Imported external data
Information about importing external data
Publish or Perish can import a wide variety of data formats; see Imported data formats for details.
The Imported external data pane appears after you have imported external data using the File > Import External Data command, or through an equivalent pop-up command. It allows you to view and (partially) edit the attributes of the selected external data.
This dialog box contains the following fields and options.
Option | Description |
Display title |
Enter the title under which the external data are displayed. You can choose any name you like; Publish or Perish doesn't attach any particular meaning to the display title. It is preset to the name and date/time of the file that contained the original data. After changing the Display title field, you must click Apply to make the change permanent. |
Original format | [Read-only] Shows the original data format, as detected by Publish or Perish. |
Imported fields | [Read-only] Indicates which fields were found in the imported data. Unchecked fields were either not present in the original data, or did not contain any actual values. |
Apply | Make any changes in the Display title field permanent. If you edit the contents of the Display title field without subsequently clicking Apply, then the original contents of the field will be restored when the pane is refereshed. |
Revert | Restores the Display title to its previous state. This function is only available as long as you have not clicked Apply. |
Copy |
Multi-function button that copies the results or metrics belonging to the current query to the Windows clipboard in one of the following ways. See Exporting your data for information about these formats. Note: The [Default] function is obtained by clicking on the main part if the button; the alternate functions appear on a drop-down menu when you click on the drop-down arrow on the button. |
New |
Multi-function button that creates a new query object, as follows. Note: If you click on the main part of the button, a new query of the same type as the current one (i.e., Google Scholar) will be created; the alternate functions appear on a drop-down menu when you click on the drop-down arrow on the button.
Copyright © 2018 David Adams. All rights reserved. Page last modified on Thu 19 Apr 2018 18:26
Web master of and developer of the Publish or Perish software, among other things. He holds BSc and MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering, a PhD in Operations Research, and likes to watch academic life from a safe distance.