63rd edition of the Journal Quality List on-line

New version of the Journal Quality List with the June 2018 CNRS update


The latest version of the Journal Quality List is now available. The 63rd edition of the JQL updates the CNRS ranking to its June 2018 edition and includes minor corrections. The Journal Quality List is a collation of journal rankings from a variety of sources. The current version of the JQL contains 13 different rankings of more than 900 journals. The Journal Quality List comprises academic journals in the following broad areas: Economics, Finance, Accounting, Management, and Marketing.

Rankings of a variety of countries included

Where available, the rankings for each journal from the following sources are included:

  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique June 2018
  • British Association of Business Schools (ABS) Ranking 2018
  • HCRES (Haut conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur) 2018
  • Danish Ministry ranking 2017
  • FNEGE (Foundation National pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises) 2016
  • Financial Times 50 Ranking 2016
  • Erasmus Research Institute of Management Journals Listing 2016
  • Australian Business Deans Council 2016
  • Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft 2015
  • University of Queensland 2011 (combined UQ and ERA ranking)
  • Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien 2008
  • European Journal of Information Systems 2007 (with and without CI)

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