David Adams

Web master of Harzing.com and developer of the Publish or Perish software, among other things. He holds BSc and MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering, a PhD in Operations Research, and likes to watch academic life from a safe distance.

Contact details

David Adams may be contacted through the following channels:

Home page

101 pages and blog posts

Publish or Perish on macOS
06 Feb 2016 - David Adams
Detailed instructions on how to download and install Publish or Perish for macOS

Publish or Perish on GNU/Linux
06 Feb 2016 - David Adams
Detailed instructions on how to download and install Publish or Perish on GNU/Linux

What's new in Publish or Perish
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Overview of changes and releases notes for the Publish or Perish software

Publish or Perish on Microsoft Windows
06 Feb 2016 - David Adams
Detailed instructions on how to download and install Publish or Perish for Windows

Publish or Perish command line tools
30 Apr 2020 - David Adams
Overview of the command line version of Publish or Perish

28 Jul 2024 - David Adams
Information about the Lens.org data source

Data sources
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Overview of the data sources used by the Publish or Perish software

System requirements
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
System requirements for the Publish or Perish software

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Credits and copyright information for the Publish or Perish software

Support Publish or Perish
16 Aug 2016 - David Adams
Support Publish or Perish development

Results list
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
How to use the query results list in Publish or Perish

Frequently asked questions
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Frequently asked questions about the Publish or Perish software

Google Scholar
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Information about Google Scholar queries

Google Scholar Profile
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Information about Google Scholar Profile queries

Publish or Perish version 8
31 Oct 2021 - David Adams
Introducing Publish or Perish release 8

Citation metrics
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Information about the citation metrics calculated by Publish or Perish

Publish or Perish User's Manual
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
User manual for Publish or Perish software

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Error message during the execution of a search request

05 Oct 2017 - David Adams
Information about Scopus queries

Publish or Perish version 5
28 Oct 2016 - David Adams
Introduces Publish or Perish release 5 and gives a historic overview of its development

Preferences: Web of Science
05 Oct 2017 - David Adams
Preference settings for the Web of Science data source

Preferences: Scopus
05 Oct 2017 - David Adams
Preference settings for the Scopus data source

Preferences: Crossref
05 Oct 2017 - David Adams
Preference settings for the Crossref data source

Preferences: Google Scholar Profile
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Preference settings for the Google Scholar Profile data source

Preferences: Microsoft Academic
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Preference settings for the Microsoft Academic data source

Microsoft Academic
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Information about Microsoft Academic queries

End User License Agreement
06 Feb 2016 - David Adams
Detailing the conditions under which Publish or Perish may be used

Publish or Perish using CrossOver Mac 10.x or later
06 Feb 2016 - David Adams
Detailed instructions on how to download and install PoP for OS X using CrossOver Mac 10.x or later

Publish or Perish using CrossOver Mac 9.x or earlier
06 Feb 2016 - David Adams
Detailed instructions on how to download and install PoP for OS X using CrossOver Mac 9.x or earlier

About Publish or Perish
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Introduction to the Publish or Perish software

Publish or Perish using PlayOnMac
09 Nov 2016 - David Adams
Detailed instructions on how to download and install PoP for OS X using PlayOnMac Wine

Publish or Perish using MacPorts
09 Nov 2016 - David Adams
Detailed instructions on how to download and install PoP for OS X using MacPorts Wine

Preferences: OpenAlex
02 Feb 2022 - David Adams

Dialog boxes
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Overview of the Publish or Perish dialog boxes

02 Feb 2022 - David Adams
Information about OpenAlex searches

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Overview of the messages produced by the Publish or Perish software

03 Aug 2020 - David Adams
Information about PubMed searches

Exporting your data
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Information about the data export formats supported by Publish or Perish

Semantic Scholar
31 Oct 2021 - David Adams

03 Nov 2021 - David Adams

03 Nov 2021 - David Adams

Publish or Perish version 7
02 Sep 2019 - David Adams
Introducing Publish or Perish release 7

Paper details
31 Oct 2021 - David Adams

Using Publish or Perish
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
How to use the Publish or Perish software

Search results
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Overview of the results returned by the Publish or Perish software

Preferences: PubMed
31 Oct 2021 - David Adams

Preferences: Semantic Scholar
31 Oct 2021 - David Adams

Semantic Scholar API key
31 Oct 2021 - David Adams

Tools panel
31 Oct 2021 - David Adams

Search Report (basic or extended)
05 Oct 2017 - David Adams
Information about creating a full search report

Searches list
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
How to use the searches list

No search selected
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Placeholder dialog box when no search is selected

Web of Science
05 Oct 2017 - David Adams
Information about Web of Science searches

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Overview of the available Publish or Perish commands

Query in progress
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Information about the progress dialog box shown while a query is in progress

Preferences: Google Scholar
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Preference settings for the Google Scholar data source

Archiving your data
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
How to archive your Publish or Perish data

Microsoft Academic subscription key
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Information about obtaining and entering a Microsoft Academic subscription key

Folder tree
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
How to use the searches folder tree

05 Oct 2017 - David Adams
Information about Crossref queries

Web of Science sign in
05 Oct 2017 - David Adams
Information about signing in to a Web of Science session

Scopus API key
05 Oct 2017 - David Adams
Information about obtaining and entering a Scopus API key

Select Google Scholar Profile
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Information about the selection of matching Google Scholar Profiles

Preferences: Results
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Preference settings for the presentation of query results

Google Scholar citing references
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Information about Google Scholar citing reference queries

User-Agent string syntax
05 Oct 2017 - David Adams
Describes the formatting option for User-Agent strings used by Publish or Perish

05 Oct 2017 - David Adams
Error message

23 Oct 2017 - David Adams
Error message

Operation in Progress
14 Nov 2018 - David Adams
Information about the progress dialog box shown while an operation is in progress

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Confirmational message

23 Oct 2017 - David Adams
Error message

Imported data formats
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Information about the external data formats that Publish or Perish can import

Imported external data
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Information about importing external data

Preferences: General
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
General preference settings for the Publish or Perish software

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Warning message

Data provider information
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Information about the selected data provider

Publish or Perish survey
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Explains why we conduct an online survey about Publish or Perish

Reference guide
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Reference information for the Publish or Perish software

Publish or Perish donation
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Explains the reasons for Publish or Perish donations

No help available
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Placeholder page for missing help content

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Warning message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Warning message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Warning message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Error message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Error message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Error message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Error message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Confirmational message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Confirmational message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Confirmational message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Confirmational message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Conformational message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Informational message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Informational message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Error message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Error message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Error message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Error message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Error message

20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
Error message

License agreement
20 Dec 2016 - David Adams
End user license agreement for the Publish or Perish software