Research supervision
Research supervision philosophy and list of current and past research students with publications resulting from their PhD
My approach to research supervision is to ensure that my students develop themselves as well-rounded academics, rather than simply finishing their theses. I actively encourage them to join professional associations as early in their studies as possible, to go to Summer schools and conferences, and to build up their own networks.
In my previous positions at the Universities of Bradford, Maastricht, and Tilburg, I supervised some 25 MA dissertations (minor theses), mostly in the area of international management and (international) HRM. In Bradford I started to supervise PhD students; this continued in Melbourne where I also supervised Masters by Research students.
Current and past PhD and Masters by Research students
For each of my students I have listed the book and journal publications they co-authored with me based on their PhD, as well as any award-winning or award-nominated conference papers from their PhD. I have continued to work with most of my PhD students on other projects. For full information on their co-authored publications, refer to Publications by type.
Ling Eleanor Zhang
(PhD, completed 2015, Hanken University, Finland, mentor & informal supervisor): On becoming bicultural. Language competence, acculturation and cross-cultural adjustment of expatriates in China. Ling's staff page at Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom.
- Zhang, L.E.; Harzing, A.W.; Fan, S.X. (2018) Managing Expatriates in China: A Language and Identity Perspective, London: Palgrave. More about this book... - Related blog post
- Zhang, L.E.; Harzing, A.W. (2017) Language as a Local Practice: Why English as a Corporate Language Won’t Work in China, paper presented at the 16th European Academy of Management annual meeting, June 21-24, Glasgow, UK. [1st runner-up of the Journal of Global Mobility (JGM) Best Paper Award, EURAM 2017 Conference]
- Zhang, L.E.; Harzing, A.W. (2016) From Dilemmatic Struggle to Legitimized Indifference: Expatriates’ host country language learning and its impact on the expatriate-HCE relationship, Journal of World Business, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 774-786. Publisher's version (free access!) - Related blog post
Shea Fan
(PhD, completed 2014, University of Melbourne, Australia, primary supervisor): The role of ethnic identity confirmation in expatriate knowledge transfer. Shea's staff page at RMIT University, Australia.
- Fan, SX, & Harzing, AW (2021). By Mutual Agreement: How Can Ethnically Similar Expatriates Engage Host Country Employees, in: Chavan, M. and Taksa, L. (eds). Intercultural Management in Practice, Bingley: Emerald, pp. 83-95. Available online... - Publisher's version - Related blog post
- Fan, S.X.; Harzing, A.W. (2021) The double-edged sword of ethnic similarity for expatriates, Organizational Dynamics, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 1-10. Available online... - Publisher's version - Related blog post
- Fan, S.X.; Harzing, A.W.; Kӧhler, T. (2020) How you see me, how you don't: Ethnic Identity Self-verification in Interactions between Local Subsidiary Employees and Ethnically Similar Expatriates, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Management, Available online... - Publisher's version - Related blog post
- Zhang, L.E.; Harzing, A.W.; Fan, S.X. (2018) Managing Expatriates in China: A Language and Identity Perspective, London: Palgrave. More about this book... - Related blog post
- Fan, S.X.; Harzing, A.W.; Kӧhler, T. (2020) How you see me, how you don't: Ethnic Identity Self-verification in Interactions between Local Subsidiary Employees and Ethnically Similar Expatriates, International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol 31, no. 19, pp. 2407-2433. Available online... - Publisher's version - Related blog post - 1-minute video
- Fan, S.X.; Harzing, A.W. (2017) Host country employees' ethnic identity confirmation: Evidence from interactions with ethnically similar expatriates, Journal of World Business, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 640-652. Available online... - Publisher's version (free access!) - Related blog post
- Fan, S.X.; Harzing, A.W.; Köhler, T. (2017) Ethnic identity verification in interactions between local subsidiary employees and ethnically similar expatriates, paper presented at the 16th European Academy of Management annual meeting, June 21-24, Glasgow, UK. [2nd runner-up of the Journal of Global Mobility (JGM) Best Paper Award, EURAM 2017 Conference]
- Fan, S.X.; Cregan, C.; Harzing, A.W.; Kӧhler, T. (2016) The benefits of being understood: The role of ethnic identity confirmation in expatriate-local employee interactions, paper presented at the 15th European Academy of Management annual meeting, June 1-4, Paris, France. [Winner of the Journal of Global Mobility (JGM) Best Paper Award, EURAM 2016 Conference]. Available online...
