Free articles in international business

Provides a list of my articles in the area of international business that are freely accessible from the publisher

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  1. Ciuk, S.; Śliwa M; Harzing, A.W. (2023) Implementing the EDI agenda in multinational companies: A framework for the management of (linguistic) diversity, Human Resource Management Journal, in press, Available online... - Publisher's version (free access) - Related blog post
  2. Dodourova, M.; Zhao, S.; Harzing, A.W. (2023) Ambidexterity in MNC knowledge sourcing in emerging economies: a microfoundational perspective, International Business Review, vol. 32, no. 2, 101854. Available online... - Publisher's version (free access) - Related blog post
  3. Kim, H.; Reiche, B.S.; Harzing, A.W. (2022) How does successive inpatriation contribute to subsidiary capability building and subsidiary evolution? An organizational knowledge creation perspective, Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 1394-1419. Available online... - Publisher's version (free access) - Related blog post
  4. Lee, H.-J., Yoshikawa, K. Harzing, A.W. (2021) Culture and Institutions: Dispositional and contextual explanations for country-of-origin effects in MNC “ethnocentric” staffing practices, Organization Studies, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 497–519. Available online... - Publisher's version (free access) - Related blog post
  5. Zhao, S., Gooderham, P. N., Harzing, A.W., & Papanastassiou, M. (2021) Do Multinational Enterprises Contribute to, or Reduce Global Inequality? Critical Perspectives on International Business, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 1-7, Available online... - Publisher's version (free access) - Related blog post
  6. Zhao, S.; Tan, H.; Papanastasiou, M.; Harzing, A.W. (2020) The internationalization of innovation towards the South: A historical case study of a global pharmaceutical corporation in China (1993-2017), Asia-Pacific Journal of Management, vol 37, no. 2, pp. 553-585. Available online... - Publisher's version (read for free) - Related blog post
  7. Duvivier, F.; Peeters, C.; Harzing, A.W. (2019) Not all international assignments are created equal: HQ-subsidiary knowledge transfer patterns across types of assignments and types of knowledge, Journal of World Business, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 181-190. Available online... - Publisher's version (free access) - Related blog post
  8. Fan, S.X.; Cregan, C.; Harzing, A.W.; Kӧhler, T. (2018) The benefits of being understood: The role of ethnic identity confirmation in expatriate-local employee interactions, Human Resource Management, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 327-339, DOI: 10.1002/hrm.21839. Available online... - Publisher's version (read for free) - Related blog post
  9. Fan, S.X.; Harzing, A.W. (2017) Host country employees' ethnic identity confirmation: Evidence from interactions with ethnically similar expatriates, Journal of World Business, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 640-652. Available online... - Publisher's version (free access) - Related blog post
  10. Tenzer, H.; Terjesen, S.; Harzing, A.W. (2017) Language in International Business: A review and agenda for future research, Management International Review, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 815-854. Available online... - Publisher's version (free access) - Related blog post - Presentation slides
  11. Zhang, L.E.; Harzing, A.W. (2016) From Dilemmatic Struggle to Legitimized Indifference: Expatriates’ host country language learning and its impact on the expatriate-HCE relationship, Journal of World Business, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 774-786. Available online... - Publisher's version (free access) - Related blog post
  12. Harzing, A.W.; Pudelko, M.; Reiche B.S. (2016) The bridging role of expatriates and inpatriates in knowledge transfer in multinational corporations, Human Resource Management, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 679–695. Available online... - Publisher's version (free access) - Related blog post - ESI top 1% most Highly Cited Paper - One of three finalists for the 2016 International HRM Scholarly Research Award from the HR Division, the Academy of Management
  13. Harzing, A.W.; Pudelko, M. (2016) Do we need to distance ourselves from the distance concept? Why home and host country context might matter more than (cultural) distance, Management International Review, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 1-34. Available online... - Publisher's version (free access)
  14. Reiche B.S.; Harzing, A.W.; Pudelko, M. (2015) Why and how does shared language affect subsidiary knowledge inflows? A social identity perspective, Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 46, no.5, pp. 528-551. Available online... - Publisher's version (free access) - Related blog post - [Also incorporated in a JIBS collection on Language and selected as one of 9 articles reprinted in Language in International Business. Developing a Field.]
  15. Harzing, A.W.; Pudelko, M. (2014) Hablas vielleicht un peu la mia language? A Comprehensive overview of the role of language differences in headquarters-subsidiary communication, International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 696–717. Available online... - Publisher's version (free access) - Related blog post
  16. Harzing, A.W.; Metz, I. (2013) Practicing what we preach: The geographic diversity of editorial boards, Management International Review, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 169-187. Available online... - Publisher's version (read for free) - Related blog post
  17. Harzing, A.W.; Reiche B.S.; Pudelko, M. (2013) Challenges in international survey research: A review with illustrations and suggested solutions for best practice, European Journal of International Management, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 112-134. Available online... - Publisher's version (free access) - Related blog post
  18. Harzing, A.W.; Brown, M.; Köster, K., Zhao, S. (2012) Response style differences in cross-national research: dispositional and situational determinants, Management International Review, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 341-363. Available online... - Publisher's version (read for free) - Related blog post
  19. Akkermans, D.; Harzing, A.W.; Witteloostuijn, A. van (2010) Cultural accommodation and language priming. Competitive versus cooperative behavior in a prisoner’s dilemma game, Management International Review, vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 559-584. Available online... - Publisher's version (read for free) - Related blog post
  20. Harzing, A.W.; Noorderhaven, N.G. (2006) Geographical distance and the role and management of subsidiaries: The case of subsidiaries down-under, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 167-185. Available online... - Publisher's version (read for free) - Related blog post - [reprinted in International Human Resource Management, Editors: Pawan Budhwar, Randall S. Schuler, Paul R. Sparrow, Sage Publications 2009]

New book series

My new book series Crafting your career in academia launched in August 2022 with a book on Writing Effective Promotion Applications. The series is a collection of short guides dealing with various aspects of working in academia. It is based on my popular blog.

Aug 2022:

Nov 2022:

Feb 2023:

May 2023:


international business language expatriation international hrm multinational companies