113 pages tagged "mentoring"

Middlesex University 2021 virtual writing boot-camp
11 Sep 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Summer 2021 virtual writing boot-camp and links to the slides and videos used

Middlesex 2022 ECR event: back to Cumberland Lodge
05 Sep 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the July 2022 ECR event organised for Middlesex University. Links to the slides and other resources are included.

Middlesex University Summer 2019 writing boot-camp
14 Sep 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Summer 2019 writing boot-camp I organised at Cumberland Lodge near Windsor and links to the slides used

Middlesex University Winter 2018 writing boot-camp
24 Jan 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Winter 2018 writing boot-camp I organised at Cumberland Lodge near Windsor and links to the slides used

31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Information about forthcoming CYGNA meetings

Why I offered resources from early on in my career
18 Mar 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
First of nine posts based on my webinar for Georgia State University's CIBER - Interview by Tamer Cavusgil

10-year Anniversary event programme
28 Feb 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Programme page for our 10-year anniversary event

Quick overview
31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of the presenations in our CYGNA network with linked slidedecks

Cygna videos: expanding the team
23 Sep 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Repository of introduction videos of our CYGNA organising team

31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Home page for the CYGNA network

Meetings 2023-2024
14 Oct 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2023-2024

Middlesex university staff development: Boot-camp #8
11 Sep 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the July 2023 retreat that I organised for Middlesex University. Includes links to a large variety of public resources on academic careers

International Women's Day
10 Mar 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Collection of posts from the CYGNA Lead Team in honour of International Women's Day

The SWAN project
16 Nov 2023 - Christa Sathish
This project created two swans reflecting CYGNA’s equal, inclusive, collective identity and the diversity of the network and its members.

Frequently asked questions
14 Oct 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provided an answer to frequently asked questions by (prospective) CYGNA members

Cygna history
14 Oct 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Evolving page documenting CYGNA's past, present, and future

The Cygna charter
21 Sep 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Documents our CYGNA charter

Readings and inspirations
31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Inspirational reading and other resources for female academics

31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Information for and about the Cygna network membership

About Cygna
31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Information about the Cygna network

CYGNA: Passion and Purpose: Navigating the Meaning of Academic Careers
17 Jun 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 59th CYGNA meeting where we were treated to a highly engaging meeting asking us some very fundamental questions

CYGNA: Kind and inclusive networking
26 Apr 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 52nd meeting of the CYGNA network dealing with the why, where and how of networking in CYGNA

04 Sep 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Outlines the rationale for and the practice of the #PositiveAcademia movement that I launched in January 2022

This little girl: message to my younger self
11 Oct 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Part of the Inspiring Girls International campaign in which women share their childhood ambitions

CYGNA: Necessary Condition Analysis: What, Why and How?
15 Apr 2024 - Tatiana Andreeva
Reports on our 58th CYGNA meeting where we were enthralled with an emerging powerful methodology that both qualitative and quantitative researchers can use

Return to Meaning: A Social Science with Something to Say
01 Sep 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Gives my reflections on my Summer reading "Return to Meaning" and pleads for individual initiative in creating Positive Academia

Supporting Early Career Researchers
10 Oct 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Presentation in the EFMD course for Faculty Deans on "Rethinking faculty models for impactful schools and resilient careers"

Five lessons from my first publications
02 Jan 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Talks about courage, journal rankings, 2nd chances, co-authors & persistance as the lessons I learned from my early publications

Writing effective promotion applications
12 Jul 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
How to ensure your promotion application has the best possible chance of success

Book series: Crafting your career in academia
12 Jul 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
A new book series including thematic books on various aspects of academic careers, based on my blog on the topic

2024: Inspire Inclusion - We are CYGNA
10 Mar 2024 - Christa Sathish
First of our posts in honour of International Women's day, drawing on the collective voices of our members

Writing promotion applications (6): What if you are rejected?
12 Feb 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Last of six posts on writing effective promotion applications

CYGNA meet-up at AoM 2023 in Boston
05 Feb 2024 - Ciara O’Higgins
Report and pictures by members of the CYGNA network at the AoM 2023 conference

The Academic Woman Interview (4): Research mentorship
10 May 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Fourth of a series of four posts reporting on my interview with Anatu Mahama of the Academic Woman magazine

The Academic Woman Interview (2): My research passions
05 Apr 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Second of a series of four posts reporting on my interview with Anatu Mahama of the Academic Woman magazine

The Academic Woman interview (1): My career history
22 Mar 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
First of a series of four posts reporting on my interview with Anatu Mahama of the Academic Woman magazine

The Academic Woman Interview (3): Research culture
19 Apr 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Third of a series of four posts reporting on my interview with Anatu Mahama of the Academic Woman magazine

Supportive, inclusive & collaborative research cultures
07 Nov 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Presentation in a course for Research Deans organised by the Chartered Association of Business Schools and the British Academy of Management

