72 pages tagged "middlesex"

Middlesex University Business School top-ranked in REF 2021 for research impact
30 May 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Quick summary of our exceptional performance in the 2021 Research Excellence Framework Exercise in the UK

My career write-up
07 Mar 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Presents a wite up of my career contributions to date

Middlesex University 2021 virtual writing boot-camp
11 Sep 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Summer 2021 virtual writing boot-camp and links to the slides and videos used

Middlesex 2022 ECR event: back to Cumberland Lodge
05 Sep 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the July 2022 ECR event organised for Middlesex University. Links to the slides and other resources are included.

Middlesex University Summer 2019 writing boot-camp
14 Sep 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Summer 2019 writing boot-camp I organised at Cumberland Lodge near Windsor and links to the slides used

Middlesex University Winter 2018 writing boot-camp
24 Jan 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Winter 2018 writing boot-camp I organised at Cumberland Lodge near Windsor and links to the slides used

Middlesex university staff development: Boot-camp #8
11 Sep 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the July 2023 retreat that I organised for Middlesex University. Includes links to a large variety of public resources on academic careers

Reflections on staff development
20 Mar 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides an overview of my work in the area of researcher development

Babel in Business: The Role of Language in International Business
14 Apr 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
My inaugural lecture at Middlesex University, Wednesday 13 April 2016

How to create a sustainable academic career
21 Nov 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on Martyna Sliwa's presentation on career progression in the UK higher education environment

REF, rankings & reputation
07 Mar 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides an overview of my work in preparation for REF 2021, research rankings, and reputation management

Tips on doing a literature review
29 Apr 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of my white paper on "Doing a literature review: an 8-step process"

Global Mobility and Knowledge Transfer - an AIB webinar
03 Oct 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on a JIBS/JIBP webinar in which Heejin Kim presented our co-authored paper on the role of inpatriation in subsidiary capability building and evolution

The Academic Woman Interview (3): Research culture
19 Apr 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Third of a series of four posts reporting on my interview with Anatu Mahama of the Academic Woman magazine

Supportive, inclusive & collaborative research cultures
07 Nov 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Presentation in a course for Research Deans organised by the Chartered Association of Business Schools and the British Academy of Management

Transforming academia
07 Mar 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Outlines my current passions and plans for the next decade

Inclusive academia (4): How to support Early Career Researchers
18 Sep 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Fourth of eight posts on my Irish Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar Interview

Improve your Research Profile (8): Tips for time poor academics
12 Apr 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The eight in an 8-part series on improving your research profile, reputation & impact. Evidences the positive effect of social media use, with tips for social media newbies.

Improve your Research Profile (7): Follow the 7 steps for impact
15 Mar 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The seventh in an 8-part series on improving your research profile, reputation, and impact. Provides a simple 7-step process to improve your research reputation and impact.

Improve your Research Profile (6): The why and how of Social Media
13 Feb 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The sixth in an 8-part series on improving your research profile, reputation and impact. Discusses the various social media platorms and the pros and cons of social media use.

Improve your Research Profile (5): The 4Cs of getting cited
09 Jan 2023 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The fifth in an 8-part series on improving your research profile, reputation and impact. Explains what to do - ethically! - to improve the chances of your work being cited.

Improve your Research Profile (4): Citation analysis in the PoP software
19 Dec 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The fourth in an 8-part series on improving your research profile, reputation and impact. Explains how to use the Publish or Perish software to demonstrate your research impact.

Improve your Research Profile (3): Getting savvy about data sources & metrics
28 Nov 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The third in an 8-part series on improving your research profile, reputation and impact. Gives you a "crash course" on data sources and metrics for citation impact.

Improve your Research Profile (2): What is impact and why should you care?
24 Oct 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The second in an 8-part series on improving your research profile, reputation and impact. Discusses the various forms of impact and explains why citation impact is important.

