Flag of ItalyChocolate loaf

Name Chocolate loaf
Origin Italy
Type Dessert
Cooks Rachel Xia and Ron van der Wal
Notes Depending on the chocolate and biscuits that you use, it does not contain sugar, so it may be suitable for people with diabetes.
Trivia Take care in selecting you assistants for this dish, or be prepared to start with twice the required amount of chocolate and almonds.

Ingredients (makes 16 slices)


  1. Prepare a 675 g loaf tin by lining it with a sheet of kitchen foil (alufoil).
  2. Using a saucepan on a low fire, melt the butter and chocolate slowly with the milk and cinnamon and stir for a few minutes until the chocolate has melted and the mixture is smooth.
  3. Stir the almonds, broken biscuits, and apricots through the chocolate mixture.
  4. Pour the mixture into the loaf tin, then place in a fridge for about one hour until set.
    Note: For best results, you may want to keep it in the fridge overnight.
  5. To serve, remove the chocolate loaf from the tin and cut into slices.
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