Mission, values, and meeting charter
Documents our co-created CYGNA mission and values and our meeting charter
By joining our mailing list you commit to supporting our CYGNA mission, values and meeting charter.
CYGNA mission and values
To be added in September/October 2024.
Meeting charter
CYGNA is a friendly, kind, inclusive, and supportive community, providing a safe space/place to exchange ideas, share experiences, provide advice, inspire, and learn. To maintain our ethos, our members are expected to follow the following principles:
- Respect and nurture CYGNA's ethos by modeling the above behaviour, both within and outside meetings.
- Ensure meeting invites stay within the network only; an exception can be made for female colleagues of the local host.
- Keep discussions in CYGNA sessions and on the mailing list fully confidential.
Rules of engagement for online meetings
We want to make sure that our online meetings are a secure and safe place for everyone to share their views. Therefore, we would like to ask you to help us by adhering to the following additional principles:
- Try your best to join the meeting on time. Our meetings are not run in a webinar setting and speakers see the audience. So it is a bit disruptive for the speaker if many members drop in late.
- Ensure your Zoom name includes your first and last name, that your Zoom profile includes a photo and that you are muted when you are not speaking.
- Switch on your camera when joining a CYGNA Zoom meeting. You may switch off the camera later if needed.
What if I can't attend a meeting after all?
We are aware of and sensitive to the multiple demands on your time, and so we of course understand if you register but then cannot attend.
But please remember that event organisers are volunteers who put considerable time and commitment into preparing an engaging CYGNA event for participants and they often need to estimate attendance to plan activities.
So if you know it is unlikely you will attend, please register when you are more likely to attend than not; and if you are registered but cannot attend, please let organisers know in advance.
What does CYGNA mean to its members?
At our 50th meeting we also asked members to share a few words about what CYGNA meant to them on a Padlet. We think the result is pretty amazing :-).
Related pages
- About Cygna - Background on the CYGNA network
- Quick overview - Overview of presentations in our meetings with linked slidedecks
- Meetings - Information about forthcoming CYGNA meetings, and links to prior years
- Membership - Information for and about the Cygna network membership
- Readings and inspirations - Inspirational readings and resources for female academics
- The Cygna charter - Documents our CYGNA charter
- Cygna videos - Repository of introduction videos of our new CYGNA coordination team
- Cygna history - Tracing the history of our network since 2014, includes links to all of our meetings
- Frequently asked questions - Everything you may want to know about the CYGNA network and more
- The SWAN project - Initiated by Christa Sathish and Clarice Santos and implemented by Jacqueline Leon Ribas, this project created two swans reflecting CYGNA’s equal, inclusive, collective identity and the diversity of the network and its members
- Conference meet-ups - Provides brief write-ups of CYGNA conference meet-ups
- 10-year Anniversary event - Programme page for our 10-year anniversary event
- International Women's Day - Our collection of posts for international women's day
- CYG: Teaching & Scholarship Research - Our first CYG = SIG = Special Interest Group
Related video
Copyright © 2024 Anne-Wil Harzing. All rights reserved. Page last modified on Thu 5 Sep 2024 08:54
Anne-Wil Harzing is Professor of International Management at Middlesex University, London and visiting professor of International Management at Tilburg University. She is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business, a select group of distinguished AIB members who are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the scholarly development of the field of international business. In addition to her academic duties, she also maintains the Journal Quality List and is the driving force behind the popular Publish or Perish software program.