Flag of IndiaAlmond & pistachio slices

Name Almond & pistachio slices
Origin India
Type Dessert
Cooks Rachel Xia and Ron van der Wal
Notes Contains sugar and nuts
Trivia Very sweet; can be combined with a bitter chocolate dessert...

Ingredients (serves 4-6)


  1. Melt the butter in a sauce pan, then add the cream, ground almonds and sugar, stirring well. On a low fire, keep stirring for some 10 minutes, taking care that the mixture doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan.
  2. Increase the heat until the mixture becomes a little darker (careful!)
  3. Turn off the fire and pour the mixture in a shallow (perhaps 2 cm deep) serving dish.
  4. Smooth the top and sprinkle the roughly chopped almonds and pistachio nuts over it.
  5. Put in a cold place and leave to set for about 1 hour. Serve cut into rectangular or diamond-shaped pieces.
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