Research impact 101

Short introduction to my new white paper providing an overview of six key issues in the assessment of research impact

Academics are experts in their own areas of research. However, 20 years of experience in research evaluation as an academic administrator and as provider of the Journal Quality List and the Publish or Perish software have taught me that academics are just as likely to fall prey to myths and fallacies as the (wo)man in the street.

My latest white paper (linked here) therefore provides you with a Research Impact 101 course, divided into six sections. It helps you to find your way through the maze of research impact, drawing on terminology that we are all familiar with in our own research. The first section disambiguates different areas of research impact by focusing on three specific academic roles. The five remaining sections focus primarily on academic research impact.


Impact indicators

For a great summary of impact indicators, see this 27-page taxonomy. It was created by Amanda Cooper and Samantha Shewchuk and presents an overview of more than 400 indicators for the Social Sciences and Humanities. The authors gathered these indicators from more than 100 research impact resources in more than 32 countries and sorted them into six categories: ScholarshipCapacity buildingEconomySociety and CulturePractice, and Policy.

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