Flag of EgyptMolochia

Name Molochia (Egyptian spinach)
Origin Egypt
Type Side dish
Cook Amany Shahin
Notes Contains chicken broth, but vegetarians could replace this by a vegatable-based stock.
Trivia It looks like spinach, tastes like spinach. I'm not sure that it isn't spinach... Anybody want to enlighten me (Ron)?

Ingredients (serves 4-6)


  1. Bring the chicken broth to boil, then add the frozen or defrosted (your call) molochia. (If you use fresh molochia, you will have to cook it, then chop afterwards.)
  2. Meanwhile, fry the garlic in the butter until lightly glazed.
  3. Once the molochia is done, add the garlic and chicken spices to it, mix, add salt to taste, simmer for a few more minutes (don't let it boil again), then serve.
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