Harzing.com blog posts by theme

Thematic overview of blog posts and resources

Structured overview of Harzing.com blog posts on the following themes: positive academiaacademic publishing, creating research impact, doing (international) research, academic etiquette, using the Publish or Perish software, academic careers, gender in academia, research focus and conference reports.

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Aug 2022:

Nov 2022:

Feb 2023:

May 2023:


Personal posts

Interview about Harzing.com and other resources

Positive academia

Academic publishing

Research impact

Doing (international) Research

Academic Etiquette

Shorter tongue-in-cheek posts on how to “behave” in academia. They do have a serious undertone though. Etiquette in academia is probably not a world apart from etiquette elsewhere. But it can’t hurt to be reminded :-)

Using the Publish or Perish software

Posts related to using the Publish or Perish software. Publish or Perish is designed to help individual academics to present their case for research impact to its best advantage, even if you have very few citations. You can also use it to decide which journals to submit to, to prepare for a job interview, to do a literature review, to do bibliometric research, to write laudatios or obituaries, or to do some homework before meeting your academic hero. Publish or Perish is a real Swiss army knife.

Series introducing Publish or Perish version 8

Series on little-known use cases of Publish or Perish

Academic careers and career progression

Posts dealing with a range of topics related to academic careers and career progression. Whilst the main focus is on research, there are also topics on administration and teaching.

CYGNA: Women in Academia

Resources focusing on gender in academia, largely based on our two-monthly CYGNA meetings. If you'd like to be on the mailing list for CYGNA, just let me know. Note: many of these topics will be just as relevant for male academics.

Research focus

Short research write-ups that allow you to get the “gist” of research on a topic without having to read the entire article. Most posts relate to my own research on expatriation and HQ-subsidiary relationships, the international research process, and the quality and impact of research, but many Middlesex colleagues and CYGNA members have also published guest posts on my blog.


HQ-subsidiary relationships

Doing international research

Quality and impact of academic research

Guest posts by colleagues and CYGNA members

Conference and seminar reports

Support Publish or Perish development

Like my blogposts? Consider supporting one of the other free resources I am offering: Publish or Perish. Development of the Publish or Perish software is a volunteering effort that has been ongoing since 2006, regularly adding new features and data sources and expanding use cases and geograhical distribution. If you find Publish or Perish useful, then this is your chance to say "thank you" to the developers.

To keep Publish or Perish free (gratis) for everyone, your contribution toward the costs of hosting, bandwidth, and software development is appreciated. Only one user out of every five thousand contributes, so any support is very welcome indeed. For more detail see: Support Publish or Perish.

Product name Unit price Quantity
PoP donation (small) GBP 1.00
PoP donation (medium) GBP 10.00
PoP donation (large) GBP 50.00
PoP donation (corporate) GBP 500.00
Publish or Perish guide (2010) GBP 3.49
Publish or Perish tutorial (2016) GBP 2.99

Note: all prices are in Pounds Sterling (GBP). VAT does not apply.