Flag of the NetherlandsSnert

Name Snert (Pea soup, also known as "Erwtensoep")
Origin Netherlands
Type Soup (can be used as a main dish)
Cook Mirka Straathof
Notes Contains meat (pork)
Trivia This is a typical winter dish, very nourishing. It is a popular after-skating dish, often available from stands along the ice rink or canal.

Ingredients (serves 12)


  1. Boil the pork cutlets in the water for app. 30 minutes.
  2. Take out the pork, then add the stock cubes and peas to the water. Bring to boil again, then simmer for app. 3 hours.
  3. Cut, slice, and chop the remaining vegetables, then add them during the last 15 minutes.
  4. Cut the pork into small pieces, then add to the soup.
  5. If you have the smoked sausages, cut them into slices and add them during the last 5 minutes.
  6. Serve with rough brown or black bread.
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This page was last modified on 7-11-99 19:03