AIB RM-SIG: Research methods in International Business

Listing of all recent articles published in Journal of International Business Studies dealing with methodological issues

As I have argued in my earlier blogpost - Challenges in International survey research: illustrations and solutions - doing international research is much more challenging than doing domestic research; there are a multitude of practical and methodological problems. Hence I was very happy to be contacted by Catherine Welch last year with the news that the Academy of International Business (the major professional association in IB) now has a Research Methodology Special Interest Group. Its aims are to:

  • Provide AIB members with a worldwide forum for scholarly engagement about research methodologies;
  • Advance the quality, diversity and understanding of research methodologies in the AIB;
  • Provide a repository of knowledge for AIB members on the range of, and trends in, research methodologies;
  • Stimulate innovation in research methodologies and promote the use of novel methodologies;
  • Organize doctoral training and professional development opportunities for AIB members on research methodologies;
  • Alongside the AIB, assist in building the research capacity of new researchers and emerging countries and regions.

JIBS editorials

The SIG website contains a lot of useful resources, amongst which a list of relevant JIBS editorials which I have reproduced in a condensed format below.

Related blogposts

What if fully agree doesn't mean the same thing across cultures?
Explains how response style difference between countries can distort cross-national comparisons

Challenges in International survey research: illustrations and solutions
Reviews my work on international mail surveys and response rates across countries

Language effects in international mail surveys
Explains how questionnaire language might influence the responses received in cross-cultural research

academia behind the scenes international research international business academic publishing research methods