Meetings 2021-2022
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2021-2022
If you are interested in being on the mailing list and/or attending our events please contact Anne-Wil Harzing ( We also maintain a readings and inspirations section and have a Twitter hashtag #cygna_london. A quick overview of past presentations can be found here. For a full description of our network see: Celebrating CYGNA: Supporting women in academia.
Meeting 42: 24 September 2021,13.00-16.00:
All the WHYs and HOWs you need to know about Coaching
Organizer: Ling Eleanor Zhang, Loughborough University London
See blogpost for write-up, slides and resources: CYGNA: The WHYs and HOWs of coaching
PART 1: How can coaching help enhance your career?
- Axèle Giroud, Professor of International Business, Alliance Manchester Business School: Why do I want to pursue coaching as a senior leader?
- Raija Salomaa, Senior Executive Coach, Coaching Supervisor, Why would it be beneficial to enhance career capital through coaching?
- Judie M Gannon, Senior Lecturer - Coaching & Mentoring/Human Resource Management, Oxford Brookes Business School: Why as female academics should we all engage with coaching and mentoring?
PART 2: How to get started as a coach and coachee?
- Nathalie van Meurs, Senior Lecturer Business & Management, Middlesex University Business School: Why would accredited coaching be my choice?
- Lesley Hetherington, Owner of LESLEY HETHERINGTON LTD: The 5 WHYS that you need to know about coaching.
- Athina Dilmperi, Senior Lecturer in Marketing, Middlesex University Business School: How to make the most out of coaching sessions as a coachee?
Meeting 43: Thursday 18 Nov 2021, 10.00-12.00:
Happily ever after? Co-creating wellbeing in academia
Organizer: Sarah Drakopoulou Dodd, University of Strathclyde
See blogpost for write-up and resources: CYGNA: Co-creating academic well-being
Most of this session was conducted in break-out rooms for more interactive discussions. A big big thank you to our wonderful facilitators.
Meeting 44: Friday 17 December 2021, 14.00-16.00:
Christmas celebration
Organizer: Shasha Zhao, University of Surrey
See blogpost for write-up: CYGNA: Secret Santa at the 2nd pandemic Christmas
Meeting 45: Friday 21 January 2022, 10.00-12.00:
Diversity of academic career paths
Organizer: Carole Couper, Sheffield University Management School
See blogpost for write-up, slides, and additional resources: CYGNA: One size doesn't fit all - Diversity of academic career paths
- Axèle Giroud, Professor of International Business, Alliance Manchester Business School: Academic & Policy path: my journey and pros and cons
- Khalida Malik, Adjunct Fellow, School of Business, Western Sydney University: Multinational & Eclectic Path: Boundaryless careers and lessons learned
- Carole Couper, Sheffield University Management School: Industry & Academia path: Moving from industry to academia and lessons learned
- Martyna Janowicz, Tilburg University, Executive Secretary & Senior Policy Advisor: Academia & Academic Management path: the cycle of discovery, challenges and lessons learnt
Meeting 46: Friday 25 March 2022, 14.00-16.00:
Supervising and being supervised: Expectations and experiences of the doctoral journey
Organizers: Judie Gannon, Oxford Brookes University, UK; Ciara O'Higgins, Deusto Business School, Spain; Viviana Meschitti, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy.
See blogpost for write-up, slides and resources: CYGNA: Supervising and being supervised
- Dr Anne Lee, consultant on academic and educational development, leadership, coaching and mentoring and developing effective doctoral supervisors: Factors impacting the relationship between supervisor and doctoral candidate. Download slides.
Meeting 47: Friday 13 May 2022, 11.00-16.00:
How to be the change we want to see in the world? Positionality, team roles and academic activism
Organizers: Argyro Avgoustaki, ESCP Business School, UK; Bianca Stumbitz, Middlesex University, UK; Clarice Santos, Middlesex University, UK.
See blogpost for write-up, slides, and additional resources: CYGNA: Positionality, team roles, and academic activism
- Bianca Stumbitz, Clarice Santos, Middlesex University, UK: Positionality, reflexivity and academic activism. Download slides.
- Daniela Lup, ESCP, London campus: Positionality in Teams: Making the Team and Finding One’s Best Role. Download slides.
Copyright © 2023 Anne-Wil Harzing. All rights reserved. Page last modified on Sat 7 Oct 2023 14:42
Anne-Wil Harzing is Professor of International Management at Middlesex University, London and visiting professor of International Management at Tilburg University. She is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business, a select group of distinguished AIB members who are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the scholarly development of the field of international business. In addition to her academic duties, she also maintains the Journal Quality List and is the driving force behind the popular Publish or Perish software program.