Meetings 2018-2019
Overview of Cygna network meetings in the academic year 2018-2019
If you are interested in being on the mailing list and/or attending our events please contact Anne-Wil Harzing ( We also maintain a readings and inspirations section and have a Twitter hashtag #cygna_london. A quick overview of past presentations can be found here. For a full description of our network see: Celebrating CYGNA: Supporting women in academia.
22nd meeting 28 September 2018 (Middlesex University)
Organised by Shasha Zhao and Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University
- How to prepare effective promotion applications (Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University)
- It is so unfair! Internal vs. external promotion [presentation download]
- Facilitated discussion on promotion applications, see also this blogpost series
- Brainstorming about future meetings and the organization of a special event in September 2019 to celebrate five years of CYGNA.
23rd meeting 23 November 2018 (ESCP Europe)
Organised by Argyro Avgoustaki, ESCP London
- Many paths to research productivity: Understand your co-author(s) and yourself with MBTI Veronique Tran, ESCP Paris
- Veronique's presentation can be downloaded in two parts here: Intro to MBTI for CYGNA and Each person confirms their preferences.
24th meeting 25 January 2019 (Imperial College London)
Organised by Sarah Otner, Imperial College London
- Big Data in the Social Sciences (Sarah Otner, Imperial College London)
- Science Communication (Sara Giarola, Imperial College London)
- Ethics & Applications, including Artificial Intelligence (Gina Neff, Oxford Internet Institute)
See also: Special Issue in Organizational Research Methods July 2018 on Big Data and Introduction to Big Data for Social Sciences (free 1-hour SAGE campus course).
25th meeting 22 March 2019 (Birbeck University of London)
Organised by Alexandra Beauregard, Birkbeck University of London
- Life-long learning in academia: participating in [leadership] development programs
- Salma Soliman, Middlesex University: Beyond formalities: Reflections of Erasmus+ Teaching visit
- Orthodoxia Kyriacou, Middlesex University: Seeing into the light: some personal experiences of the Aurora programme [presentation download]
- See also: When to say no?, Would you ask a male academic the same question?, Female academics: Wives of the organization?, Be proactive, resilient & realistic!, How to prevent burn-out? About staying sane in academia, CV of failures
26th meeting 24 May 2019 (Leeds University Business School)
Organised by: Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki, Annie Wei, Elizabeth Rose, and Jo Garrick, University of Leeds in collaboration with NARTI (Northern Advanced Research Training Initiative)
- When the Going gets Tough, the Tough get Going: Building Resilience in Academia
- Building Personal Resilience Nicola Neath, Staff Counsellor and Mental Health Practitioner, University of Leeds)
- Building resilience, sharing experiences (Kerrie Unsworth, Annie Wei, University of Leeds)
- See also: When to say no?, Would you ask a male academic the same question?, Female academics: Wives of the organization?, Be proactive, resilient & realistic!, How to prevent burn-out? About staying sane in academia, CV of failures
27th meeting 14 June 2019, London School of Economics
Organised by Hyun-Jung Lee London School of Economics
- Internationalisation of Japanese academia: is there a role model? (Heejin Kim, Tohoku University)
- Skills development session “Social media clinic” (Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University)
- See also: CYGNA: Women academics in Australia and France, CYGNA: Careers, mobility and belonging: foreign women academics in the UK, Fostering research impact through social media
Copyright © 2023 Anne-Wil Harzing. All rights reserved. Page last modified on Sat 7 Oct 2023 14:41
Anne-Wil Harzing is Emerita Professor of International Management at Middlesex University, London and visiting professor of International Management at Tilburg University. She is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business, a select group of distinguished AIB members who are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the scholarly development of the field of international business. In addition to her academic duties, she also maintains the Journal Quality List and is the driving force behind the popular Publish or Perish software program.