Effective promotion applications

Collates links to all sixteen blogposts in the academic promotion series

In 2018 I wrote a 4-part blogpost series on internal vs external promotion in academia. In 2021, I added a 6-part blogpost series with tips and guidelines for internal promotions. Finally, in 2023, I added another 6-part blogpost series that explains more about the narrative CV approach to promotion.

They turned out to be among the most popular posts on my blog. However, readers have indicated that it is a bit tricky to get an overview and to navigate between the blogposts.

On this page I therefore included links to all sixteen blogposts, as well as all of their sub-sections. You can also download the slides of a presentation for the CYGNA women's network here: It is so unfair! Internal vs. external promotion or get a Kindle, paperback or hardcover copy of my book: Writing effective promotion applications.

Finally, academics often struggle to "calibrate" what is expected of them at different career stages. I have found this British Academy of Management Framework to be very helpful in this respect and I highly recommend it.

Links to all ten blogposts

Part 1: Internal vs. external promotion

Part 2: Seven reasons why external promotion is easier

Part 3: Seven advantages of internal promotion

Part 4: Tips for promotion applications

Academic promotion tips

Over the years, I have worked with many colleagues on their internal promotion applications to Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, and full Professor. In doing so, I came up with tips and guidelines that may be helpful for you too.

Academic promotion tips (1) - Understand the process

Academic promotion tips (2) - Treat your application as a journal submission

Academic promotion tips (3) - Evidence your impact in Research & Engagement

Academic promotion tips (4) - Evidence your impact in Teaching & Learning

Academic promotion tips (5) - Evidence your impact in Leadership & Service

Academic promotion tips (6) - Craft your career narrative

Narrative promotion applications

In 2022 Middlesex University revamped its promotion guidelines, moving to a narrative CV approach which centres around five key contributions: generation of knowledge, societal impact, success of learners, life of the university, and development of individuals. My presentation was quite generic and might therefore be useful for academics at other universities preparing for promotion too. 

Promotion applications (1): Why is promotion so important for academics?

Promotion applications (2): Start early

Promotion applications (3): Focus on the why & how, not the what

Promotion applications (4): Focus on impact

Promotion applications (5): Write for the reader

Promotion applications (6): What if you are rejected?

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