Table of contents


    History of

    Historic screen shots of

    Legal notices for


    Administrative experience

    Teaching experience

    Research supervision

    Reviewing and editorial experience



    Awards received

    My narrative career write-up

    REF, rankings & reputation

    Transforming academia


    International HRM & Staffing Policies

    HQ-Subsidiary Relationships in MNCs

    The International Research Process

    Transfer of HRM Practices in MNCs [2000-2010]

    Language in International Business

    Quality and Impact of Academic Research

    Doing International Research


    Publications by type

    Publications by year

    Ten career-best publications

    The Publish or Perish Book

      The Publish or Perish Book (PDF edition)

      The Publish or Perish Book (Paperback)

      The Publish or Perish Book: A guide to the software

      The Publish or Perish Book: Citation analysis for academics and administrators

      The Publish or Perish Book: Doing bibliometric research with Google Scholar

      The Publish or Perish Tutorial: 80 easy tips to get the best out of the Publish or Perish software

    International Human Resource Management, 6/E

      International Human Resource Management, 4/E

      International Human Resource Management, 3/E

      International Human Resource Management, 2/E

      International Human Resource Management

      International Human Resource Management, 5/E

    Managing the Multinationals: An international study of control mechanisms

    Online papers

    White papers

      Sacrifice a little accuracy for a lot more comprehensive coverage

      From h-index to hIa: The ins and outs of research metrics

      How to become an author of ESI Highly Cited Papers?

      Gender and geographical diversity in the editorial board of the Journal of International Business Studies

      Citation analysis across disciplines: The impact of different data sources and citation metrics

      How to address your teacher?

      Working with ISI data: Beware of categorisation problems

      Comparing the Google Scholar h-index with the ISI Journal Impact Factor

      Key Issues in International Survey Research

      Reflections on norms for the h-index and related indices

      Google Scholar as a new data source for citation analysis

      Reflections on the h-index

      Writing coursework assignments

      Musings of a recent graduate

      Do Google Scholar, Scopus and the Web of Science speak your language?

      The four P's of publishing

      Running the REF on a rainy Sunday afternoon: Do metrics match peer review?

      The four C's of getting cited

      The mystery of the phantom reference

      Gender bias and meritocracy: How to make career advancement in Economics more inclusive

      Research Impact 101

      Reflections on staff development

      The art of academic writing

      Highly cited academics in Business & Management over the years

      Doing a literature review: an 8-step process

      The individual annualised h-index: an ecologically rational heuristic?

      Open Syllabus: a treasure-trove for research and teaching

      SAGEPolicyProfiles: a treasure-trove for discovering policy impact paper series

      Introduction to Wives of the Organization

      Wives of the Organization

      Wives, Woes and Good Work: Untangling the Contradictions

      Does Everybody Still Want a Wife?

      Citizens of the Organization

      De internationale betekenis van Cor Lammers in de organisatietheorie

      Seven EIBAians in search of an author

      Bibliographic analysis of the scholarly writings of Jean J. Boddewyn

      Bibliographic analysis of the scholarly writings of Stephen Kobrin

      Bibliographic analysis of the scholarly writings of José de la Torre

      Bibliographic analysis of the scholarly writings of John Daniels

    Free articles on citation analysis

    Free articles on (journal) rankings

    Free articles in international business

    Managing Expatriates in China: A Language and Identity Perspective

    Jos Harzing: Vader, Opa, Kunstenaar

    Writing effective promotion applications

    Publishing in academic journals

    Creating social media profiles

    Measuring and improving research impact

    Using the Publish or Perish software


    Academic publishing resources

    Journal Quality List

      Frequently Asked Questions about the JQL

    Publish or Perish

      Publish or Perish in the news

      Publish or Perish on Microsoft Windows

      Publish or Perish on macOS

        Publish or Perish using CrossOver Mac 9.x or earlier

        Publish or Perish using CrossOver Mac 10.x or later

        Publish or Perish using MacPorts

        Publish or Perish using PlayOnMac

      Publish or Perish on GNU/Linux

      Publish or Perish Frequently Asked Questions

      End User License Agreement

      Publish or Perish tutorial
        Author search

          Author disambiguation: Include quotes (" ")

          Author disambiguation: Selective exclusion

          Author disambiguation: Use multiple initials

          Author disambiguation: Exclude homonyms

          Author disambiguation: Use full given name

          Author disambiguation: Use year restrictions

          Author disambiguation: Use multiple names

          Author disambiguation: Exclude co-authors

          Author disambiguation: Use research field

          Author disambiguation: Use affiliation

        Journal search

          Journal search: Exclude homonyms

          Journal search: Exclude by ISSN(1)

          Journal search: Exclude by ISSN(2)

