Administrative experience

Summary of Anne-Wil's formal administrative roles and experience since 1997

My experience started during my MA studies at Maastricht University, where I was a student member of the governing body of the department of Business Administration. In my subsequent positions at the Universities of Heerlen, Tilburg and Maastricht, my administrative duties were mostly related to teaching development. In addition, I was secretary of the "Science vs. Practice" committee of the NVP (Dutch Association for Personnel Management) for 1.5 years. Below I detail my administrative roles in my three most recent appointments.

Middlesex University London (2014 - 2024)

Middlesex University logo At Middlesex University, by choice, I no longer carry formal administrative duties. Instead, I have a dedicated role in research mentoring, staff development, and improving the research profile of the Business School, by stimulating research and research output (publications, seminars, media exposure).

This is realised by an extensive programme of staff development, as well as one-on-one support and coaching. In London I have also set up Cygna, a support network for female academics in the London area. My mentoring activities are supported by active blogging and a YouTube channel on all things academia as well as a new book series: Crafting your career in academia.

University of Melbourne (2001 - 2014)

University of Melbourne logo

At the University of Melbourne (UoM) I took part in a large number of departmental, faculty and university level committees (see below). In addition, I acted as member of five selection committees and was the initiator and organiser of a monthly ladies lunch.

My main administrative functions at UoM (Associate Dean Research, Assistant Dean Research Higher Degrees, and PhD Director) are discussed in some detail below.

Associate Dean Research (January 2010 - March 2013)

In recognition of my strong research record and knowledge of research evaluation I was appointed as Associate Dean Research for the Faculty of Business & Economics. The Associate Dean Research is responsible for:

  • developing policy in relation to the Faculty’s strategic research agenda and ways in which to improve our research performance in nationally and internationally recognised areas including competitive research grants, publications and income.
  • collaborating, on behalf of Faculty, with the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), and the Melbourne Research Office and matters associated with research performance and research policy.
  • being a conduit between the University and the Faculty on matters relating to research and research training
  • identifying opportunities for the Faculty to take advantage of University-wide strategic initiatives
  • representing the Faculty on University committees relating to research and research training (e.g. Early Career Research Grant Committee, RHD Committee, Committee of Associate Deans (Research)).
  • providing strategic direction and advice with regard to research training and strategies to improve the dissemination of the Faculty’s research findings to the larger community.
  • considering and awarding funding for the Faculty’s Research Funding Schemes as follows: Faculty Research Grants, Early Career Research Grants and Visiting Research Scholar Awards and to administer the Kinsman Studentships and Kinsman Best Paper Prizes.
  • reviewing and monitoring the effectiveness and outcomes of the Faculty’s Research Funding Schemes in contributing to key areas of research output and the achievement of the Faculty’s strategic goals.
  • acting as an interface with the University’s information systems that support the Faculty’s research activities (e.g. Information Services on e-repositories, Information Education Services on library acquisitions and subscriptions).
  • Representing the Faculty on Research and Research Training related national organizations for Business Faculties (eg., BARDsNET).

Assistant Dean Research Higher Degrees (January 2008 - February 2010)

Before becoming Associate Dean Research, my most significant administrative task within the Faculty of Business & Economics was the Assistant Deanship for Research Higher Degree Students. In my role as Assistent Dean, I was responsible for the following:

  • Attendance and reporting for RHD matters on four university and faculty committees (Research and Knowledge Transfer Committee, Research Training Management Comittee, Graduate Research Supervisor Programs Advisory Committee and the RHD Orientation Committee)
  • Overseeing of the Faculty RHD application process and RHD orientation programmes
  • Monitoring of data on research enrolments and trends
  • Ensuring timely completion for RHD students
  • Providing advice and recommendation to the Dean on RHD strategies
  • Providing responses to University requests regarding RHD policy development
  • Providing advice on marketing of RHD programmes.

PhD director (February 2005 - January 2010)

My most significant administrative task within the Department of Management & Marketing was the directorship of the PhD programme. During my tenure an average of 65 students were enrolled in our PhD programme. I was responsible for selection of candidates and am Chair of both the Confirmation (defense of research proposal at the end of the first year) and Examination Committee. I was also coordinator of the PhD coursework modules.

