Chapter 2: Introduction to Publish or Perish
This chapter will provide a basic introduction on how to use Publish or Perish. I first discuss the lay-out and main functions of the software. Subsequently, I explain the citation metrics that are calculated by Publish or Perish and provide illustrative examples on how to use them. Finally, I explain how to export the data and how to trouble-shoot any problems with the software.
- 2.1 Introduction to Publish or Perish
- 2.2 Citation metrics
- 2.3 Exporting the data
- 2.4 Trouble shooting problems
- 2.4.1 Publish or Perish doesn't find any of my papers!
- 2.4.2 My paper/book does not appear in Publish or Perish
- 2.4.3 My paper contains an incorrect title (or year, author name or author list)
- 2.4.4 The number of citations for my paper is too low
- 2.4.5 Why does Publish or Perish always count years until the current year, and not the indicated period?
- 2.4.6 What is this error 13?
- 2.4.7 What is this error 1169?
- 2.5 References