Meetings 2024-2025

Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2023-2024

If you are interested in being on the mailing list and/or attending our events please contact Anne-Wil Harzing ( We have a readings and inspirations section for female academics, a LinkedIn group, and hashtags #cygna_london  #cygnawomen. A quick overview of past presentations can be found here. For a full description of our network see: Celebrating CYGNA: Supporting women in academia.

New members meeting 6: 1 Oct 2024, 11.00-12.00

OrganizersSatkeen Azzizadeh (Middlesex University, UK), Ciara O'Higgins (Deusto Business School, Spain) and Anne-Wil Harzing (Middlesex University, UK).

Our biggest new members meeting ever with no less than 33 participants (30 shown in the picture). Most were completely new members, but there were also established members who wanted to re-connect after a period of absence and four of our coordination team memberswelcoming our new CYGNA sisters (Argryro, Christa, Joanna and Shea, see: Cygna videos: expanding the team).

Meeting 61: 8 Oct 2024, 12.00-14.00: Co-creating CYGNA's future through academic story telling (online)

OrganizersCiara O'Higgins (Deusto Business School, Spain) and Anne-Wil Harzing (Middlesex University, UK). 

SpeakersTatiana Andreeva (Maynooth University, Ireland), Satkeen Azzizadeh (Middlesex University, UK), Jane Neal-Smith (Univ. of York, UK, Ruwaiha Razik (Univ. of Colombo, Sri Lanka), Christa Sathish (Univ. of Westminster, UK)

See blogpost: CYGNA: General assembly - co-creating our CYGNA future through academic storytelling