Multi-query center: Exporting

Publish or Perish tutorial

Note: This tutorial was originally written for Publish or Perish version 4 and all screenshots come from this version. Later versions of Publish or Perish show the multi-query center at the top of every screen for easier access. Its basic functions are similar to PoP4, however.

The Publish or Perish Multi-query center not only makes it easier to organize your queries, it also makes it easier to export the results for further processing.

This is particularly useful if you want to do further bibliometric research with the PoP results.

Easy exporting through popup menu

The easiest way to export results is to select the queries you want to export and right-click to access the popup menu. Let’s assume we are working with a set of Dutch Economists as I did for the project in this paper.

  • Harzing, A.W.; Mijnhardt, W. (2015) Proof over promise: Towards a more inclusive ranking of Dutch academics in Economics & Business, Scientometrics, vol. 102, no. 1, pp. 727-749.


Export the results

If you would like to export the results, i.e. the articles published by the Economists in question, you would select one of the Save As …. Commands, which allow you to save and import the data into for instance Endnote (Save As Endnote), or MS Excel (Save as CSV). Simply select any queries you want to export (as many as you want), right-click and select Save as CSV or Save as Endnote. For other export options, please refer to the PoP help file.

Export the statistics

If you would like to export the statistics for the Economists in question, i.e. their number of papers, citations, h-index etc., you would select one of the Copy Statistics …. commands, which allow you to copy the statistics to the Windows clipboard for pasting into a variety of other programs.

Copy statistics for Excel is a good default option

For most users the best option is to use the Copy Statistics for Excel command. In order to ensure you copy the headers with the names of the statistics into your file, use Copy Statistics for Excel with Header. Then paste the results into an Excel worksheet. With one click you insert a table and your data are ready for further processing.


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multi-query center publish or perish tutorial