Avoid a desk-reject for your article

Collates links to all eight blogposts in the how to avoid a desk-reject series

My series on how to avoid a desk-reject has been very popular over the years. However, it is hard to get an overview of the recommendations and to navigate between the blogposts. On this page I have therefore included links to all eight separate blogposts as well as all of their sub-sections. Above you will also find a playlist of seven videos dealing with each of the eight steps. It was created for the Middlesex University writing bootcamp, but will be useful for all.

Links to all eight blogposts

How to avoid a desk-reject in seven steps [1/8]

Who do you want to talk to? Targeting journals [2/8]

Your title: the public face of your paper [3/8]

Writing your abstract: not a last-minute activity [4/8]

Your introduction: first impressions count [5/8]

Conclusions: last impressions count too [6/8]

What do you cite? Using references strategically [7/8]

Why do I need to write a letter to the editor? [8/8]

Related videos

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