Quick overview

Overview of the presenations in our CYGNA network with linked slidedecks

Curious about what we are up to in the CYGNA meetings? Find information and pictures from past meetings here and upcoming meetings here. This page features a list of the topics we have discussed over the years. Where available, a link to the presentation is provided. 

We maintain a readings and inspirations section for female academics, a LinkedIn group, and hashtags #cygna_london and #cygnawomen. For a full description of our network see: Celebrating CYGNA: Supporting women in academia. An overview of blogposts of nearly all our meetings is here.

Date Presenter Topic
2015-01-16 Helene Tenzer, Tübingen University, Germany Targeting High-Ranking IB journals: Personal experiences See blogpost: CYGNA: Publishing in Management, Psychology and International Business
2015-01-16 Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University, London, UK How to Publish through Amazon, Createspace  See blogpost: CYGNA: Resource collection for the summer holidays
2015-03-13 Hyun-Jung Lee, London School of Economics, UK Transitioning from a Junior to Mid-career Faculty: Personal experiences
2015-03-13 Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University, London, UK The four C's of citation analysis   See blogpost: CYGNA: Resource collection for the summer holidays
2015-05-15 Chen Chen Li, Southwestern Univ. of Finance & Economics, China Publishing in Psychology vs. Management Journals: Personal Experiences See blogpost: CYGNA: Publishing in Management, Psychology and International Business
2015-05-15 Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University, London, UK Proof over Promise: Data sources & metrics in research impact  See blogpost: CYGNA: Resource collection for the summer holidays
2015-06-26 Sachiko Yamao, University of Melbourne, Australia The Challenges and Opportunities of Working and Researching Down-under See blogpost: CYGNA: Women academics in Australia and France 
2015-09-25 Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University, London, UK How to use the Publish or Perish software effectively, a practical demonstration  See blogpost: CYGNA: Resource collection for the summer holidays
2015-11-20 Jo Silvester, Cass Business School, City University of London, UK Balancing Research Rigor and Applicability: Embracing the Challenging of Academic Research and Consultancy
2016-01-22 Aida Hajro, Brunel University London, UK Experiences with Publishing in the Academy of Management Journal See blogpost: CYGNA: Publishing in Management, Psychology and International Business
2016-03-11 Betty Beeler, ESC Saint Etienne; Cordula Barzantny, Toulouse Business School Women academics in France today: Riding the waves of change See blogpost: CYGNA: Women academics in Australia and France 
2016-05-13 Meg Hsin-Hsuan Lee, ESCP Business School London, UK Juggling research, teaching and administrative duties: Challenges and solutions
2016-06-10 Shea Xuejiao Fan, Nottingham University Business School, China Experience of working in a British-Chinese joint-university
2016-09-23 Helen Hu, University of Melbourne, Australia Building an academic career - experiences from down-under. See blogpost: CYGNA: Women academics in Australia and France 
2016-11-18 Sara Young, University College London, UK Adding interest to academic writing - advice and tips. See blogpost: CYGNA: Publishing in Management, Psychology and International Business
2017-01-20 Facilitator: Hyun-Jung Lee, London School of Economics, UK Interactive discussion: Choosing the right outlet for your work
2017-03-17 Martyna Sliwa, University of Essex, UK Careers, mobility and belonging: The ascent of foreign women academics in UK business schools? See blogpost: CYGNA: Careers, mobility and belonging: foreign women academics in the UK
2017-05-19 Meg Hsin-Hsuan Lee, ESCP Business School London, UK A social media survival guide for academics. See blogpost: CYGNA: Building your academic brand through social media
2017-05-19 Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University, London, UK Building your academic brand through engagement with social media. See blogpost: CYGNA: Building your academic brand through social media
2017-09-22 Daniela Lup, Middlesex University, London, UK
How to incorporate Social Network Analyis in various research streams and use a personal network analysis for personal development See blogpost: CYGNA: Social network analysis and managing large research teams
2017-09-22 Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University, London, UK Herding cats: how to manage (and participate in) large research networks See blogpost: CYGNA: Social network analysis and managing large research teams
2017-11-24 Martyna Sliwa, University of Essex, UK
Working effectively with professional/support staff in academia See blogpost: CYGNA: Working effectively with support staff in academia
2018-01-26 Argyro Avgoustaki, ESCP, London, UK
Working with secondary data sources See blogpost: CYGNA: Secondary data sources and research portfolios
2018-01-26 Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University, London, UK Low hanging fruit or mature wine: Balancing your research portfolio See blogpost: CYGNA: Secondary data sources and research portfolios
2018-03-23 Fiona Moore, Royal Holloway, University of London Unions: What can they do for you? and facilated discussion on: Be nice AND get the corner office: Negotiating your employment conditions. See blogpost: CYGNA: Be nice AND get the corner office.
2018-09-28 Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University, London, UK

