Journal of Global Mobility Best EURAM paper
Shea Fan's paper "The Benefits of Being Understood" won the best paper award of the standing track on Expatriation
At the 2016 European Academy of Management conference my former PhD student - Shea Fan - had one of the papers from her PhD awarded with the best paper award for the standing track on Expatriation, sponsored by the Journal of Global Mobility.
Shea didn't get her visa in time, so I had the honour of presenting our award-winning paper at EURAM. It was a very nice session: the room was packed - despite a 9am start - and there was lots of interest in the paper.
Want to know more?
- Fan, S.X.; Cregan, C.; Harzing, A.W.; Kӧhler, T. (2016) The benefits of being understood: The role of ethnic identity confirmation in expatriate-local employee interactions, paper presented at the 15th European Academy of Management annual meeting, June 1-4, Paris, France. Slides for the presentation.
Copyright © 2022 Anne-Wil Harzing. All rights reserved. Page last modified on Fri 3 Jun 2022 08:31
Anne-Wil Harzing is Emerita Professor of International Management at Middlesex University, London and visiting professor of International Management at Tilburg University. She is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business, a select group of distinguished AIB members who are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the scholarly development of the field of international business. In addition to her academic duties, she also maintains the Journal Quality List and is the driving force behind the popular Publish or Perish software program.