
List of Anne-Wil's grants

2012 - A competitive Faculty grant of A$10,000 for a project on the role and measurement of cultural distance in entry mode choice.

2008 - A competitive Faculty grant of A$19,495 for a project on language differences and the Headquarter-Subsidiary relationship.

2004 - An ARC Discovery Grant of A$191,000 for a 3-year research project entitled "Babel in Business: how language differences influence management in multinationals". This was the largest individual grant awarded for a project in Management since 2002 (no data available before that time).

2004 - (with Isabel Metz) A competitive Faculty grant of A$8,000 for a project on diversity in editorial boards of academic journals in management.

2002 - A competitive Faculty grant of A$10,000 to finalise a research project on language and culture in questionnaire research.

2001 - A competitive University of Melbourne grant of A$24,000 for a research project on headquarters-subsidiary relationships, as one of only four proposals (out of fourteen applications) to be funded by the University.

1999 - An application for a 4-year ESRC Research Fellowship for a total amount of nearly £170,000 was alpha-rated (highest rating) as one of only eleven proposals to achieve this rating (out of over forty original applications). However, only two out of the eleven alpha-rated proposals were funded; sadly, not mine.

1993-1996 - In order to secure funds for the empirical part of my doctoral research I have displayed various entrepreneurial activities related to my research results. First, professional articles were written about parts of my research and sold to a Dutch journal in the area of Personnel Management. Second, I offered specialised company reports to all companies who participated in my survey and sold reports to several companies for a total of app. £1000. A subject-coded database comprised of some 1500 references in the area of international business and management that I had accumulated during my studies was offered to colleagues in the field by means of leaflets distributed at conferences and messages to mailing lists. Nearly 200 requests for information were received and a few dozen copies were sold for app. £25 each.
