Flag of the NetherlandsAppeltaart

Name Appeltaart (Apple pie)
Origin Netherlands
Type Dessert, or with coffee
Cook Mirka Straathof
Notes Contains sugar, so may not be suitable for people with diabetes. Contains nuts (may be left out).
Trivia In the Netherlands, this pie is normally eaten during the morning coffee break, which invariably takes place from 10:30-11:00. Whipped cream on the cake adds extra flavour, and can also be used on your coffee.

Ingredients (serves 8-10 as a dessert)

For the dough:

For the filling:


  1. Make the dough by thoroughly mixing the ingredients until a supple dough results. Rest for 20-30 minutes in the fridge.
  2. Meanwhile, prepare the filling by peeling and chopping the apples and mixing the ingredients. Preheat oven to 190C.
  3. Roll the dough into a fairly thin sheet (app. 3 mm / 1/8 inch thick), then cover the bottom and the sides of a round cake tin (app. 25 cm / 10 inch diameter) with it. Cut off the remaining dough.
  4. Place the filling into the cake tin, then cut the remaining dough into strips app. 2.5 cm / 1 inch wide, and use them to cover the top of the pie in a lattice arrangement. Using a brush, spread the half egg over the strips for a golden brown finish.
  5. Bake for app. 1 hour in the oven.
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