It is so unfair! Internal vs. external promotion and facilated discussion on promotion applications, see also this blogpost series

2018-11-23 Veronique Tran, ESCP Paris, France

Understand your co-author(s) and yourself with MBTI: Intro to MBTI for CYGNA and Each person confirms their preferences. See blogpost: CYGNA: Understand your co-author(s) and yourself with MBTI

2019-01-25 Sarah Otner, Imperial College London, UK

Big Data in the Social SciencesHandout with key resource material. See blogpost: CYGNA: Big Data in the Social Sciences

2019-03-22 Salma Soliman, Middlesex University, London, UK

Beyond formalities: Reflections of Erasmus+ Teaching visit. See blogpost: CYGNA: Life-long learning in academia

2019-03-22 Orthodoxia Kyriacou, Middlesex University, London, UK

Seeing into the light: some personal experiences of the Aurora programme. See blogpost: CYGNA: Life-long learning in academia

2019-06-14 Heejin Kim, Tohoku University, Japan

Internationalisation of Japanese academia: is there a role model? See blogpost: CYGNA: Internationalisation of Japanese academia

2019-06-14 Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University, London, UK

Skills development: "Social media clinic", handouts with tips, See also: Fostering research impact through social media

2019-09-20 Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University, London, UK

How to avoid a desk-reject Slides for a full-day writing bootcamp. See also: CYGNA's 5 year anniversary: Middlesex writing boot-camp

2019-11-29 Kerstin Alfes, ESCP, Berlin campus Work intensification and the implication for employees' health. See also: CYGNA: Work intensification, well-being and career advancement
2019-11-29 Argyro Avgoustaki, ESCP, London campus Does work effort pay off? Implications for employee well-being and career advancement. See also: CYGNA: Work intensification, well-being and career advancement
2020-01-31 Daniela Lup, ESCP, London campus How Swans negotiate and how to negotiate better. See also: CYGNA: Negotiation workshop
2020-05-15 Alexandra Beauregard Birkbeck, University of London Work-life balance during the COVID-19 pandemic. See also: 1st CYGNA Global Virtual Meeting: Coping with a Pandemic
2020-06-26 Argyro Avgoustaki, ESCP, London campus MBTI & Stress, no download because of copyright reasons. See also: 2nd CYGNA Global Virtual Meeeting: MBTI & Stress.
2020-09-25 Kristiina Mäkelä, Aalto University, Finland Women can have it all: how to balance research, leadership and family before and after Covid-19. See also: CYGNA: Female leadership in Higher Education
2020-09-25 Susan Lea, University of Hull, UK Leadership and resilience during and after Covid-19. See also: CYGNA: Female leadership in Higher Education
2020-10-22 Shea Fan, RMIT University, Australia
2020-10-22 Mariana Dodourova, Middlesex University, UK A brief no-nonsense overview of the current UK HE environment. See also: CYGNA: How do I keep my job (in academia) in uncertain times?
2020-10-22 Marian Jones, Sheffield University, UK Time to leave, or time to change? A gendered perspective on academic work during a crisis. See also: CYGNA: How do I keep my job (in academia) in uncertain times?
2020-11-26 Francine O'Sullivan, Edward Elgar, UK Why would I edit a handbook? See also: CYGNA: The wonderful world of book publishing

