2.4.1 Publish or Perish doesn't find any of my papers!
Assuming that you really have published scholarly papers, there may be several reasons why Publish or Perish doesn't return any results for your name.
- You spelt your name incorrectly. Correct any typos and try again.
- You entered your given names in full instead of as initials. This may find some papers, but many publishers only list the author's initials and a full name search misses those papers. To be on the safe side, try using both full names and initials in a single query, like this (the "quotes" are highly recommended): "A Harzing" OR "Anne-Wil Harzing"
- You excluded one or more subject areas. Google Scholar's subject classification is not always perfect: some papers are classified under the wrong subject, others are not classified at all. Select all subject areas and try again.
- Your papers are not available online. If that is the case, then Google Scholar does not know about your papers.
- You published in a language other than English. Google Scholar's coverage is improving, but non-English publications are still underrepresented in the results.