Flag of FranceMousse au chocolat

Name Mousse au chocolat (Chocolate mousse)
Origin France
Type Dessert
Cook Katrin Wittenberg
Notes Contains sugar, so may not be suitable for persons with diabetes.
Trivia Do never show this recipe to anyone who counts calories! Very good for parties. Take good, not the cheapest chocolate and do not take British chocolate! (— not my [Ron's] observation, but perhaps I agree...)

Ingredients (serves 8-12)


  1. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Whisk the yolks with the icing sugar until you get a light yellow foam.
  2. Melt the chocolate and add it to the egg foam (terrible procedure).
  3. Beat egg whites until you get a stable substance (i.e., if you cut it with a knife, the cut should not vanish) and add it to the chocolate-egg-mixture. Be careful not to destroy the mixture by stirring it too hard.
  4. Carefully add the whipped cream and put the mousse in the fridge (3-12 hours).
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