          Journal search: Search by ISSN

          Journal search: Year restrictions

          Journal search: Edited volumes

        General search

          General search: Find articles

          General search: Find academics

          General search: Advanced author

          General search: Topic in journal

          General search: Institutions

        Multi-query center

          Multi-query center: Tree view

          Multi-query center: List view

          Multi-query center: Exporting

          Multi-query center: Re-importing

          Multi-query center: ISI import

          Multi-query center: Scopus import

          Multi-query center: Archives

          Multi-query center: Longitudinal data

          Multi-query center: Aggregation


          Accuracy: PoP vs GS for journals

          Accuracy: Check year

          Accuracy: Merge duplicates

          Accuracy: Selective merge


          Metrics: h and g-index

          Metrics: hI,norm and hIa

          Metrics: More h-indices

        Stating your case

          Stating your case: Reference group

          Stating your case: Pick metrics wisely

          Stating your case: Journal average

          Stating your case: Edited volume

          Stating your case: Argue for quality

        Author evaluation

          Author evaluation: Meeting an academic visitor

          Author evaluation: Laudatio or obituary

          Author evaluation: Publication awards

          Author evaluation: Job interview

          Author evaluation: Tips for Deans

        Paper submission

          Paper submission: Compare journal impact

          Paper submission: Pre-submision check

        Literature review

          Literature review: Key authors

          Literature review: Longitudinal

        Bibliometric research

          Bibliometric research: Authors

          Bibliometric research: Journals

        Google Scholar

          Google Scholar: Truncation

          Google Scholar: Wrong master record

          Google Scholar: Wrong author(s)

          Google Scholar: Inconsistent year

          Google Scholar: Stray citations

          Google Scholar: Book edition cites

          Google Scholar: Missing subject areas

          Google Scholar: Citation years

          Google Scholar: Slow searches

          Google Scholar: CAPTCHAS

        Using PoP

          Using PoP: The columns

          Using PoP: Context menu

          Using PoP: Program menu

          Using PoP: General preferences

          Using PoP: Queries preferences

      Support Publish or Perish

      Publish or Perish User's Manual
        About Publish or Perish

          What's new in Publish or Perish

          System requirements

          License agreement


          Frequently asked questions

        Using Publish or Perish

          Quick introduction

          Data sources

            Google Scholar

            Google Scholar Profile

            Google Scholar citing references

            Microsoft Academic

            Imported external data

            Imported data formats



            Web of Science


            Semantic Scholar



          Search results

            Folder tree

            Searches list

            Results list

            Citation metrics


            Exporting your data

            Archiving your data

            Search Report (basic or extended)

            Paper details

          Use cases

            Author search

            Publication/Journal search

            General/keyword search

            Affiliation search

            Exporting references and opening articles/citations

        Reference guide


          Dialog boxes

            Data provider information

            Microsoft Academic subscription key

            No search selected

            Preferences: General

            Preferences: Google Scholar

            Preferences: Google Scholar Profile

            Preferences: Microsoft Academic

            Preferences: Results

            Publish or Perish donation

            Publish or Perish survey

            Query in progress

            Select Google Scholar Profile

            Scopus API key

            Web of Science sign in

            Preferences: Crossref

            Preferences: Scopus

            Preferences: Web of Science

            Operation in Progress

            Preferences: PubMed

            Preferences: Semantic Scholar

            Semantic Scholar API key

            Tools panel

            Preferences: OpenAlex






























          No help available

          User-Agent string syntax

      Publish or Perish command line tools

      Publish or Perish training resources

    Affiliated software and books

    Living and working abroad

      Living and working in Melbourne

      Working in the UK

      Culture shock

      British culture

      British educational system

    External resources

      Cross-cultural and language resources

      Expatriation and international jobs

      International business resources

      Academic, professional and international organisations

      Journals and magazines

    Working in academia blog posts by theme

      Frontline IB interviews

      Video resources: International HRM

      Video resources: Intl Business

      Effective promotion applications

      Avoid a desk-reject for your article

      Social media to support your career

      Improve your Research Profile

      Book series: Crafting your career in academia

    Middlesex events


    About Cygna

    Quick overview


      Meetings 2014-2015

      Meetings 2015-2016

      Meetings 2016-2017

      Meetings 2017-2018

      Meetings 2018-2019

      Meetings 2019-2020

      Meetings 2020-2021

      Meetings 2021-2022

      Meetings 2022-2023

      Meetings 2023-2024

      Meetings 2024-2025


    Readings and inspirations

    Mission, values, and meeting charter

    Cygna videos: expanding the team

    Cygna history

    Frequently asked questions

    The SWAN project

    Conference and informal meet-ups

    CYGNA 10-year Anniversary event

    International Women's Day

      2024: Inspire Inclusion - We are CYGNA

    CYG: Teaching & Scholarship Research