In my role as PhD director I introduced the following significant changes to improve the programme:

  1. Tightened up the confirmation requirements, a process that was started by the previous PhD director. I introduced written comments on the Confirmation Report in the form of memos ranging from 2 to 5 single-spaced pages. Students were normally requested to submit a revised confirmation report before they are confirmed.
  2. Provided significant academic support to students by circulating information on conferences, journals, academic positions, useful websites, etc.
  3. Introduced two PhD coursework modules, a process that was started by the previous PhD director. These modules were first offered in 2005 and there is general agreement in the department that they have significantly improved the quality and consistency of our students' work. They were also available to older year students. As there are more than 20 academics teaching into the coursework, coordinating it was a very significant administrative task.

Some representative student comments:

Congratulations on doing a great job and raising the standard of the PhD course. I wish I had the benefit of some courses as "refreshers" early in my PhD studies and I wouldn't be on extensions now.

Thank you for an unforgettable period of stimulation, enrichment and exposure to some incredible academic role models. These courses have been the highlight of my candidature at Melbourne University.

In my role as PhD director I also organised the daylong 2005 ANZIBA doctoral colloquium in which 12 students from all over Australia as well as four international students participated.

University-level functions at the University of Melbourne

  • Member of Language Advisory Group (February 2005-January 2008)
  • Member of the Advisory Committee, School of International Communication and Languages (Melbourne University Private) (March 2003-October 2005)
  • Member of the Intercultural Working Party (IWP) (May 2001-May 2002). IWP is a formal sub-committee of the Access and Equity Committee of the University. The diversity of the University community, coupled with the policy of internationalism pursued by the University, has raised issues in the areas of cultural and cross cultural education and understanding. The IWP has worked consistently since its inception to provide support to students and staff from culturally diverse backgrounds, to raise policy and practice issues with the University and to expand opportunities for staff to receive further training.
  • Initiator and chair of the Cross-Cultural Interest Group (May 2002-January 2006). This was a group of some 15 academics and support staff from the Faculties of Economics & Commerce, Education, Arts and Medicine, covering 9 different academic departments. The group met regularly to discuss issues of cross-cultural research and teaching. It differentiates itself from IWP by having a research-oriented focus and its long-term aim was to facilitate inter-departmental research projects.

Other faculty-level administrative functions

  • Member of the Faculty IT Committee (October 2001-August 2002)
  • Member of the Faculty International Committee (January 2002-March 2003)
  • Mentor for UG students (May 2002-July 2004)

Other departmental administrative functions

  • Area Head International Business (January 2008-March 2013)
  • Member of the Research Committee (February 2005-March 2013)
  • Member of the Department Executive (January-December 2002; January-June 2004; July 2007-2013). The department executive assists and advises the HOD in the implementation of the existing University, Faculty and Departmental policies; reviews and approves recommendations from the other departmental committees; makes recommendations to the relevant Faculty Committees and develops and reviews the strategic direction of the department.
  • Member of the Departmental IT Advisory group (June 2002-July 2004)

Membership Involvement Committee, AoM (2001 - 2003)

IMD - MIC logo

At the Academy Meeting of August 2001 in Washington, I was appointed Chair of the newly established Membership Involvement Committee of the International Management Division of the Academy of Management.

From 2001-2003, I was first Chair of the newly established Membership Involvement Committee (MIC) of the Intl. Management Division (IMD) of the Academy of Management. The MIC was established to assist the IMD Executive Council in identifying and addressing issues regarding member relations and involvement. I was invited to become Chair because of my broad international network of contacts.

Since barriers for active participation in the Academy are often higher for non-US members, I recruited nearly 50 country representatives, covering more than 40 countries, to help in the running of the MIC. These country representatives acted as a liaison between academics in their own country and myself as Chair of the MIC. To facilitate interaction with IMD members, short bios and pictures of all country reps were included on my web site. Information about activities of the MIC was distributed via the IMD mailings list and newsletter (I wrote a report for each newsletter). We also designed the MIC logo that you see at the top right.