Sebastian Reiche
(PhD, completed 2007, University of Melbourne, Australia, primary supervisor): Knowledge Sharing through Inpatriate Assignments in Multinational Corporations: A Social Capital Perspective. Sebastian's staff page at IESE, Spain.
- Reiche B.S.; Kraimer, M.L.; Harzing, A.W. (2011) Why do international assignees stay? An organizational embeddedness perspective, Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 521-544. Available online... - Publisher's version - Related blog post - 2011 International HRM Scholarly Research Award from the HR Division, Academy of Management
- Reiche, B.S.; Harzing, A.W. (2011) International Assignments, in: Harzing, A.W.; Pinnington A. (2011) International Human Resource Management, 3rd edition, London: Sage Publications. Available online...
- Reiche, B.S.; Harzing, A.W.; Kraimer, M.L. (2009) The role of international assignees' social capital in creating inter-unit intellectual capital: A cross-level model, Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 509-526. Available online... - Publisher's version - Related blog post
- Reiche, B.S.; Kraimer, M.L.; Harzing, A.W. (2009) Inpatriates as agents of cross-unit knowledge flows in multinational corporations, in: Sparrow, P.R. (ed.) Handbook of International HR Research: Integrating People, Process and Context. Oxford: Blackwell. Available online...
Richard Scott-Young
(Masters, completed 2003, University of Melbourne, Australia, primary supervisor): Transformational leadership in project management. Richard went on to pursue a career in industry and didn't publish any of his research.
Barry Hocking
(Masters, completed 2002, University of Melbourne, Australia, co-supervisor): The strategic role of expatriates in multinational corporations: a knowledge transfer perspective. Barry was already part-retired when he enrolled in his Masters and hence has not sought further employment.
- Hocking, J.B.; Brown, M.; Harzing, A.W. (2007) Balancing global and local strategic contexts: Expatriate knowledge transfer, applications and learning within a transnational organization, Human Resource Management, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 513-533. Available online... - Publisher's version - Related blog post
- Hocking, J.B.; Brown, M.; Harzing, A.W. (2004) A knowledge transfer perspective of strategic assignment purposes and their path-dependent outcomes, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 565-586. Available online... - Publisher's version - Related blog post
Barbara Myloni
(PhD, completed 2002, Bradford University, UK, primary supervisor): Transferability of HRM practices in European MNCs. The case of Greece. Barbara's staff page at University of Patras, Greece.
- Myloni, B.; Harzing, A.W.; Mirza, H.R. (2007) The effect of organisational factors on the transfer of human resource management practices: European and US MNCs and their Greek subsidiaries, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 2057–2074. Available online... - Publisher's version - Related blogpost
- Myloni, B.; Harzing, A.W.; Mirza, H.R. (2004) Host country specific factors and the transfer of Human Resource Management practices in multinational companies, International Journal of Manpower, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 518-534. Available online... - Publisher's version - Related blogpost
- Myloni, B.; Harzing, A.W.; Mirza, H.R. (2004) Human Resource Management in Greece: Have the colours of culture faded away?, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 59-76. Available online... - Publisher's version - Related blogpost
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Anne-Wil Harzing is Emerita Professor of International Management at Middlesex University, London. She is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business, a select group of distinguished AIB members who are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the scholarly development of the field of international business. In addition to her academic duties, she also maintains the Journal Quality List and is the driving force behind the popular Publish or Perish software program.