14 pages tagged "office politics"

Proactive academia (3): My advice for senior academics
18 Dec 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Seventh of eight posts on my Irish Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar Interview

Proactive academia (4): #PositiveAcademia: Towards a kinder academic world
29 Jan 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Last of eight posts on my Irish Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar Interview

Proactive academia (2): Tips for junior academics
20 Nov 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Sixth of eight posts on my Irish Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar Interview

Proactive academia (1): On proactiveness in academia
23 Oct 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Fifth of eight posts on my Irish Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar Interview

Inclusive academia (4): How to support Early Career Researchers
18 Sep 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Fourth of eight posts on my Irish Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar Interview

Inclusive academia (3): Supporting female academics
30 Jul 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Third of eight posts on my Irish Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar Interview

Inclusive academia (2): Inclusive research evaluation
28 Jun 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Second of eight posts on my Irish Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar Interview

Inclusive academia (1): How my career trajectory led to a focus on a inclusion
26 May 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
First of eight posts on my Irish Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar Interview

The Dean's disease: the Darker Side of Power
22 Jun 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Art Bedeian's hilarious and sobering paper about how power corrupts even Academic Deans

How to prevent burn-out? About staying sane in academia
12 May 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides twelve suggestions on how to prevent burn-out and keep your sanity

Take care of the little ants
29 Jan 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
One of the most funny and sad stories about office politics I have ever read

CYGNA: Working effectively with support staff in academia
06 Mar 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 18th CYGNA meeting with a presentation on working with support staff and a discussion of boundaryless careers

Wives of the Organization
06 Feb 2016 - Anne Sigismund Huff
An essay about how female academics often end up doing the academic equivalent of housework

Introduction to Wives of the Organization
06 Feb 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
An exchange between Alison Konrad and Anne Huff to introduce Wives of the Organization