Improve your Research Profile (1): Why is it so important?
26 Sep 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
The first in an 8-part series on improving your research profile, reputation and impact. Explains the rationale behind this series.

Doing a literature review: an 8-step process
01 Jan 2024 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Overview of my presentation in the Middlesex University PhD coursework - with embedded videos of the 8 steps

Hello from the other side: Reflections on a decade at the editor’s desk
26 Jun 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on David Collings' look behind the scenes of an editor's job in the Middlesex MLO seminar series

CYGNA's 5 year anniversary: MDX writing boot-camp
11 Oct 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Middlesex writing bootcamp for CYGNA members - a full day even to celebrate our 5th anniversary

Research Impact 101
18 Jun 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Provides an overview of six key issues in the assessment of research impact.

Middlesex University 2020 virtual writing boot-camp
04 Sep 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Summer 2020 virtual writing boot-camp and links to the slides used

Celebrating CYGNA: Supporting women in academia
08 Mar 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
A history of CYGNA's development to celebrate its 5th year and international women's day

How to prepare a large-scale ESRC funding application?
27 Feb 2023 - Bianca Stumbitz
Seminar in the Management, Leadership & Organizations Department seminar series at Middlesex University

Publishing in Management Education Journals
28 Mar 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Report on a seminar by Jon Billsberry at Middlesex University on the 5th of March 2018

Research Academics as Change Makers - Opportunities and Barriers
13 Nov 2021 - Andrea Werner
Reports on a Middlesex panel discussion on creating external research impact

Global Supply Chain Responsibility: Traceability and the resource orchestration perspective
11 Nov 2019 - Andrea Werner
Reports on a seminar organized by Middlesex's Business Ethics, CSR and Governance Research Cluster

Work and Family Life of Academics
02 Jan 2020 - Bianca Stumbitz
Reports on a seminar organized by Middlesex's Gender & Diversity cluster

Rocket Science? Networking and External Engagement for Academic Success
20 May 2016 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Seminar by Axele Giroud at Middlesex presenting the reasons why networking and external engagement constitute complementary skills

Alice Eagly: Gender stereotypes have changed but the changes are surprising
07 Nov 2019 - Bianca Stumbitz
Reports on a seminar organized by Middlesex's Gender & Diversity cluster

Strategies for Publishing Pedagogical Research
29 Sep 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on a seminar by David Boud at Middlesex University on the 2nd of July 2019

What happens in the C-Suite after women break the glass ceiling?
31 May 2021 - Bianca Stumbitz
Reports on Corinne Post's exciting seminar on the impact of women in top management teams

Experimental research and Nvivo
07 Apr 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on Luisa Pinto's Erasmus visit to Middlesex University with seminars on experimental research and Nvivo

You can’t be known if you don’t interact!
03 Feb 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Seminar by Axele Giroud at Middlesex on networking and external engagement for academic success

"Let them not make me a stone”- Repositioning Entrepreneurship
10 Feb 2021 - Andrea Werner
Sarah Dodd's thought-provoking seminar on repositioning entrepreneurship away from the 1%

How leaders learn to use power and authority: Insights for coaching theory and practice
25 Jul 2022 - Andrea Werner
Seminar by Management, Leadership & Organizations Department at Middlesex University

Research impact 101
29 Aug 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Short introduction to my new white paper providing an overview of six key issues in the assessment of research impact

Ambidexterity in MNC knowledge sourcing in emerging economies: a microfoundational perspective
30 Apr 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Announcing my new paper with Middlesex colleagues Mariana Dodourova and Shasha Zhao

One size doesn't fit all: MNC knowledge sourcing in Bulgaria
17 Oct 2021 - Shasha Zhao
Shasha introduces our paper about MNC knowledge sourcing in emerging economies and reflects on her time at Middlesex University

Sabbatical at Middlesex University London: a story of swans and unicorns
05 Dec 2020 - Heejin Kim
Heejin's wonderful reflections on her one-year stay in the UK

