31 pages tagged "social sciences"

CYGNA: Passion and Purpose: Navigating the Meaning of Academic Careers
17 Jun 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 59th CYGNA meeting where we were treated to a highly engaging meeting asking us some very fundamental questions

The individual annualised h-index: a 10-year study
27 May 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Short summary of my white paper: The individual annualised h-index: an ecologically rational heuristic?

The individual annualised h-index: an ecologically rational heuristic?
01 Jan 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Studies a matched sample of University of Melbourne (Associate) Professors to test the hIa as an ecologically rational metric that is unbiased across disciplines, career stage, and gender, as well as predictive for promotion, mobility and awards.

CYGNA: Necessary Condition Analysis: What, Why and How?
15 Apr 2024 - Tatiana Andreeva
Reports on our 58th CYGNA meeting where we were enthralled with an emerging powerful methodology that both qualitative and quantitative researchers can use

Return to Meaning: A Social Science with Something to Say
01 Sep 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Gives my reflections on my Summer reading "Return to Meaning" and pleads for individual initiative in creating Positive Academia

Top-50 academics in Business & Management worldwide: new 2023 ranking
19 Feb 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Analysis of the top-50 most highly cited academics in Business & Management and its increasing level of diversity over the years

Top-50 academics in Business & Management worldwide: new 2022 ranking
02 Nov 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Discusses the new October 2022 individual ranking based on Scopus citations, listing the top 2% most cited academics in each field

Citation analysis for the Social Sciences: metrics and data-sources
20 Sep 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Argues that a fair and inclusive cross-disciplinary comparison of research performance is possible using Google Scholar and the hIa metric

From h-index to hIa: The ins and outs of research metrics
20 Jul 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains two key research metrics and compares three sources of citation data: the Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar.

Highly cited academics in Business & Management over the years
14 Nov 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Analysis of the top-50 most highly cited academics in Business & Management and its increasing level of diversity over the years

Top-50 academics in Business & Management worldwide: new 2021 ranking
26 Nov 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Discusses a new individual ranking based on Scopus citations as well as some concrete suggestions for changing performance appraisal

Research Academics as Change Makers - Opportunities and Barriers
13 Nov 2021 - Andrea Werner
Reports on a Middlesex panel discussion on creating external research impact

Global Supply Chain Responsibility: Traceability and the resource orchestration perspective
11 Nov 2019 - Andrea Werner
Reports on a seminar organized by Middlesex's Business Ethics, CSR and Governance Research Cluster

"Let them not make me a stone”- Repositioning Entrepreneurship
10 Feb 2021 - Andrea Werner
Sarah Dodd's thought-provoking seminar on repositioning entrepreneurship away from the 1%

How leaders learn to use power and authority: Insights for coaching theory and practice
25 Jul 2022 - Andrea Werner
Seminar by Management, Leadership & Organizations Department at Middlesex University

Let's get emotional: the use of films in teaching tourism
16 Dec 2019 - Hyung yu Park
Hyung highlights the key findings of her exciting work on using films and critical pedagogy in a tourism context

On academic life: collaborations and active engagement
19 Jun 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Martyna Sliwa's articles on the rationalities underlying research collaborations and getting involved in managing and shaping the university organizations we work for

The art of writing grants: lessons from reviewing and assessing grant proposals
18 Jul 2022 - Andrea Werner
Seminar in the Management, Leadership & Organizations Department seminar series at Middlesex University

Top-50 most highly-cited academics in Business & Management worldwide
17 Dec 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Discusses a new individual ranking based on Scopus citations as well as some concrete suggestions for changing performance appraisal

Action Intent: Getting closer to leadership behavior in 22 countries
15 Oct 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
New book chapter on how "close-to-action" leadership scenarios can be used to study leadership across cultures

Publish or Perish: Realising Google Scholar's potential to democratise citation analysis
20 Feb 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on a presentation at the Google Scholar Day: Changing current evaluation paradigms

Why metrics can (and should?) be used in the Social Sciences
26 May 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on my presentation presented at "The Future of Research Assessment Peer Review vs. Metrics"

To rank or not to rank
14 Oct 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Gives an overview of my research in the field of journal rankings, university rankings and citation rankings

How to keep up-to-date with the literature, but avoid information overload?
14 May 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides tips on how to keep up-to-date without getting lost in social media overload

CYGNA: Big Data in the Social Sciences
04 Feb 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on our 24th CYGNA meeting with expert introductions into big data in the social sciences and the gender aspects of artificial intelligence

Onto-Epistemology in Business and Management Research
15 Feb 2019 - Konstantinos Poulis
Why academics are (or should become) intellectuals, not technicians of research methods

How to use Publish or Perish effectively?
25 Sep 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Presents the slides of a Bibliometrics Summer School session in July 2019

How social & behavioural science can support COVID-19 pandemic response
01 Apr 2020 - Valerio Capraro
Introduces a very timely paper on the role of social and behavioural research in the current crisis

Finding a Unicorn? Research funding in Business & Management research
05 May 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains why university administrators need to be realistic in the amount of research funding they can expect Business School academics to generate

Is ISI misunderstanding the Social Sciences?
14 Mar 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Documents how ISI is inappropriately applying Science-based criteria to articles in the Social Sciences

Bibliometrics in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
27 Mar 2017 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on my presentation at a workshop in March 2017 organised by the UK LIS-Bibliometrics group