In addition to regular communication about internationalisation issues with the IMD Executive Committee, I developed several initiatives in my role of MIC chair. First, since professional development workshops are an important way to involve members in the division, I organised a PDW on “Doing International Research” for the 2002 Academy meeting. This PDW included presenters from five different countries. Second, I organised an evening at the yearly meeting to introduce new and international members to the Academy. This evening consisted of three parts: a reception, a “roadmap to the Academy” and a “take-a-member-of the-Executive-to-dinner”. This has since become a regular part of the IMD conference program.

In October 2003, Gerhard Apfelthaler succeeded me as Chair of the MIC; for the current membership details and activities, please see the International Management Division web site.

Bradford University (1997 - 2001)

Bradford School of Management logo

At the University of Bradford Management Centre (now School of Management) I was mainly involved in administrative functions relating to research and research training at both the School and the University level (see below). However, I also initiated a student support function, focusing specifically on international students: Coordinator International Students.

Coordinator International Students

This function was aimed at facilitating foreign students' integration into the British culture and educational system. The Coordinator International Students had the following roles:

  1. Providing a series of seminars (3-4 a year), starting in the introduction week. These seminars cover topics such as the British culture and educational system, coursework and exam techniques, culture shock and any problems that students identify themselves.
  2. Being the first point of contact for problems related to adaptation to the British culture and educational system. A weekly office hour is provided during term time. In addition, students can make individual appointments for more involved questions/problems.
  3. Being a spokesperson for international students in terms of, for instance, further improving the international content of courses.
  4. Acting as an intermediary for students who (partly because of their cultural background) find it difficult to contact lecturers directly.
  5. Acting as initiator for social activities that are organised in collaboration with the programme secretaries, the MA/MBA Chairs and the student representatives. The International Dinners web site was created to support these activities.

Information for international students is provided under Living Abroad.

Other administrative functions

  • Active membership of the Management Centre's Research Committee. In this role I organised a day-long Research Symposium for all staff and coordinated the construction of a new Journal Quality list.
  • Member of the Doctoral Research Board. The DRB ensured quality control of our doctoral programme and members of the DRB act as tutor for a group of PhD students.
  • Management Centre member of the University's Research Implementation Subcommittee. This committee's main responsibilities were to conduct mock RAEs (Research Assessment Exercises) and to advise departments on their RAE submission.
  • Acted as the non-professorial member on the selection committee for two professorial recruitment rounds.
  • Selected as Management Centre representative for a young researchers ESRC Research review meeting and a new researchers meeting for HEFCE Fundamental Review of Research Policy and Funding.

Local Academic Women's Network (1999 - 2001)

LAWN logo

Founding member of Northern LAWN (Local Academic Women's Network), UK. Women are still under-represented in science, technology and engineering (SET) and associated disciplines such as business and management within both academia and industry.

Northern LAWN is a network of support and shared research interest for female researchers and lecturers in the SET and business environment. It was established by, and for the benefit of, young, less experienced women academics, who, with the help of more established senior colleagues seek to develop and enhance their careers within these predominately male-dominated areas of academia and industry. The key aims of Northern LAWN include:

  • To promote the work of less experienced female researchers as well as established female academics in the participating higher education institutions (HEIs). This is intended to improve institutional practice relating to support offered to research staff in general, and to women in particular.
  • To increase cross-disciplinary collaborative opportunities between researchers in different departments within and between participating HEIs.
  • To increase association between academia and industry, offering mutually beneficial potential research opportunities.
  • To offer a formal and informal support network for women academics within participating HEIs.

Northern LAWN aims to achieve these objectives by the following activities:

  • Quarterly seminars delivered by respected female academics and practitioners, open to all university employees, postgraduates and undergraduates, and other interested individuals
  • Quarterly meetings to identify opportunities for collaboration and new research initiatives
  • Skills awareness, professional and personal development between members
  • Annual seminar geared towards female undergraduates to encourage careers in academia and stimulate and broaden the learning process.

For further information about LAWNs and their activities, visit the Athena Forum web site.