Flag of IndonesiaRempah

Name Rempah (Spicy meat balls)
Origin Indonesia
Type Side dish
Cook Ron van der Wal
Notes Contains meat (could be kosher or halal, if required)
Trivia Most of the time, I don't follow the recipe and just improvise. Some suggestions for variations are given below. Could be part of a rice table.

Ingredients (serves 4-6 as a side dish)

Some suggestions for variations:


  1. Mix all ingredients, except the oil, together.
  2. Form about 12 meat balls from the mixture (about an inch in diameter each).
  3. Heat the oil in a frying pan (preferably, a wok), then fry the meatballs in about 8-10 minutes on a medium fire.
  4. To prepare the optional peanut sauce: empty a pot of peanut butter in a sauce pan. On a low fire, heat the peanut butter and add about 200 ml milk. Make sure that the mixture becomes a smooth sauce — add more milk if necessary. Add the soy sauce, hot pepper paste, and garlic according to taste. Serve the meat balls in this sauce.
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This page was last modified on 7-11-99 19:03