Flag of EnglandHot chocolate and scones

Name Hot chocolate and scones
Origin England
Type Extra
Cook Ron van der Wal
Notes Contains sugar
Trivia You can also make scones the hard way, but I find the method below much more convenient.


For the hot chocolate (per person):

For the scones (makes 6-8):


Hot chocolate:

  1. Pour the milk that you need for the number of servings, less 10%, in a sauce pan and heat on a low fire.
  2. Meanwhile, prepare the cacao mix in a separate a mug for each serving: Mix the cacao powder and suger, then add a little milk and stir until thoroughly mixed. The mixture should have the consistency of a thick sauce.
  3. When the milk is hot, add to the mugs and mix thoroughly until the cacao mixture is dissolved. Serve with some whipped cream on top.


  1. Follow the instructions on the package. Basically, you have to add some milk to the scones mix, knead, roll out, stamp out (round) scones, then bake for app. 20 minutes.
  2. Serve with some butter and various marmelades. Some whipped cream is also nice.
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This page was last modified on 7-11-99 19:03