7.3 Single out individual papers

It might be useful in your case for research impact to single out individual papers. The screenshot below shows my most highly cited papers. Of those, I would single out the ones that have been published recently, but already have a large number of citations, reflected in a high number of citations per year.

High-impact papers

In addition, I would point to a book and an older paper that have continued to attract citations over the years. [The high level of citations to the 2004 IHRM book is a bit misleading as Google Scholar has combined citations for the first (1995) and second edition to the book, so I would not make a case of that].

This list might also help me making additional claims such as:

  1. The high quality of my PhD thesis, given that my most cited work is a book based on my PhD.
  2. The research impact of my textbook in International Human Resource Management, which had 135 citations over the two editions.
  3. My contribution to several distinct research areas (HQ-subsidiary relationships, expatriate management, entry modes, research methods, and research evaluation) that have all received a significant number of citations.
  4. My ability to work alone as well as with co-authors, given that I have highly cited papers in both categories.

Of course the claims you can make depend on your own specific record, so I cant make any general recommendations. I can only encourage you to be creative and look for the gems to be polished in order to make your application shine.

You can also conduct a citations/per year analysis with ISI or Scopus data if your University prefers these data sources. However, the process is a lot quicker and easier with Publish or Perish and Google Scholar data.