White papers

A list of Anne-Wil's white papers with linked access

This page lists Anne-Wil's white papers. For more of Anne-Wil's publications, see:

White papers

Year Title
2024 SAGEPolicyProfiles: a treasure-trove for discovering policy impact
2024 Open Syllabus: a treasure-trove for research and teaching
2024 The individual annualised h-index: an ecologically rational heuristic?
2024 Doing a literature review: an 8-step process
2023 Highly cited academics in Business & Management over the years
2023 The art of academic writing
2023 Reflections on staff development
2022 Research Impact 101
2018 Gender bias and meritocracy: How to make career advancement in Economics more inclusive
2017 The mystery of the phantom reference - [Press coverage in Retraction Watch, The Times and a wide range of Science blogs]
2017 The four C's of getting cited
2017 Running the REF on a rainy Sunday afternoon: Do metrics match peer review?
2016 The four P's of publishing
2016 Do Google Scholar, Scopus and the Web of Science speak your language?
2016 Sacrifice a little accuracy for a lot more comprehensive coverage
2015 From h-index to hIa: The ins and outs of research metrics
2012 How to become an author of ESI Highly Cited Papers? See also Scams rock academic publishing.
2011 Gender and geographical diversity in the editorial board of the Journal of International Business Studies (with I. Metz)
2010 Citation analysis across disciplines: The impact of different data sources and citation metrics
2010 How to address your teacher? Country differences in preferred ways of address for university teachers
2010 Working with ISI data: Beware of categorisation problems
2008 Comparing the Google Scholar h-index with the ISI Journal Impact Factor
2007 Key Issues in International Survey Research (with B.S. Reiche)
2007 Reflections on norms for the h-index and related indices
2007 Google Scholar - a new data source for citation analysis
2007 Reflections on the h-index
2000 Writing coursework assignments
1997 Musings of a recent graduate