8.3.2 Combining top scholarship with managerial relevance
The Publish or Perish data clearly illustrate Ghoshal's fairly unique ability to combine rigorous scholarship with work that has managerial relevance. He has published a large number of very influential books that are read beyond the academic community and has published a large part of his work in more managerially oriented journals such as Harvard Business Review and Sloan Management Review.
However, at the same time, he has published in the very top journals in the field of Management and Strategy, such as the Academy of Management Review/Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Management Science, and Journal of International Business Studies. There are few academics that have combined rigor and relevance so successfully. Although, I was already aware of this before running the search, the Publish or Perish analysis made me realize that even Ghoshal's earliest work, a working paper on scanning behavior by managers, had a practical slant.