CYGNA: The Power of neurodiversity
11 Dec 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Our 55th CYGNA meeting was our first transdisciplinary, open-to-all event and featured the SWAN project celebrating the unique strengths of neurodiversity in academia

Research supervision
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Research supervision philosophy and list of current and past research students with publications resulting from their PhD

Effective promotion applications
01 Nov 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Collates links to all sixteen blogposts in the academic promotion series

Writing promotion applications (4): Focus on impact
04 Dec 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Fourth of six posts on writing effective promotion applications

Writing promotion applications (3): Focus on the why & how, not the what
13 Nov 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Third of six posts on writing effective promotion applications

Writing promotion applications (2): Start early
09 Oct 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Second of six posts on writing effective promotion applications

Writing promotion applications (1): Why is promotion so important for academics?
04 Sep 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
First of six posts on writing effective promotion applications

CYGNA: Our 4th Christmas meeting - failure & fun
08 Jan 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 56th CYGNA meeting - two hours filled with stories about rejections in journal publishing, secret santa, and new year resolutions

Writing promotion applications (5): Write for the reader
02 Jan 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Fifth of six posts on writing effective promotion applications

CYGNA: One size doesn't fit all - Diversity of academic career paths
28 Feb 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 45th CYGNA meeting in which we discussed four alternative career paths in academia

CYGNA: Past, present, and future
06 Nov 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 54th CYGNA meeting where we discussed the network's history, its expanded organising team, and our exciting plans for the future

CYGNA's 5 year anniversary: MDX writing boot-camp
11 Oct 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Middlesex writing bootcamp for CYGNA members - a full day even to celebrate our 5th anniversary

We need a different kind of superhero: improving gender diversity in academia
12 Jan 2021 - Jill A. Gould
Collects the resources developed for the 2020 AoM symposium on creating gender inclusive academic environments

Meetings 2020-2021
25 Sep 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2020-2021

Meetings 2017-2018
24 Sep 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2017-2018

CYGNA: Thriving in Research and Coping with Uncertainties
14 Jun 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 53rd CYGNA meeting: combining career development with relaxing and invigorating conversations

Meetings 2022-2023
29 Sep 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2022-2023

Meetings 2021-2022
25 Sep 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2021-2022

Meetings 2018-2019
29 Sep 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2018-2019

Academic promotion tips (6) - Craft your career narrative
21 Mar 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Last of a six-part blogpost series on how to write an effective application for promotion in academia

How to get promoted in academia?
03 May 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The first book in my "Crafting your career in academia" series

CYGNA: Writing a literature review paper: whether, what, and when?
19 Sep 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 41st CYGNA meeting on the challenge of publishing literature review papers

Middlesex University 2020 virtual writing boot-camp
04 Sep 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Summer 2020 virtual writing boot-camp and links to the slides used

Celebrating CYGNA: Supporting women in academia
08 Mar 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
A history of CYGNA's development to celebrate its 5th year and international women's day

CYGNA: Secret Santa at the 2nd pandemic Christmas
17 Jan 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 44th CYGNA meeting with a Secret Santa Christmas celebration

CYGNA: Positionality, team roles, and academic activism
27 Jun 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
47th CYGNA meeting, celebrating our 8-year anniversary with our first face-to-face meeting in 2.5 years

Academic promotion tips (2) - Treat your application as a journal submission
24 Jan 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Second of a six-part blogpost series on how to write an effective application for promotion in academia

CYGNA @50 and Christmas celebration 2022
16 Jan 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 50th (!!!) CYGNA meeting. Strikes thwarted our big plans, but we still had fun.

Positive Leadership Award
06 Feb 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Presents my submission materials for the Positive Leadership Award, summarising my work in this field

Academic promotion tips (5) - Evidence your impact in Leadership & Service
07 Mar 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Fifth of a six-part blogpost series on how to write an effective application for promotion in academia

CYGNA: How do I keep my job (in academia) in uncertain times?
13 Nov 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 34th CYGNA meeting discussing jobs losses in higher education in COVID-19 times

Academic promotion tips (3) - Evidence your impact in Research & Engagement
07 Feb 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Third of a six-part blogpost series on how to write an effective application for promotion in academia

Internal versus external promotion [1/4]
01 Sep 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Part 1 of a 4-part post which explains why internal promotion in academia might be harder to achieve than external promotion and gives tips for successful applications

Academic promotion tips (4) - Evidence your impact in Teaching & Learning
21 Feb 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Fourth of a six-part blogpost series on how to write an effective application for promotion in academia

Academic promotion tips (1) - Understand the process
10 Jan 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
First of a six-part blogpost series on how to write an effective application for promotion in academia

CYGNA: How to manage individual research performance
12 Dec 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 49th meeting with a discussion of research-based evidence on how to manage research performance

CYGNA: Female leadership in Higher Education
29 Oct 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 33rd CYGNA meeting - our first in a full academic year of online meetings

CYGNA: Internal versus External promotion
11 Oct 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 22nd CYGNA meeting with a presentation giving tips for internal and external promotion applications

