Flag of IndiaCoconut trifles

Name Coconut trifles
Origin India
Type Dessert
Cook Neetu Kahlon
Notes Contains nuts (may be replaced)

Ingredients (serves 6-8 as a dessert)


  1. Heat the condensed milk in a wide pan until it is luke-warm.
  2. Add about three-quarters of the dessicated coconut to the milk. Stir until the mixture becomes thick and consistent like a dough. (Keep the fire quite low to avoid browning the mixture and to prevent it from sticking to the pan.) Turn off the fire.
  3. Using a spoonful of the coconut mixture for each portion, form balls while the mixture is still warm (once it cools down, it becomes difficult to mould). Place a hazelnut in the middle of each ball to provide a crunchy bite. (Tip: you could use chocolate balls or cocoa beans instead, if you prefer.)
  4. Roll the balls through the remaining dessicated coconut to give them a powdered texture, then cool them in the fridge.
  5. Arrange them nicely on a plate, and garnish by pouring thin spirals of honey over them. Enjoy!
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