems might find some useful frameworks in Parts 1 and 3, while the chapters in Part 2 will allow them to gain a better understanding of country differences in managing people.

Table of contents

Part I: Cultural, Comparative and Organizational Perspectives on IHRM

Chapter 1: Culture and Cross-Cultural Management Laurence Romani
Chapter 2: Comparative Human Resource Management Chris Brewster and Wolfgang Mayrhofer
Chapter 3: The Transfer of Employment Practices across Borders in Multinational Companies Tony Edwards
Chapter 4: Approaches to International Human Resource Management Chris Rowley, Jean Qi Wei and Malcolm Warner

Part II: International Assignments and Employment Practices

Chapter 5: International Assignments B. Sebastian Reiche and Anne-Wil Harzing
Chapter 6: Multinational Companies and the Host Country Environment Damian Grimshaw, Jill Rubery and Phil Almond
Chapter 7: MNCs, Regulation and the Changing Context of International Human Resource Management Robert Mackenzie and Miguel Martinez Lucio
Chapter 8: Human Resource Management in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions Vladimir Pucik, Ingmar Bjorkman, Paul Evans and Gunter K. Stahl

Part III: IHRM Policies and Practices

Chapter 9: Managing Knowledge in Multinational Firms Ingmar Bjorkman, Paul Evans, Vladimir Pucik and Dana Minbaeva
Chapter 10: Global Training and Development: Developing Global Leaders and Expatriates Ashly H. Pinnington, Yaw A. Debrah, Christopher J. Rees, and Raphael O. Oseghale
Chapter 11: Global and Local Resourcing: The Cases of Japan, Taiwan, China and Vietnam Chris Rowley, Alan Nankervis and Malcolm Warner
Chapter 12: Global Performance Management Arup Varma, Pawan S. Budhwar, and Mengying Yu
Chapter 13: Total Rewards in the International Context K. Galen Kroeck and Mary Ann Von Glinow
Chapter 14: Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management in the Global Context Fang Lee Cooke
Chapter 15: Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability through Ethical HRM Practices Fang Lee Cooke