Kimberley Chadwick, Emerald, UK

Book publishing for an academic and non-academic audience See also: CYGNA: The wonderful world of book publishing

Kiren Shoman SAGE, UK

Publishing Your Textbook: Why, How, Where? See also: CYGNA: The wonderful world of book publishing

Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University, UK

The UK REF. What does it mean for you? See also: CYGNA: REF and Christmas during a pandemic

Cordula Barzantny, Toulouse Business School, France

GLOMO Horizon 2020 project: overview and individual presentations See also: CYGNA: Working in a Horizon-2020 project

Susanne Täuber, Groningen University, Netherlands

Resistance to equality in academia and how to overcome it. See also: CYGNA: Resistance to gender equality in academia

2021-03-18 Sharon Bell, Australian National University, Australia Academic career strategies: the secret lives of us. See also: CYGNA: climbing up the academic career ladder
2021-03-18 Huong Nguyen Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Climbing up the academic career ladder: findings from a research project See also: CYGNA: climbing up the academic career ladder
2021-05-28 Emily Yarrow, University of Portsmouth, UK Women management scholars leading impact cases-an empirical insight. See also: CYGNA: Women management scholars leading REF impact case studies
2021-06-24 Catherine Welch, Univ. of Sydney (Australia), Aalto University (Finland) Backstory to: “Putting process (back) in: Research on the internationalization process of the firm”. See also: CYGNA: Writing a literature review paper: whether, what, and when?
2021-06-24 Ciara O’Higgins, University of Deusto, Spain The (very long) journey to publication: “International management challenges of professional service firms: A synthesis of the literature”. See also: CYGNA: Writing a literature review paper: whether, what, and when?
2021-06-24 Helene Tenzer, Tübingen University, Germany Timeline, challenges and take-aways for “Language in international business: A review and agenda for future research”. See also: CYGNA: Writing a literature review paper: whether, what, and when?
2021-09-24 Axèle Giroud, Alliance Manchester Business School, UK Why do I want to pursue coaching as a senior leader? See also: CYGNA: The WHYs and HOWs of coaching
2021-09-24 Raija Salomaa, Senior Executive Coach, www.crossnomads.com (Finland) Why would it be beneficial to enhance career capital through coaching? See also: CYGNA: The WHYs and HOWs of coaching
2021-09-24 Nathalie van Meurs, Middlesex University Business School, UK Why would accredited coaching be my choice? See also: CYGNA: The WHYs and HOWs of coaching
2021-09-24 Lesley Hetherington, Owner of LESLEY HETHERINGTON LTD, UK Why do successful top performers work with coaches? See also: CYGNA: The WHYs and HOWs of coaching
2021-09-24 Athina Dilmperi, Middlesex University, Business School UK How to make the most out of coaching sessions as a coachee? See also: CYGNA: The WHYs and HOWs of coaching
2021-11-18 Sarah Drakopoulou Dodd, University of Strathclyde Happily ever after? Co-creating wellbeing in academia. No presentation. Break-out rooms only. See also: CYGNA: Co-creating academic well-being
2021-12-17 Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University, UK No presentation. Informal discussions only. See also: CYGNA: Secret Santa at the 2nd pandemic Christmas
2022-01-21 Axèle Giroud, Alliance Manchester Business School, UK Academic/Policy path: my journey and pros and cons. For slides see: One size doesn't fit all - Diversity of academic career paths
2022-01-21 Khalida Malik, Western Sydney University, Australia Multinational/Eclectic Path: Boundaryless careers and lessons learned. For slides see: One size doesn't fit all - Diversity of academic career paths
2022-01-21 Carole Couper, Sheffield University, UK Industry/Academia path: Moving from industry to academia and lessons learned. For slides see: One size doesn't fit all - Diversity of academic career paths
2022-01-21 Martyna Janowicz, Tilburg University, the Netherlands Academia/Academic Management path: the cycle of discovery, challenges and lessons learnt. For slides see: One size doesn't fit all - Diversity of academic career paths
2022-03-25 Dr Anne Lee, consultant on academic/educational development Factors impacting the relationship between supervisor and doctoral candidate. See also: CYGNA: Supervising and being supervised
2022-05-13 Bianca Stumbitz, Clarice Santos, Middlesex University, UK Positionality, reflexivity and academic activism. See also: CYGNA: Positionality, team roles, and academic activism
2022-05-13 Daniela Lup, ESCP, London campus, UK

