How to prepare a large-scale ESRC funding application?

Seminar in the Management, Leadership & Organizations Department seminar series at Middlesex University

On 14 December 2022, the Management, Leadership and Organizations (MLO) Department and the Gender & Diversity Research Cluster at Middlesex University co-hosted a seminar, chaired by seminar coordinator Dr Andrea Werner

Bianca shared her experience of designing a 3-year research project on The Transition to Parenthood in UK Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), funded under the prestigious Economic and Social Research Council’s (ESRC) Transforming Working Lives programme. The slides to Bianca’s presentation can be found here.

Transition to parenthood study

This new study, which started at the beginning of October 2022, is conducted by a transdisciplinary team of Middlesex researchers, in collaboration with academic partners from the universities of Manchester and Leeds, as well as the charities Working Families and The Fatherhood Institute as practice partners.

The session covered key steps in the application process, including: identifying the research gap; the formation of the research team; deciding on a methodology; plans/actions for achieving impact (e.g. stakeholders/beneficiaries); and the challenges that were encountered in developing this impact plan and are likely to be encountered in realising this impact.

Middlesex Gender & Diversity Research Cluster

The Gender & Diversity Research Cluster provides a supportive and inclusive environment for people to produce critical management research, develop teaching practice, and generate professional engagement activities, focusing on gender and diversity in the workplace.

The research cluster is led by Dr Bianca Stumbitz and Dr. Clarice Santos, and its interdisciplinary membership includes staff from the Department of Management of Management, Leadership and Organisations (MLO), the Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research (CEEDR), Accounting & Finance, Media and Psychology. 

Its research is grouped within four main themes: Gender Equality; Workforce Diversity (including gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, and religion); Work-Life Balance; and Maternity Protection at Work (including research in developing countries).

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academia behind the scenes middlesex research funding gender work-life balance presentations