Let's get emotional: the use of films in teaching tourism
16 Dec 2019 - Hyung yu Park
Hyung highlights the key findings of her exciting work on using films and critical pedagogy in a tourism context

Leading with Kindness: one of 50 Leading Lights in UK
22 Nov 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on my 2019 election of one of the 50 Leading Lights in the UK for leading with kindness

The art of writing grants: lessons from reviewing and assessing grant proposals
18 Jul 2022 - Andrea Werner
Seminar in the Management, Leadership & Organizations Department seminar series at Middlesex University

Relevant & Impactful Research: From words to action - From outcome to process
19 Jan 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
My contribution to the CABS annual conference in November 2020

Middlesex University Summer 2018 writing boot-camp
26 Jul 2018 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Reports on the Summer 2018 writing boot-camp I organised at Cumberland Lodge near Windsor and links to the slides used

How inpatriation supports subsidiary growth and performance
17 Nov 2021 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Introducing my paper with Heejin and Sebastian on how inpatriation contributes ot subsidiary capability building and evolution

Beyond expatriation: How inpatriation supports subsidiary growth and performance
25 Apr 2022 - Heejin Kim
Telling the story of the background, motivation, and key findings of our study on inpatriation, subsidiary growth and performance

How to improve your research impact: YouTube series
06 Nov 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Collates eighteen mini-videos on how to improve your research impact, based on a presentation at Middlesex University

Creating a supportive, collaborative and inclusive research culture at Middlesex University
15 Jan 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
How supportive, collaborative, and inclusive research cultures can improve international research rankings

Performance in the workplace: what’s dance got to do with it?
13 Jun 2022 - Michela Vecchi
Summarizes a recent study on the effect of dance on well-being and productivity at work

Own your place in the world by writing a book
11 Dec 2018 - Nico Pizzolato
A passionate plea to consider publishing a book at least once in your academic career

Fostering research impact through social media
03 Jan 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Full recording of a 1.5-hour presentation on the four C's of getting cited and an 8-step workflow on how to effectively disseminate your research.

Onto-Epistemology in Business and Management Research
15 Feb 2019 - Konstantinos Poulis
Why academics are (or should become) intellectuals, not technicians of research methods

Middlesex University rising in the research rankings
02 Dec 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Quick summary of MDX's strongly improved position in three international research rankings

How social & behavioural science can support COVID-19 pandemic response
01 Apr 2020 - Valerio Capraro
Introduces a very timely paper on the role of social and behavioural research in the current crisis

The four ailments of academic writing and how to cure them
20 Apr 2020 - Nico Pizzolato
Some golden tips on how to improve your academic writing

Join us at Middlesex - recruiting 4 new colleagues!
23 Oct 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Announces a major recruitment round for the Department of Managment, Leadership and Organization at Middlesex University

Join us at Middlesex University - recruiting 2 new colleagues
14 Jan 2022 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Announces two vacancies in the Department of Management, Leadership and Organization at Middlesex University

Finding a Unicorn? Research funding in Business & Management research
05 May 2019 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Explains why university administrators need to be realistic in the amount of research funding they can expect Business School academics to generate

Join us at Middlesex - Recruiting 11 new colleagues!
19 Mar 2020 - Anne-Wil Harzing
Announces a major recruitment round for the Department of Managment, Leadership and Organization at Middlesex University

Friends and co-authors
11 Apr 2022 - Siân Stephens
On the joys of working with friends as co-authors

Saturday night fever during a pandemic
03 May 2020 - Michela Vecchi
Discusses research on the positive effects of dance on physical health, cognition and well-being

R&D Internationalization to China: MNEs new favourite destination
10 Oct 2018 - Shasha Zhao
Shows how foreign MNEs transform low-value-adding operations in the South into high-value-adding R&D operations

The rise of global inequality and multinational enterprises
24 May 2021 - Shasha Zhao
The role of MNEs in global inequality and avenues for future research