CYGNA: climbing up the academic career ladder
03 May 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 39th CYGNA meeting with a focus on career progression

CV of failures
15 Jun 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains why rejection and failure are a normal part of an academic career and not something to hide or be embarrassed about

Tips for promotion applications [4/4]
22 Sep 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Part 4 of a 4-part post which explains why internal promotion in academia might be harder to achieve than external promotion and gives tips for successful applications

Seven advantages of internal promotion [3/4]
15 Sep 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Part 3 of a 4-part post which explains why internal promotion in academia might be harder to achieve than external promotion and gives tips for successful applications

Seven reasons why external promotion is easier [2/4]
08 Sep 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Part 2 of a 4-part post which explains why internal promotion in academia might be harder to achieve than external promotion and gives tips for successful applications

Leading with Kindness: one of 50 Leading Lights in UK
22 Nov 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on my 2019 election of one of the 50 Leading Lights in the UK for leading with kindness

WAIB Woman of the Year award
31 Jul 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Anne-Wil awarded "Woman of the Year award" by the Women in the Academy of International Business

On academic life: collaborations and active engagement
19 Jun 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Martyna Sliwa's articles on the rationalities underlying research collaborations and getting involved in managing and shaping the university organizations we work for

CYGNA: Resistance to gender equality in academia
15 Mar 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 38th CYGNA meeting dealing with one of the ultimate gender topics

CYGNA: Co-creating academic well-being
17 Dec 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 43th CYGNA meeting on the challenges and champions of academic well-being

CYGNA: Gender & Migration
31 Oct 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 48th meeting with two book launches and a discusion on advancing migration research in Business & Management

Middlesex University Summer 2018 writing boot-camp
26 Jul 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Summer 2018 writing boot-camp I organised at Cumberland Lodge near Windsor and links to the slides used

CYGNA @EIBA Madrid 2021
14 Feb 2022 - Ciara O’Higgins
Report and pictures by members of the CYGNA network at the EIBA conference

CYGNA: Supervising and being supervised
02 May 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Our 46th CYGNA meeting discussing our experiences of PhD supervision, both from a student and from a supervisor perspective

CYGNA: Negotiation workshop
15 Feb 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 30th CYGNA meeting dealing with negotiation styles

Thank You: The most underused words in academia?
21 Apr 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
About the importance of courtesy in email communications

CYGNA: Building your academic brand through social media
24 May 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 16th CYGNA meeting with two presentations on social media in academia

Building your academic brand through engagement with social media
18 May 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on my presentation at the Free University of Amsterdam

How to ensure your research achieves the impact it deserves
17 Nov 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on my presentation at Tilburg University

CYGNA: Understand your co-author(s) & yourself with MBTI
07 Dec 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 23rd CYGNA meeting with a certified MBTI trainer

Fostering research impact through social media
03 Jan 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Full recording of a 1.5-hour presentation on the four C's of getting cited and an 8-step workflow on how to effectively disseminate your research.

CYGNA: Big Data in the Social Sciences
04 Feb 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 24th CYGNA meeting with expert introductions into big data in the social sciences and the gender aspects of artificial intelligence

CYGNA: Life-long learning in academia
03 Apr 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 25th CYGNA meeting with presentations on an Erasmus visit and participation in the Aurora program

CYGNA: Work intensification, well-being and career advancement
08 Dec 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 29th CYGNA meeting dealing with workloads and work intensification

1st CYGNA Global Virtual Meeting: Coping with a Pandemic
06 Jun 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 31st CYGNA meeting - our first virtual meeting dealing with work-life balance during a pandemic

AIB 2020 Online - my first virtual conference
11 Jul 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Brief report on the AIB virtual conference in July 2020

2nd CYGNA Global Virtual Meeting: MBTI & Stress
16 Jul 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 32nd CYGNA meeting - our second virtual meeting discussing stress trigger factors for different MBTI types

AoM 2020 online - my second virtual conference
14 Aug 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Brief report on the AoM virtual conference in August 2020

CYGNA: The wonderful world of book publishing
12 Dec 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 35th CYGNA meeting with three publishers discussing textbooks, research books and practice books

CYGNA: Working in a Horizon-2020 project
19 Feb 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 37th CYGNA meeting dealing with research funding and working in large funded projects

CYGNA: REF and Christmas during a pandemic
05 Jan 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 36th CYGNA meeting with a presentation on REF and A Christmas celebration

CYGNA: Women management scholars leading REF impact case studies
13 Jun 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 40th CYGNA meeting with a focus on the (limited) role of women academics in REF impact case studies

Meetings 2015-2016
31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2015-2016

Meetings 2016-2017
31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2016-2017

Meetings 2019-2020
22 Sep 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2019-2020

Meetings 2014-2015
31 Dec 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2014-2015

CYGNA: The WHYs and HOWs of coaching
30 Oct 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 42nd CYGNA meeting on how you can incorporate coaching in an academic career as coacher and coachee