Did a job applicant publish with(out) their supervisor?

Shows you how to use the Publish or Perish software to find out what a job applicant published with their supervisor and what they published independently

Usually, early publications of PhD students are co-authored with their supervisors. For example, as can be seen above my PhD student Sebastian Reiche published two journal articles and a handbook chapter out of his PhD with me and his other PhD supervisor, Maria Kraimer. After completing his PhD, he also co-authored three articles and two book chapters with me between 2011 and 2022.

However, later on in their career we would normally expect our PhD students to work on their own or with other academics to show they can work independently. So how do you find out whether this is the case? You simply run a search with the student’s name and the name of their supervisor (preceded by a minus sign “-”).

As the screenshot below shows, Sebastian published a large number of articles on his own and with other academics (72 in total to date), even during the time he published with his supervisors. No wonder I am so proud of him!

Earlier projects in this series

Publish or Perish is a Swiss army knife!

These are just a few of the hundreds of nuggets of quality information that you can find using the free Publish or Perish software. Are you interested in finding out more about how you can use the software to conduct effective author, journal, topic, and affiliation searches?

Do you want to learn how to use it for tenure or promotion applications, conducting literature reviews and meta-analyses, deciding where to submit your paper, preparing for job interviews, writing laudations or obituaries, finding reviewers or keynote speakers, uncovering “citation connections” between scholars, and doing bibliometric research?

To read about all of this and much much more, buy my brand-new guide in my Crafting your career in academia series: Using the Publish or Perish software. At 375 pages it is chock-full of tips and tricks on how to get the most out of the software. I promise you will discover at least a dozen use cases that you had never even thought about before!

Other books in the series

My book series Crafting your career in academia launched in August 2022 with a book on Writing Effective Promotion Applications. The series is a collection of short guides dealing with various aspects of working in academia. It is based on my popular blog.

Aug 2022:

Nov 2022:

Feb 2023:

May 2023:


publish or perish tips citation analysis citation metrics