Positionality in Teams: Making the Team and Finding One’s Best Role. See also: CYGNA: Positionality, team roles, and academic activism

2022-09-30 Maria Elo, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Book Launch: Transnational diaspora entrepreneurship. See also: CYGNA: Gender & Migration

2022-09-30 Aida Hajro, University of Leeds, UK; Milda Zilinskaite, Vienna University, Austria Advancing Migration Research in Business & Management. See also: CYGNA: Gender & Migration
2022-11-17 Olga Ryazanova, Maynooth University, Ireland 7 key insights on research management See also: CYGNA: How to manage individual research performance
2022-11-17 Clare Rigg University of Suffolk, United Kingdom Managing research as an Associate Dean See also: CYGNA: How to manage individual research performance
2023-03-24 Ciara O’Higgins, University of Deusto, Spain Kind and inclusive networking: The why, where and how of networking in CYGNA. See also: CYGNA: Kind and inclusive networking
2023-05-26 Rea Prouska, London South Bank University, United Kingdom Editing Special Issues in Leading journals. See also: CYGNA: Thriving in Research and Coping with Uncertainties 
2023-10-13 Ciara O’Higgins, Univ of Deusto, Spain, Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University, UK Presenting an overview of CYGNA's history, recent expansion of our coordination team, new initiatives, and our plans for the future. See also: CYGNA: Past, present, and future 
2023-11-15 Christa Sathish, Univ of Westminster, UK ‘The Power of Neurodiversity’ and a positive academia approach. See also: CYGNA: The Power of neurodiversity
2023-11-15 Philippa Eddie, Oxford Brookes University, UK Coaching in the workplace in the context of neurodiversity. See also: CYGNA: The Power of neurodiversity
2023-11-15 Claire Robertson, Univ of Westminster, UK Reduce Friction, Value Neurodiversity. See also: CYGNA: The Power of neurodiversity
2023-12-08 Helene Tenzer, LMU Munich School of Management From first idea to publication in only ten years, a story about failures and perseverance in publishing
2024-03-01 Tatiana Andreeva, Maynooth University, Ireland Necessary Condition Analysis: What, Why and How  Nicole Franziska Richter, University of Southern Denmark. Tatiana Andreeva, Maynooth University, Ireland
2024-05-17 Shea Fan, Deakin Univ Australia, Heejin Kim  Osaka Univ, Japan, Ting Liu, Kyoto Univ, Japan Passion and Purpose: Navigating the Meaning of Academic Careers (team presentation), Food for thought: A short review on “meaningful research” (Heejin Kim)
2024-06-21 Clarice Santos, Middlesex Univ, Argyro Avgoustaki, ESCP, Annie Wei, Univ of Leeds Survive & Thrive in Academia. Topics include: Colleagues behaving badly & Dealing with bullies (Clarice), How to say no & setting healthy boundaries (Argyro), Overcoming perfectionism & embracing imperfections (Annie)

A story about perseverance and publication failures

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