Under constructionWe need help!


We need your help to maintain this web site. It has grown quite a bit since the original recipe collection (it currently contains about 120 different web pages, plus hunderds of links to external web sites!) and any contributions are welcome. The idea is to make this a useful site for international students in Bradford, so this is your chance to share your experiences with your fellow students, now and in the future, and vent your gripes!

Please send us your input on:

You don't have to be a web author or even a fluent writer in English; we'll take care of the web page creation and, if necessary, some editing of the text.

Thanks in advance,
— Ron & Anne-Wil.

International Dinners home page Copyright © 1999-2000 Anne-Wil Harzing and Ron van der Wal. All rights reserved. Legal notices and colophon.
This page was last modified on 7-11-99 19:03