Flag of BrazilCocadinhas

Name Cocadinhas (Brazilian coconut treat)
Origin Brazil
Type Dessert or sweets
Cook Claudio de Mattos
Trivia This one took months of diplomatic efforts (i.e., threats and violence) and a huge ransom to obtain. For an authentic result, you also need a Polish wife to make the nicely wrinkled wrappers.

Ingredients (serves 6-8 as a dessert; more as a sweet)


  1. Heat the condensed milk in a sauce pan until it is luke-warm.
  2. Add about three-quarters of the dessicated coconut to the milk. Keep stirring until the mixture has sufficient consistency — as soon as it holds together well enough that you can see the bottom of the pan while passing a spoon through the mixture. Turn off the fire and let the mixture cool down.
  3. Form little balls from the mixture, about 2 cm (6/8 in) across. Roll the balls through the remaining dessicated coconut to give them a coconut coating.
  4. For an added touch, place them in small wrinkled wrappers.
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This page was last modified on 7-11-99 19:03