5.3.3 Advanced author queries
The General Citation Search can be used for advanced author queries. In the search described above, you noticed that two author names (Harzing and Jacsó) occur several times. You therefore wonder whether these authors have published any additional work on Google Scholar. In order to find out you can run an advanced author query by combining an author name with the words Google Scholar in the “All of the words” or “The phrase” field.
As the search is already fairly refined by including the author names, it is probably better to not tick the title-words only box. This allows you to find not only articles with Google Scholar in the title, but also articles that refer in some way to Google Scholar. In the screenshot below, you will find some articles that explicitly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Google Scholar and its use for citation analysis. However, you will also find papers that reflect on the nature of evaluating academic research and impact in a broader sense.